pick 1...bmw5 v lex is250 v h3 v g37

Nov 12, 2007
so my payments are done on my 05 maxima and looking at these 4 vehicles...what to do? all in 2006-2008 range
BMW 525i
Lexus IS 250
Hummer H3
Infiniti G37
G37 is piff. With that list you cant afford a 525 and you know it. I'd look at the H3t instead and IS 250 is nice.
250 or g37

Edit: You're from Buffalo too
small world
Originally Posted by DaFittedKing

found a 06 525i with 40k for 25

Used and new is a whole other ball game kid. You really want to buy a car that is 4 years old, one year older than your current car or lease/loan a car that will be 10 years old by the time payments are up?

Not to mention bmw maintenance is steep.
lexus is250...

although if i were in your shoes i would keep your current car for a couple more years. save up the money you've been spending on car payments for a nice down payment on your next car. what's wrong with your maxima that you're so set on getting something new?

Wait until the new 5 comes out and then the E60s will depreciate a considerable amount. My girl has a 250 and it's eh...it's loaded so it's really really nice but it doesn't have that pick me up of the 350. Nissans don't hold resale very well so you could get a nice deal on a G with premium or sports package and not some bare bones model. H3?! Cmon!
Honostly, living where you do, id get the h3, as much as i despise it. If i were you, id look for a wrx or legecy gt, awd is a must in upstate ny.

why is250???????? get a is 350 thats what i geting... n stay away from a 525 get a 535xi or a 550 or a 545 if anyting...... g37 is my choice out of your list though.
Originally Posted by waystinthyme

although if i were in your shoes i would keep your current car for a couple more years. save up the money you've been spending on car payments for a nice down payment on your next car. what's wrong with your maxima that you're so set on getting something new?


Same thing I was going to say.
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