Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by FlipnKraut
And I'd call you a thief and a parasite on humanity.
At least when the rich do it, they're usually part of a company that does provide a service (banks/manufacturing/etc). Any generally those same rich people did have to do something to get to where they are, you're not born into being the CEO of a company. The poor just sit there, never contributing anything to society except more poor people.
Your justification of the exorbitant spending habits of the rich by pointing to their service in banking is laughable. Exactly what service is someone working in Finance providing besides specializing in the realm of hyper-speculation, placing bets on mobile pieces of property, paper currency and virtual data stored on computers? What
kind of service and
on behalf of whom? The idea of a CEO having "to do something to get to where they are," is true from a very basic standpoint. But the fundamental issues are,
what had to be done in order to become a CEO and how do these particular actions relate to the increasing stratification in this country.
Please, save your protestant work-ethic ideology for someone else. Your claim that the "poor just sit there, never contributing anything to society except more poor people," I take it, is at once a reification of this ideology and another variation of the "Welfare queen," a non-gendered critique of the "poor" who collect government assistance and produce illegitimate children who themselves will be on welfare. But again, you ignore the fact that as of 2011, up to $5million can be pa8ssed down from an individual without incurring the "wrath" of federal estate tax. You make no mention of the emerging Dynasty Trusts which at best(or worse) provide a head start to those lucky enough to inherit these trusts, and at worst create generations of people who themselves don't know the meaning of work. So who, FlipnKraut, just sits there?