Pic Request: MJ in Blue XIs

These look a tad bit higher than general release. Hot-ish nonetheless

I love the wizards colors the white/blue/gold i wish they made that color way for every J n released them.
if they are really concords then they would appear to be blue all around...also black patent leather wont reflect a color that vividly
I can't believe this topic is posted again and again. They are concords. I'm sorry to all you believers that they are blue, but they're not. Thistopic was and has been debated over and over again for years. I mean YEARS . Every Jordan know-it-all and Nike insider confirmed they areconcords. Mclilbit's (I think those are his from shoe center) were look see samples.
When I first saw this picture, I was like
"MJ got on somewhite/blue xi's," but now I'm not so sure. I had seen MClilbit's sample pictures, but I didn't really think they looked like the color ofthe shoes MJ has on.

Now I'm not siding either way on this "debate," but there are a few ridiculous arguments being made. You can't seriously think that animperfectly black piece of leather can reflect the blue from his pants. If the shoes are in fact concords, the reflection would be from the floor or fromlights that you cannot see in this picture. And they are not a reflection of a blue color...it would just be a regular old shine like most clean pairs ofconcords pick up. But that shine combined with the black could give the illusion of an overall blue color. Take that shine out and you get something likethis:

Of course you have barely anything to look at, but it was a crappy picture to begin with

Like I said, I'm not taking either side. This picture is just too small. I just wanted to throw out another perspective
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