Pics of the VI + XVII Countdown pack

well atleast i will have fresh pairs no yellowing or nothing. blood will be shed for this pack though. people will die by my hands if i have to go lengths toobtain size 11.
For some reason I was never a fan of the tongue but these are
... Might have to consider getting them, now wheres the 17s?

OH MY! Havent seen a pair that fresh since I had mine in 7th grade. I agree, multiple packs cccccooooopppppeeeeeddd!
OMG...I havnt been this happy since grade school. These are my dream come true. I had them back then, and Im gonna have them again. THANK YOU BRAND JORDAN, YOUREALLY DO LISTEN SOMETIMES!!!!!
My FIRST reaction:

Sweet mercy, those look BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Keep the dang Nike Air; I really, REALLY do not care on this one.

I swear on my life* Jordan Brand, if you are playing with me here... IF THESE DO NOT RETRO... I will just start randomly punching people in the throat**.

My reaction if Jordan Brand ends up switching something and these don't retro... after we just saw these pics:

*not really

**not really
I'm not a big fan of Carmines but these are are dope
. Might actually cop these if the XVIIs come correct
These are really, really beautiful, I cannot wait for these.

I know the chance of Nike Air is slim to none now, bit if these come with it, I sware I don't know what I'll do.

I can't wait for the pics of the 17s either.
One of the better packages IMO
This will be copped alond with the 7 and 16, 11 and 12, and 3 and 20
I was hyped... until i saw the back.....

However, it's not a deal breaker for me. I will be getting this pack.
I won't hesitate to split this pack with ANYONE who wants the XVII.

I'm banking on four or five pairs.

Eastbay is not an (first) option.
[color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]Jordan Brand Better Stay As Planned To Released These[/color]

[color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]May 08[/color]
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Y MUST U TAKE MY MONEY NIKE Y? WHAT HAPPEND TO THE DAYS WHEN U WOULD DROP THINGS THAT I KNEW IWASN'T GONNA COP??????

Oh well, I guess I'll have to cop, too fresh not too. I need to get a serious hustle to cop these
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