Please don't Home School your kids

Jul 16, 2005
So im at work juss chillin and this 7th grader comes and starts talking and all and goes i want to go to VT. Im like cool and she goes remember thatshooting that happened there, and she goes was it saddam hussein that did that. i didnt know what to say. Straight up gave her the
aite aite. i should change the title. wasnt really tryin to say home school kids dont know much. i was juss shocked when i heard her say was it saddam hussienwho did this.
I used to live next door to a couple of twits who were home schooled.

I kid you not, that family could not have been more of a real-life version of the Flanders.

Rod, Todd, Ned, Maude. They were all there man. It was nuts.
So you justify not home schooling your kids off of one little girl's response.
Good Job.
well if the kid had been in a typical public school she probably would never have heard about Virginia Tech and would've told you something about BritneySpears
Originally Posted by infamousod

well if the kid had been in a typical public school she probably would never have heard about Virginia Tech and would've told you something about Britney Spears

Well said.
I've encountered a few people who were home schooled and it definitely hurt their social skills. Talk about being socially inept. They all can't belike Tim Tebow.
Home school is an advantage imo. More focus on the students learning, less focus on the knuckleheads that don't want to learn. Im an educator btw so impretty passionate about topics like this. When I have kids they will either be home or private schooled.
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