playing acoustic guitar VOL is it hard?

Made in Mexico strat is the standard for the average guitar player, its all you really need. $400. amp separate. $1200 for an American (true classic).

the Squire and made in Japan/Asia strats have been a roller coaster as far as quality.

an amp can range all over the place, you need to get one that fits your needs/space constraints.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how much can I get a stratocaster with a decent amp for?

a squire or whatever is like 200 bucks with an amp. an american made strat was like 1200 i think. a mexican one around 400 maybe. you have to buy an amp separately though with those. might be lower though because those are the prices i remember from looking at lefty guitars.

yes it will be lower...lefty guitars are more expensive.

your best bet is for guitars, and for everything else man.
I picked up a Strat starter pack not too long ago. I learned a few chords but lately I haven't been playing because the guitar was at my new house andI'm currently still living in the old one. I got it back yesterday though and I'm anxious to start trying again. You guys should sign up for the free 6lessons from JAMORAMA. It is just some basic stuff. I think the full course is like $40 and it got some really good reviews. I don't know if I want toshell out that much though... Maybe I can split it with someone.
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