**Pickup Post for December 2007!**

yesterday.....these are so clean
sup guys,
xilegacy very very sick

happy belated man

A Dubz
killer pick upon the 94s ... ebay ?

Picked up the new Spizike for 75 (employee dicount) yesterday.
And I finally picked these up: Buma Basket CC with heat-color-changing material
It changes from a deep Blue over green/purple to a lighter blue when the material get´s warmer
it look´s so crazy when you hold them in your hands (you can see it pretty good in the 2nd picture)


Thanks for the comments everyone. DS 94 III's are definitely a grail for me.

I picked them up off ebay for $380 BIN. He must have just posted them because it still had 6 days and some some hoursto go [7 day listing obviously]. I told my wife i am going to wrap them up and put them under the tree and when Christmas comes i going to tear that%%@+ openand scream and go crazy like a little kid. lol.

Bonus pic? Why not...

Haven't tried yet. There's no signs of cracking. I may just keep them DS and wear the other 2 pairs i have...
Originally Posted by Black Ice116

Originally Posted by tek9pnda

From that pic those look un-wearable

Word, I wouldn't wear them. They look so clean. Nice pickup
Yeah, air bubble looks kinda fogged. Very good chances of cracking. Dope pick-up though.
god damn i wish i wanst so broke and lived in the ghetto, i need some black n red IV's
god damn i wish i wanst so broke and lived in the ghetto, i need some black n red IV's
I got these X's from my friend that couldn't fit them no more.

I got these AM 90's off of Ebay for only $24.00 shipped.

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