I can't wait for the Incredibles. It better be amazing after so long. It has a lot to live up to - the first is one of the greatest superhero movies of all time - and is full of quotables.
Toy Story 4 looking for writers
Rashida Jones Explains Why She Really Left Toy Story 4. And It Wasn't Because of 'Unwanted Advances'

In a statement to the New York Times, however, Jones said McCormack instead cited “philosophical differences” and Pixar’s treatment of female and minority employees.
“We did not leave Pixar because of unwanted advances. That is untrue,” they said. “We parted ways because of creative and, more importantly, philosophical differences.
Disney's John Lasseter takes leave of absence, apologizes for unwanted gestures

John Lasseter, one of the biggest names in animation, is taking a leave of absence from Disney following what he called "missteps."

In an internal memo sent to Disney employees obtained by CNN, Lasseter, who is the chief creative officer of Pixar and Disney Animation, said that he recently had "a number of difficult conversations that have been very painful for me."

"It's never easy to face your missteps, but it's the only way to learn from them. As a result, I've been giving a lot of thought to the leader I am today compared to the mentor, advocate and champion I want to be. It's been brought to my attention that I have made some of you feel disrespected or uncomfortable. That was never my intent," he wrote.

Lasseter added that he wanted apologize to "anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an unwanted hug or any other gesture they felt crossed the line in any way, shape, or form."

"No matter how benign my intent, everyone has the right to set their own boundaries and have them respected," he added.

According to Lasseter, he and Disney have agreed to "take some time away to reflect on how to move forward from here."

"As hard as it is for me to step away from a job I am so passionate about and a team I hold in the highest regard, not just as artists but as people, I know it's the best thing for all of us right now," he wrote. "My hope is that a six-month sabbatical will give me the opportunity to start taking better care of myself, to recharge and be inspired, and ultimately return with the insight and perspective I need to be the leader you deserve."

A Disney spokesperson told CNN the company is "committed to maintaining an environment in which all employees are respected and empowered to do their best work."

"We appreciate John's candor and sincere apology and fully support his sabbatical," the spokesperson said.

Lasseter's statement comes on the same day that The Hollywood Reporter, who first reported Lasseter's memo, published a story with the headline "John Lasseter's pattern of alleged misconduct detailed by Disney/Pixar insiders."

The report quotes an unnamed Pixar employee as saying Lasseter had a reputation among employees "for grabbing, kissing, making comments about physical attributes."

Lasseter is one of the founders of the highly successful Pixar animation studio that has been behind films, including "Toy Story," "Finding Nemo" and "Inside Out." Since its inception, Pixar has gone on to make more than $11 billion at the worldwide box office and win multiple Academy Awards.

Disney bought Pixar in 2006 in roughly a $7 billion deal that made Lasseter the chief creative officer for the company's two animation studios.

Lasseter is credited with a resurgence for Disney's Animation, which has seen recent hits like "Frozen" and "Moana."

He's also an executive producer for "Coco," Pixar's latest film scheduled to hit theaters on Wednesday.

A representative for Lasseter did not immediately respond for comment on this story.
Something tells me that the Incredibles 2 is going to be as big a disappointment as Finding Dory was
COco was great. I loved the Mexican theme. Very good.

As a Mexican-American, that movie hit me right in the feels. I cried at several points in the movie, I don’t think I made it last the opening scene with a dry eye. Just a beautiful story about family that anyone can relate to but it was great to see a movie focused on a side of Mexican culture besides narcos. I will be watching this movie again as Pixar has released it in certain theatres with Spanish audio.
As a Mexican-American, that movie hit me right in the feels. I cried at several points in the movie, I don’t think I made it last the opening scene with a dry eye. Just a beautiful story about family that anyone can relate to but it was great to see a movie focused on a side of Mexican culture besides narcos. I will be watching this movie again as Pixar has released it in certain theatres with Spanish audio.

I think its breaking records in Mexico too. Like most watched or highest grossing film.
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As a Mexican-American, that movie hit me right in the feels. I cried at several points in the movie, I don’t think I made it last the opening scene with a dry eye. Just a beautiful story about family that anyone can relate to but it was great to see a movie focused on a side of Mexican culture besides narcos. I will be watching this movie again as Pixar has released it in certain theatres with Spanish audio.
We finally give Hispanics their movie . I know what we should do . We will put the 2 whitegirls from frozen first . I loved the movie I could have done without the frozen beginning
We finally give Hispanics their movie . I know what we should do . We will put the 2 whitegirls from frozen first . I loved the movie I could have done without the frozen beginning

Yeah that short movie was awkward and cringey as hell. I don't know what the hell I was watching.
saw Coco on Imax and it looks like Disney listened to the complaints, no sign of Frozen at all
bruh that frozen joint was 22 minutes long :X

Other than that travesty, Coco was amazing!!!! anything family related gets to me but the story on this was top tier IMO. And i love the fact the world was all brand new which added to the wonder. Great film that cracks my pixar top 5.
women were crying for a good part of the last 20 minutes of the film

but yah I'm glad Frozen wasn't shown in my viewing, I was already annoyed by all the corny upcoming family films

like Sherlock Gnomes, I was like who the f' would submit to making this film and then I see that the cast include Depp, Blunt, McAvoy, Chiwetel, Caine, etc...
Damn :lol:

There was this one wear like that snow creature is talking to the fam the humans are real. I thought that was funny.

Then some trash bird or whatever the hell it is came on. Trash.

That frozen was trash too. Little gay snowman was mad annoying.

Can’t give coco enough praise. When she threw the chancla and made him go get it :lol:
Too much real life
the audience were laughing too especially at Peter Rabbit with Domhall Gleeson, people were cracking and I was just confused if I was watching the same thing as these people :lol:

I was like what the hell General Hux!!! You're better than this!!!!

Coco was amazing though and watching on IMAX in the perfect seat right in the middle was mind blowing
I'm surprised by the word of mouth Coco is getting. Haven't seen the movie yet but movie looks awfully similar to an animated movie that came out a few yrs ago (can't remember the title)
not even close to Book of Life, concept may seem the same with the day of the dead, afterlife and music themes but this one takes it up a notch 100x

Book of Life was an ok film but your really do not feel connected to it, it was just there, this one is not just visually amazing it also get in the feelz, even when you think it's predictable and know what's going to happen happens, it still gets you

it's a must see
I just left the theater
Had tears in my eyes
Pixar does it again
Man the marketing for this messed up big time
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