Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

But it turns out the guy had several warrants in another county so it explains why he acted like that.
He seemed to know his rights but I'm sure he thought they'd just detain him until the other cops came and got him.

They took him to jail anyway. They knew who he was and was going to get him either way so I didn't matter if he cooperated or not.
makes no sense. youre suggesting that he roll over for a cop stroking his ego cuz his kid is in the car? absolutely not. you stand up for you and your family. you really wanted dude to just do whatever the cop said smh. cop could prolly gave them a sobriety test then felt up the wife like in the movie crash and youd say "he should just chill, the baby is in the car" foh with that nonsense

im mad the wife folded to be honest. she cracked under slight pressure. he needs to not forget that for as long as hes with her. i dunno if theyre married or not but a woman ALWAYS needs to stand by her man as long as he is right. she got out the car saying she didnt want them to take her baby. she wasnt thinking. if theyre punking you like this for no reason, you really think if they wanna make up a reason to take your child... they wouldnt just because you finally tapdanced for em? stupid. but women think with emotion so...

Must say the concept of what you said I understand but let's keep it funky. Any alternative to complying with an officer is going to yield more violent results. Yes it will look like you rolling over but what's the other option? Decline and they just walk away? Y'all know that ain't happening. It don't matter how wrong the cop is in a situation once you try to "be a real man" and fight back they gon put that baton on ya or shoot you and be justified.

These cops looking to antagonize and provoke you to make you act up just so they can say"I was defending myself" or "my life was threatened"
^^^Right and right.

If that was me and I'm in the truck with my girl, and a new born(2 weeks old), I'm not putting those two in danger to make a point, unfortunately I'm taking the L. Even if I think I'm going to jail for getting out of the truck, I'm taking that L, no way I put my (if it's not his maybe he didn't care) baby who is quite possibly out of the house for the first time ever in the hands of the police. And the girl folding is a natural reaction when the police start telling you that they are going to take your baby, just a bad move all the way around if you ask me.
I was mad at him watching the video because I put myself in his situation and I can't FOR THE LIFE OF ME PHATHOM, putting my 2 week old in someone else's hands, I'd sacrifice myself for sure, even if the cop was wrong. I'd have to. Have to
Must say the concept of what you said I understand but let's keep it funky. Any alternative to complying with an officer is going to yield more violent results. Yes it will look like you rolling over but what's the other option? Decline and they just walk away? Y'all know that ain't happening. It don't matter how wrong the cop is in a situation once you try to "be a real man" and fight back they gon put that baton on ya or shoot you and be justified.

These cops looking to antagonize and provoke you to make you act up just so they can say"I was defending myself" or "my life was threatened"

At the same time, if everyone just let cops mistreat them, nothing changes. I personally wouldn't do it with a baby in the car but I don't blame the guy. There's this mentality where things won't go wrong if you comply with these abusive, racist cops but the truth is - things also don't get better. The cop would never do that to a white person. Ever in his life. He would never go through all that trouble, bring out the drug sniffing dogs, lie about matching a description, etc. EVER. This guy took a stand and at the very least, exposed that cop. Maybe the cop'll get a paid leave like Wilson and nothing'll happen... but maybe this puts pressure on the department to let this scum piece of trash go. Maybe it leads to more people recording these "legitimate traffic stops" and exposing these frauds.

People might get thrown in jail or beaten or even killed - and it's terrible - but how else can you expose this ridiculous system? Stats are there for everyone to view and people do nothing about it. Strong video proof of racism and abuse is needed or white people don't believe it really happens. Even then, there's people that'll defend the cop.
At the same time, if everyone just let cops mistreat them, nothing changes. I personally wouldn't do it with a baby in the car but I don't blame the guy. There's this mentality where things won't go wrong if you comply with these abusive, racist cops but the truth is - things also don't get better. The cop would never do that to a white person. Ever in his life. He would never go through all that trouble, bring out the drug sniffing dogs, lie about matching a description, etc. EVER. This guy took a stand and at the very least, exposed that cop. Maybe the cop'll get a paid leave like Wilson and nothing'll happen... but maybe this puts pressure on the department to let this scum piece of trash go. Maybe it leads to more people recording these "legitimate traffic stops" and exposing these frauds.

People might get thrown in jail or beaten or even killed - and it's terrible - but how else can you expose this ridiculous system? Stats are there for everyone to view and people do nothing about it. Strong video proof of racism and abuse is needed or white people don't believe it really happens. Even then, there's people that'll defend the cop.

I agree, with each action there's a loss. But when you comply and later released that cop will have far too many searches with no results creating a question in his initial motives which could lead to the higher ups, given that their system isn't as corrupt as Ferguson's, reviewing him and making him reduce his searches.

Either way, if the system is comfortable with the way things are there will be very little if any change. Best way to change the system is to show up and vote locally
I agree with a-friend on the sense that you need to know when to pick your battles.

Example, the situation where the cop broke the car window and tased the guy with his wife and kid in the car. The cops actions were disgusting and he's an animal, but if you have your young child in the car, its probably best to humor this pigs and go on with your day.

They were fortunate enough to have that incident filmed, but im sure its numerous similar situations where the person isn't fortunate enough to film the wrongdoings of the cop.

If you don't have kids or a family of your own, then its more incentive to not let them push you around, but if you got a wife and kids, nothing good comes out of potentially getting beat into a vegetable, or even killed dealing with an overly aggressive cop who felt "his life was endangered". Yeah your fam may get some settlement $$ but the damage is already done.

Dr. Cornell West arrested. #ferguson pic.twitter.com/HwlXPLNOqc
— Craig Cheatham (@CheathamKMOV) October 13, 2014
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I agree, with each action there's a loss. But when you comply and later released that cop will have far too many searches with no results creating a question in his initial motives which could lead to the higher ups, given that their system isn't as corrupt as Ferguson's, reviewing him and making him reduce his searches.

Either way, if the system is comfortable with the way things are there will be very little if any change. Best way to change the system is to show up and vote locally

Sorry man, I think that's a huge stretch. Banking on the system figuring out that a certain cop has too many searches with no results? Are you assuming that Ferguson is some outlier in these types of situations? There's a thread here titled "Whites way more likely to sell drugs, Blacks more likely to be arrested for it". Look at the "Stop and Frisk" numbers in New York. This stuff is common knowledge. It's public record. They know what they do. There's no one checking the system and telling cops to reduce "random" searches on black people. Not in Ferguson, not ANYWHERE.

Yes, voting locally is important and definitely a step everyone should take but it can't be the only step. If the system is comfortable, it doesn't matter who you vote for locally. All the candidates are going to be on the side of the system. They don't want to ruffle feathers either.

I'm not saying to riot or anything. This guy didn't do anything aggressive. Being passive about this stuff doesn't do anything. As long as you're okay with that, that's fine. This guy may have put himself at risk but at least he got that disgusting cop off the streets. Voting locally would NEVER do that.
 [h1]Cornel West Arrested In Ferguson[/h1]
The Huffington Post  | By Paige Lavender  & Mariah Stewart
  • Emai

Posted: 10/13/2014 1:12 pm EDT Updated: 1 hour ago

West was in Ferguson as part of the "Ferguson October" rally, which has been attended by over 1,000 protesters.Author and activist Cornel West was arrested  while demonstrating in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday.

Journalists in Ferguson tweeted photos of the incident Monday afternoon:

West had joined peaceful demonstrations at St. Louis University on Sunday night. Hours earlier, during a large mass protest service, West said that he came to get arrested.

“It’s a beautiful thing to see people on fire for justice, but I didn’t come here to give a speech,” West said during a discussion on Sunday night. “I came here to go to jail.”
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Way to be tough and not a "wimp" like some guy in a movie I guess.
Wrong time for that. I won't say I hope you don't have kids but...
^^^Right and right.

If that was me and I'm in the truck with my girl, and a new born(2 weeks old), I'm not putting those two in danger to make a point, unfortunately I'm taking the L. Even if I think I'm going to jail for getting out of the truck, I'm taking that L, no way I put my (if it's not his maybe he didn't care) baby who is quite possibly out of the house for the first time ever in the hands of the police. And the girl folding is a natural reaction when the police start telling you that they are going to take your baby, just a bad move all the way around if you ask me.
I was mad at him watching the video because I put myself in his situation and I can't FOR THE LIFE OF ME PHATHOM, putting my 2 week old in someone else's hands, I'd sacrifice myself for sure, even if the cop was wrong. I'd have to. Have to
Must say the concept of what you said I understand but let's keep it funky. Any alternative to complying with an officer is going to yield more violent results. Yes it will look like you rolling over but what's the other option? Decline and they just walk away? Y'all know that ain't happening. It don't matter how wrong the cop is in a situation once you try to "be a real man" and fight back they gon put that baton on ya or shoot you and be justified.

These cops looking to antagonize and provoke you to make you act up just so they can say"I was defending myself" or "my life was threatened"
people like you 2 are EXACTLY who the cops are looking for to begin with. some "good ol boys" who know when to bend over. im not playing tough, and ive been in more racist cop situations than you have. but unlike you two, i was taught to stand up for myself.  im not yielding to a cop who is blatantly profiling me. like i said, yall would let ya wife get felt up just to keep the peace and not get in trouble. If im getting profiled on camera and all this **** is going down, all im thinking about is the settlement check. Id be on the floor facedown laughing about how much **** imma talk to sallie mae to pay off the loan in full. what color car to get. which stocks to put money in. i dont care if i get taken to jail. ill be compensated since theres no way for them to win this. and nobody said to fight the police physically. you fight exactly how this guy just did. by the book.

so you two keep on asking how high when they say jump. im SURE they wont mess with u just because. make sure to use spirit fingers while you tapdance for em. and PLEASE believe me you two...your woman will look at u real different seeing how quick you b***h up to authority even when theyre wrong. stand for something in your lives.
At the same time, if everyone just let cops mistreat them, nothing changes. I personally wouldn't do it with a baby in the car but I don't blame the guy. There's this mentality where things won't go wrong if you comply with these abusive, racist cops but the truth is - things also don't get better. The cop would never do that to a white person. Ever in his life. He would never go through all that trouble, bring out the drug sniffing dogs, lie about matching a description, etc. EVER. This guy took a stand and at the very least, exposed that cop. Maybe the cop'll get a paid leave like Wilson and nothing'll happen... but maybe this puts pressure on the department to let this scum piece of trash go. Maybe it leads to more people recording these "legitimate traffic stops" and exposing these frauds.

People might get thrown in jail or beaten or even killed - and it's terrible - but how else can you expose this ridiculous system? Stats are there for everyone to view and people do nothing about it. Strong video proof of racism and abuse is needed or white people don't believe it really happens. Even then, there's people that'll defend the cop.
EXACTLY! if everyone was like these two bozos up above, we'd all still be living in segregation. they assume compliance = safety. howd that work out for mike brown which is the reaosn we're in this thread? does putting your hands up and surrendering result in your safety? how about for the guy at the gas station? did him going to get his wallet once TOLD to get his wallet work out? what about the video from a few months back where dude was in the car at a traffic stop and the officer started wrestling with him on purpose yelling "stop reaching for my gun!" while the black guys hands were up to the ceiling ON CAMERA yelling "im not! IM NOT!" did compliance during that traffic stop help him?

yall dont think. youre in a hank shrader situation. theyre gonna do what theyre gonna do to you ANYWAYS. all you control is how you react. hell, dude had his baby in the car LAST WEEK and the cop bust his window and tazed him in the back right in front of his kid and wife. WAKE UP
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Sorry man, I think that's a huge stretch. Banking on the system figuring out that a certain cop has too many searches with no results? Are you assuming that Ferguson is some outlier in these types of situations? There's a thread here titled "Whites way more likely to sell drugs, Blacks more likely to be arrested for it". Look at the "Stop and Frisk" numbers in New York. This stuff is common knowledge. It's public record. They know what they do. There's no one checking the system and telling cops to reduce "random" searches on black people. Not in Ferguson, not ANYWHERE.

Yes, voting locally is important and definitely a step everyone should take but it can't be the only step. If the system is comfortable, it doesn't matter who you vote for locally. All the candidates are going to be on the side of the system. They don't want to ruffle feathers either.

I'm not saying to riot or anything. This guy didn't do anything aggressive. Being passive about this stuff doesn't do anything. As long as you're okay with that, that's fine. This guy may have put himself at risk but at least he got that disgusting cop off the streets. Voting locally would NEVER do that.

I addressed the fact that the system itself has to want the change which if you vote locally you can get people who are aware of these injustices and will work to get them stopped.

You can take the stand up for myself and apply it to a cop and get shot and not a single prosecution will be made. I've had this convo before on MT and I'll pass on reiterating my view.

You the man bro
I addressed the fact that the system itself has to want the change which if you vote locally you can get people who are aware of these injustices and will work to get them stopped.

You can take the stand up for myself and apply it to a cop and get shot and not a single prosecution will be made. I've had this convo before on MT and I'll pass on reiterating my view.

You the man bro

For the system to want to change, there needs to be stuff like this that puts pressure on it. Compliance just lets the system do its thing. No one is going to run for office talking about making changes to the racism and abuse if there isn't public pressure. Not a soul. Let's be serious - the average person doesn't think racism is still alive. They think the system is fine and that this stuff happens because minorities are criminals or "look like criminals".

I think it's fine if you'd rather not put yourself, your girl or your baby in danger. I'm not judging anyone for taking that route. It's probably safer although it hasn't stopped cops before. All I'm saying is that route leads to nothing changing. I applaud this guy who risked himself and exposed that waste of life. He actually made a difference. That's not easy to do.

The funny part is considering that guy didn't put hands on him or shoot him or do anything crazy (besides threaten to take his baby away) - he's probably one of the more reasonable cops on that force.
Comply in the moment so that have have a chance to change the way things are. Ferguson is show that if a system is flawed there is no guarantee that an issue will make a change happen. But if the people in the system were appointed to their position because they want to stop said injustice things could happen
What a truly great deed by Cornell for the people of MO

Hope more influential black people or other influential people period take a stand and show true leadership instead of just stammering on about it on social media
Man how old are you TekTheMaestro? Just saying you are showing your immaturity right now.

First you tell us that we are the ones the cops are looking for to begin with.
They pulled these guys over BECAUSE they knew who he was already, and that he had warrants, just not in their county.

Then you do say one smart thing, but it contradicts everything you said prior.
You said if it was all on video you would have been face down complying so you could get your check.
This is my point all along, if the guy has the video going that's all the proof he needs to show the cop arrested/harrassed him so don't jeopardize the safety or well being of your family any further by not complying.
This is what got the cop fired, not the fact that he resisted arrest and didn't comply. The cop got put on leave because of the video, he didn't have to get his girl arrested in the process to make a point, it was all on video.

And to ever assume that you've been in any situation more than someone else, in this instance "racial cop situations" is silly, yet you call us BOZO's.

It sounds like you'd be appreciative of being in this situation JUST SO YOU COULD GET A CHECK, not so that you could make a stand for whats right.

As soon as that light bulb went off in your little head where you realized you could sue for being discriminated against and get some MONEY, only then did you say you'd comply, before that you were wanting to be resistant and not comply.

You have to be like 20 years old and just don't know any better at this point.
Your comparisons are that of a child and your rationale behind complying is quite simply ebarrassing

Im done discussing this with you though, you lack the forethought to discuss with me on topics like this
Man how old are you TekTheMaestro? Just saying you are showing your immaturity right now.

First you tell us that we are the ones the cops are looking for to begin with.
They pulled these guys over BECAUSE they knew who he was already, and that he had warrants, just not in their county.

Then you do say one smart thing, but it contradicts everything you said prior.
You said if it was all on video you would have been face down complying so you could get your check.
This is my point all along, if the guy has the video going that's all the proof he needs to show the cop arrested/harrassed him so don't jeopardize the safety or well being of your family any further by not complying.
This is what got the cop fired, not the fact that he resisted arrest and didn't comply. The cop got put on leave because of the video, he didn't have to get his girl arrested in the process to make a point, it was all on video.

And to ever assume that you've been in any situation more than someone else, in this instance "racial cop situations" is silly, yet you call us BOZO's.

It sounds like you'd be appreciative of being in this situation JUST SO YOU COULD GET A CHECK, not so that you could make a stand for whats right.

As soon as that light bulb went off in your little head where you realized you could sue for being discriminated against and get some MONEY, only then did you say you'd comply, before that you were wanting to be resistant and not comply.

You have to be like 20 years old and just don't know any better at this point.
Your comparisons are that of a child and your rationale behind complying is quite simply ebarrassing

Im done discussing this with you though, you lack the forethought to discuss with me on topics like this
Why is it when White folks tape themselves being ***** to cops, they're let go?

Thats the bigger picture. White folks can disrespect cops and driveway. Blacks and Browns get taken away.
edshoecator edshoecator Racial profiling man. The cops that do it have no right to, but they do because of racial profiling and it's wrong, I'm glad he got it on tape and busted that dude off the force.

Even in this instance I'm not so much disagreeing with how the guy acted, it's him acting that way with the 2 week old in the car and aggressively promoting his girl to not comply as well.
I'm not saying I would act like he did even if the baby wasn't in the car because I wouldn't, but It'd sit better with me if he acted that way and it was just him, or just him and his girl.
The video would have been all the proof I needed to turn in on him.
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@Edshoecator Racial profiling man. The cops that do it have no right to, but they do because of racial profiling and it's wrong, I'm glad he got it on tape and busted that dude off the force.

Even in this instance I'm not so much disagreeing with how the guy acted, it's him acting that way with the 2 week old in the car and aggressively promoting his girl to not comply as well.
I'm not saying I would act like he did even if the baby wasn't in the car because I wouldn't, but It'd sit better with me if he acted that way and it was just him, or just him and his girl.
The video would have been all the proof I needed to turn in on him.
The world JUST sucks.

If I had a child in the car...I would be "yes sir/maam" and be on my way.

You DO have to pick your battles.
^^^yes sir

On another note, what's going on with this last kid they tasered and shot to death
Man how old are you TekTheMaestro? Just saying you are showing your immaturity right now.

First you tell us that we are the ones the cops are looking for to begin with.
They pulled these guys over BECAUSE they knew who he was already, and that he had warrants, just not in their county.

Then you do say one smart thing, but it contradicts everything you said prior.
You said if it was all on video you would have been face down complying so you could get your check.
This is my point all along, if the guy has the video going that's all the proof he needs to show the cop arrested/harrassed him so don't jeopardize the safety or well being of your family any further by not complying.
This is what got the cop fired, not the fact that he resisted arrest and didn't comply. The cop got put on leave because of the video, he didn't have to get his girl arrested in the process to make a point, it was all on video.

And to ever assume that you've been in any situation more than someone else, in this instance "racial cop situations" is silly, yet you call us BOZO's.

It sounds like you'd be appreciative of being in this situation JUST SO YOU COULD GET A CHECK, not so that you could make a stand for whats right.

As soon as that light bulb went off in your little head where you realized you could sue for being discriminated against and get some MONEY, only then did you say you'd comply, before that you were wanting to be resistant and not comply.

You have to be like 20 years old and just don't know any better at this point.
Your comparisons are that of a child and your rationale behind complying is quite simply ebarrassing

Im done discussing this with you though, you lack the forethought to discuss with me on topics like this
1. im 25

2. you are exactly who the cops hope they run into, someone who will get punked with a smile on their face so they can laugh about it later over donuts.

3. no, they pulled this GIRL over for no real reason. if youd actually listened to the radio, he asked if they had warrants to which the dispatch said NO, not any in our jurisdiction anyways. so why would u pull someone over for warrants in another jurisdiction? so those police could leave THEIR jurisdiction, come over here...and NOT arrest him? you sound stupid

4. NO. reading is fundamental. i said, "If im getting profiled on camera and all this **** is going down, all im thinking about is the settlement check. Id be on the floor facedown laughing about how much **** imma talk to sallie mae to pay off the loan in full."  perhaps i need to spell it out. "you fight exactly how this guy just did. by the book." i would fight exactly how this guy did and when they pulled me out id be laughing about it. people who comply with the police typically dont have to be put facedown on the ground. you reached.

5. you think if they DIDNT get arrested this wouldve even been handled the way it was? it wouldve been "the officer was recommended to redo some training, no harm no foul."

6. NO. when youve been in a situation far more than the average, it is safe to assume. and by the age of 16 I had been to court to fight off 6 cases. crazy part is i lived in a beautiful suburb of south florida.

7. again, i NEVER said anything about complying. but you dont read well so i understand.

8. yes. when im in the middle of being wronged im thinking ahead. theyre systematically oppressing me on camera. im going to systematically dismantle them. not too hard to understand for most people. even people with "my little head"

9. wrong. im seeing a pattern with your guesses being wrong though

10. i lack forethought because I wouldnt just roll over to a pig with a badge and you will. got it. on your way now
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So...people in Ferguson have organized a mass consumer shutdown of area Walmarts.  This is huge because it represents a purposeful economic disruption of dominant society income. 

Why Walmart:  One of the reasons is because Walmart (in Ohio) is where the black man John Crawford was shot and killed by cops a month or two ago.  Walmart was pretty mum about the situation and all of the politicians did their usual 'we have to trust the Grand Jury and wait for all the details' song and dance.
The only difference in him getting out vs staying in the car is the obstruction charge. The officer knew who he was, knew he was going to pull him over, and knew he was going to search him. The warrants are irrelevant. They're driving under sus. and speeding from 06 or 07 from a city that won't come pick him up for it. Everybody involved knew that going in. The reason Stockett reacted that way is because he's always getting stopped by the police. He was stopped last month with the same woman, who was pregnant at the time, and made to stand on the side of the road while his car was searched for hours. Dude is fed up. He's getting harassed and he knows it. The problem is that when the spd deals with you they put you on their radar and f with you everytime they get bored. A cop got killed by one of his 'favorites' a few years back. Dude said he was fed up. That's their unwritten procedure for traffic stops. The only reason the cop is in trouble is because he got caught on tape. If Stockett would've complied with that unlawful request for id and then filed a complaint there would've been zero consequences for the cop
The only difference in him getting out vs staying in the car is the obstruction charge. The officer knew who he was, knew he was going to pull him over, and knew he was going to search him. The warrants are irrelevant. They're driving under sus. and speeding from 06 or 07 from a city that won't come pick him up for it. Everybody involved knew that going in. The reason Stockett reacted that way is because he's always getting stopped by the police. He was stopped last month with the same woman, who was pregnant at the time, and made to stand on the side of the road while his car was searched for hours. Dude is fed up. He's getting harassed and he knows it. The problem is that when the spd deals with you they put you on their radar and f with you everytime they get bored. A cop got killed by one of his 'favorites' a few years back. Dude said he was fed up. That's their unwritten procedure for traffic stops. The only reason the cop is in trouble is because he got caught on tape. If Stockett would've complied with that unlawful request for id and then filed a complaint there would've been zero consequences for the cop
I take your word for it because you know him, and that explains why he acted that way for sure.

I was never debating him handling it like he did or even saying it was wrong, just stated I personally wouldn't have handled it the way he did, but I understand why he was so frustrated and aggressive after reading your post. Again, I wasn't trying to make a point that he should have complied and rolled over(definitely didn't know his history with the PD), I myself was disturbed by his actions as a Father with the 2 week old in the back, and also making the Mother to feel like she had to obstruct when she obviously cared about nothing but her Kid

@Drones  Did the people protest outside the WalMart and cause them to close, or did they group together and decide to stop shopping there for the time being?
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