Pizza Appreciation

Pizza is so boss
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

I cant wait for someone to come in here and say somethin like "Yea Papa Johns is the truth."
im somewhat of pizza snob myself (but I will eat ANY pizza if that is the only option), but some people might think Papa Johns is awesome cause they just dont know any better.  Not everyone lives in a Pizza mecca like NYC.  People from small towns or younger dudes who havent traveled or tasted much, just dont know better.  Not their fault really.

I can eat the chain stuff (Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns) but moreso when I'm really hungry and really faded.  I'm as cheap as the next guy, but when it comes to pizza I'd rather pay $20-25 for a legit large pepperoni pie, than the 3 pizzas for $15 type of promotions from the local chain place.  My biggest gripe with chain pizza joints is the crust.  A good pizza dough makes or breaks it.  Honestly, I can deal with average sauce and average cheese as long as the dough/crust is a perfect chewy and crispy consistency (with good flavor).  Chain pizza dough tastes like spongy bread.  I think the reason a lot of people dont like pizza crust is because they grew up eating chain pizzas and that is the only crust experience theyve ever known.

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

I cant wait for someone to come in here and say somethin like "Yea Papa Johns is the truth."
im somewhat of pizza snob myself (but I will eat ANY pizza if that is the only option), but some people might think Papa Johns is awesome cause they just dont know any better.  Not everyone lives in a Pizza mecca like NYC.  People from small towns or younger dudes who havent traveled or tasted much, just dont know better.  Not their fault really.

I can eat the chain stuff (Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns) but moreso when I'm really hungry and really faded.  I'm as cheap as the next guy, but when it comes to pizza I'd rather pay $20-25 for a legit large pepperoni pie, than the 3 pizzas for $15 type of promotions from the local chain place.  My biggest gripe with chain pizza joints is the crust.  A good pizza dough makes or breaks it.  Honestly, I can deal with average sauce and average cheese as long as the dough/crust is a perfect chewy and crispy consistency (with good flavor).  Chain pizza dough tastes like spongy bread.  I think the reason a lot of people dont like pizza crust is because they grew up eating chain pizzas and that is the only crust experience theyve ever known.

Love all the local joints around here but there is just something about a hand tossed, supreme w/ extra sauce from Pizza Hut.

But yes pizza in general...
Love all the local joints around here but there is just something about a hand tossed, supreme w/ extra sauce from Pizza Hut.

But yes pizza in general...
as a kid it was a means of celebration....a once in a blue moon event.

as a college is a means of survival....
as a kid it was a means of celebration....a once in a blue moon event.

as a college is a means of survival....
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