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Come on Herrera!
Garcia is going to have a problem with dudes that can box. Herrera is fighting so negative though it's not even funny. Just jab hold, jab jab hold some more.
Who do you guys have winning?  I figured there would be no point in watching giving Garcia's "skill," but apparently it's not as easy of a fight as I thought.  Watching the end now.
Garcia going to get a gift from the judges. If he moves up, he won't have the power advantage and he'll get outboxed.

Gotta love it when his dad is telling him he isn't winning and the judges are giving it to him.
Garcia doesn't even deserve this herrera is boxing his tail off and getting a lesson in boxing. He don't want floyd
OMG herrera has impressed me. Just destroying kid swift this was entertaining real entertaining
Herrera should win but they are in Puerto Rico he ain't winning on scorecard
Cotto should have lost to Zab Judan in Puerto Rico but they let Cotto punch Zab's nuts off 
. I'd never agree to fight there.
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