Phil Knight

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

Phil Knight said what needed to be said about Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno was a hell of a man.

Joe Paterno allowed his friend to continue to molest children, which makes him less than stellar.
Phil Knight only showed up, due to Paterno being a Nike endorser and supporter.

I wonder if Phil Knight is an admirer of any non nike schools...
Originally Posted by doyung9

People get killed over
- oil
- religion
- skin color
- race
- cellphones
- iPhones
- cars
- money
- drugs
- women
- longstanding family feuds
- drunken arguments
- gang war
- neighborhood war
- cooperating with the police
- fighting the police
- going to war to serve their country
- fighting a country invading their country
- attempting to stop a robbery
- attempting to stop a mugging
- attempting to stop a fist fight
- greed
- jealously

And you think it's Phil Knight's job to address that these same morons fight over sneakers?
Phil Knight markets toward those supposed morons, right? 
I'm convinced this guy is missing an essential component of the brain necessary for basic logic. Incomprehensible response in 3, 2, 1....
Wrong place and wrong time

Out of line on his part IMO. Just shouldnt hve been broughten to attention @ the funeral

Where was his comments when he was alive?
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

Wrong place and wrong time

Out of line on his part IMO. Just shouldnt hve been broughten to attention @ the funeral

Where was his comments when he was alive?
Joe Paterno never told his buddy to get help, didn't ban him from the campus.
Phil Knight would not have come to this funeral, if Penn State wore Adidas.

I am not asking Knight to say anything at the funeral about the social responsibilities of Nike. But it is incredibly hypocritical of Knight to point the finger at the investigation, suggesting that it had failed, when he too lives in a glass house. 
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

Phil Knight said what needed to be said about Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno was a hell of a man.

Joe Paterno allowed his friend to continue to molest children, which makes him less than stellar.
Phil Knight only showed up, due to Paterno being a Nike endorser and supporter.

I wonder if Phil Knight is an admirer of any non nike schools...

i agree with your thoughts on paterno.
as for knight showing up only because paterno's school had a contract with nike i can buy that also but for a different reason as the quote below shows.

as for the last part why would you care he is an admirer of non nike schools or not?

he actually called out the board of trustees the guys who actually put the nike deal together so in essence he did more harm speaking up for paterno

That Knight elected himself to tweak the Board of Trustees is curious. Oh, sure, Penn State has a lucrative contract with Nike - not for nothing are those ubiquitous swooshes on the Lions' jerseys and shoes - but Knight is the guy who wants all the college teams he equips to have a gazillion alternative uniforms, as is the case with his alma mater, Oregon, whose athletic department he more or less underwrites. Penn State is the most obvious holdout to that philosophy, primarily because of Paterno's insistence that Penn State's conservative look be maintained.

But Knight nonetheless held Paterno in more than simple high regard. He considered JoePa his role model, a man of such uncompromising integrity that the depth of his feelings seemed as genuine as those of any of the speakers who had deep Penn State roots.

"I'm a man who has always needed heroes," Knight said. "It started when I was a boy and I never outgrew it.

"A decade and a half ago, an Esquire magazine reporter, noting how our advertising played up the heroic aspects of great athletes, asked the question, 'Who is your hero?' My answer was simple: (It was) my college track coach and partner, Bill Bowerman. He had won four (NCAA team) championships, (coached) more sub-four-minute milers than anyone when he retired, was the 1972 Olympic coach, yet he insisted he was not a track coach, that he was a 'professor of competitive response.'

"When Bill died in 1999, I asked myself, What do I do for a hero now? Two months later, on a Nike trip, the answer showed itself across the table, wearing a thick set of eyeglasses. I said, 'I'm not asking your permission, I'm just telling you. I need someone to look up to. You're my new hero.'"

And Paterno never gave Knight a reason to think otherwise, even when the Sandusky case smudged JoePa's saintly image.

"In the 12 years since (his declaration of hero-worship of Paterno), through four losing seasons, big bowl wins, 12-win seasons, through All-Americas, players with criminal charges, 4.0 students and players dismissed from the team for discipline, never once did he let me down," Knight said. "Not one time."

Of course, Paterno, a lover of classic Italian opera, already had endeared himself to Knight by revealing an impish side of himself most fans never got to see.

For 33 years, Nike has sponsored five-day trips to resorts where client coaches, their wives and Nike executives get together for a little business and a lot of fun. For the last 15 years of those outings, Paterno proved a regular cut-up.

"One year, we had a skit where Nebraska coach Tom Osborne played Mickey Nike and Joe Paterno was a swaying palm tree," Knight related.

The amused crowd still was trying to digest that when Knight spoke of another Paterno tradition, one which most fans were unaware of.

"One of the great highlights was 15 years ago when Rick Neuheisel, who was the coach at Colorado at the time, played the guitar," Knight said. "Rick played the guitar on Sunday evenings at the Holiday Inn in Boulder, so he was skilled. He was onstage, playing his guitar, and he asked Joe to come up and do a duet of 'Wild Thing.'

"Joe didn't hesitate. He jumped up on stage and, while it was not one of the most artistic performances ever, it was loud and enthusiastic. At its conclusion, the place exploded into a standing ovation."

Paterno's channeling the Troggs' biggest hit has been an annual staple of the Nike outings ever since.

"Twenty-one days from now in Hawaii," Knight said sadly, "there'll be an enormous void on talent night."

Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman...shows.html#storylink=cpy
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by StillIn729

why are you on Niketalk?

Why are you alive? Is it because of Phil Knight and Nike?
Perhaps that question is a bit too deep....
or perhaps the only people who care; are ones in your avy
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