Petition to Get the Gov't to Forgive Student Loans vol. Stimulate the Economy!!

Nah I'm cool either way.

Once I graduate I'm going to fake my own death and create a new identity.

No debt for me.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Nah I'm cool either way.

Once I graduate I'm going to fake my own death and create a new identity.

No debt for me.

I've thought about doing this.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

This is bull ++%%.

How bout a petition to have Joe Biden wipe my !*@?

Be responsible and pay your loans.

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I do this for a living, y'all are seriously delusional

there is a difference between not being able to afford it and just being lazy and not wanting to pay it because a hot new pair of J's came out or you want to drive a BMW right outta college

I see so many dumb +#@@* ruin their credit over these situations

the government needs to figure out a way to make payments affordable not just forgive you because you don't feel like paying them and you don't

the bottom line: the solution is going to be income based payments

the problem isn't so much the loans, as it is the actual unreasonable cost of education. my undergraduate alma mater currently charges $52,000 a year. that's absurd.

but back to the point of loan forgiveness, if you work in the public sector for about 5 years following graduation the government/many institutions willforgive your loan and pay it off for you. but why do you have to do public interest work to get the same treatment the big firms got for their misguided andselfish dumb decisions.

instead of crossing our fingers that helping them out will somehow trickle down to us in some way, why not help us pay off the loans so we can better helpourselves directly.

the U.S. wants all of its citizens educated, well then why not make it more affordable/reasonable for them to get those educations. today even public andstate funded colleges are too expensive.
I'd be against it. if you want to go to law school or med school...thats your choice. I'm glad the healthcare bill got passed because too many peopleget into it purely for the money yet don't want to pay their school loans. I wish bankruptcy on you lazy payers.
I had $45,000 in student loans when I graduated. I got them consolidated and payments spread out for 25 years with a low interest rate. My payments are only$240 p/ month which is nothing.
Originally Posted by proper english

these loans weren't forced upon students correct? then why the need to be bailed out?
They were forced upon students indirectly. In order to get a good job u have to have a college education. The avg student isn't born w/ asilver spoon in their mouth and come from impoverished areas where the last thing on their parents mind was to save up for college. Scholarships help but noteveryone is lucky to get scholarships to cover the full amount for 4yrs. So what's next to fund ur education, loans
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by WHPH10

This is bull ++%%.

How bout a petition to have Joe Biden wipe my !*@?

Be responsible and pay your loans.

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I do this for a living, y'all are seriously delusional

there is a difference between not being able to afford it and just being lazy and not wanting to pay it because a hot new pair of J's came out or you want to drive a BMW right outta college

I see so many dumb +#@@* ruin their credit over these situations

the government needs to figure out a way to make payments affordable not just forgive you because you don't feel like paying them and you don't

the bottom line: the solution is going to be income based payments

the problem isn't so much the loans, as it is the actual unreasonable cost of education. my undergraduate alma mater currently charges $52,000 a year. that's absurd.

but back to the point of loan forgiveness, if you work in the public sector for about 5 years following graduation the government/many institutions will forgive your loan and pay it off for you. but why do you have to do public interest work to get the same treatment the big firms got for their misguided and selfish dumb decisions.

instead of crossing our fingers that helping them out will somehow trickle down to us in some way, why not help us pay off the loans so we can better help ourselves directly.

the U.S. wants all of its citizens educated, well then why not make it more affordable/reasonable for them to get those educations. today even public and state funded colleges are too expensive.

I'm assuming you went to a private school with the amount of debt you accumulated. Cost is a factor when deciding which school to attend. You could havechosen to go to a public university. Sure, you still would have been in debt, but not $210K.

Some government agencies do offer loan forgiveness, that is an incentive to work for the government/public sector. They can't offer the big bucks, thatbig firms throw around. If you are working for a big firm chances are you are going to get paid well, and you want the government to pay off your loans too,

Seems like people want their cake and eat it too. If you have accumulated over 100k in student loans, chances are that you are going into an industry where asix figure salary will be attainable with a few years of work experience.

I know it will suck to be the only Lawyer on the lot that will have to live with a 3 series BMW instead of an M3, but you have a responsibility to pay yourdebts.

Asking the government to bail you out so you can live lavishly
To be fair to those who took out huge student loans and can not even get a job flipping burgers, you have the right to be mad.

For one thing, government's financing of education encourages schools to charge high tuition rates. Because government subsidizes education, employers usedcollege degrees as a cheap (to them) filtering method for screening potential employees. Therefore, many felt compelled to get a very expensive collegeeducation that was the bare minimum requirement for a professional job.

That reality was buttressed by the fact that from grade school on through grad school, college education is not just promoted as the best way to get on in lifebut the only way. Working and middle class youngsters were led to slaughter and while the labor market was robust the trade off was worth it since good payingentry level jobs were plentiful. Now with a very inhospitable labor market a social contract has been breached, indebted graduates should feel angry and arewithin their rights to demand restitution.

Canceling all student loans may be too much but a universal forbearance is not out of the question. If the autocrats in China are able to maintain their socialcontract with their young adults, why would it be so impossible for a government that lends and prints billions upon billions for the nation's wealthiestpeople to give temporary relief to the millions of young people who are guilty of merely doing what their society told them that they must do?
I'm currently thinking about trying to hustle my loans, meaning offering a pay off amount of a little more than half, then paying that off over 6-10 years.Cause I'm currently with direct loans which is government based, and they got me for thirty years
You would think they want more people to be educated... Higher costs deters a lot who cannot afford it.

I don't want them to write off peoples debt, just lower the cost of getting a degree.

And book sales are the worst. It's such a scam when you end up buying a book only to find out they released a new version so when you go to resell, you getnext to nothing if not nothing.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

This is bull ++%%.

How bout a petition to have Joe Biden wipe my !*@?

Be responsible and pay your loans.
exactly ...

yeah, there is SERIOUS corruption and mismanagement of bailout funds, but to just give people money is a god damn joke ... pay your bills ...

on a side note, i read a stat the other day that said for every failed mortgage the bailout was supposed to help, we paid 871k in tax dollars ... a god damnjoke ... smh
"Burdening our youth"


C'mon son, by the time you're old enough to get to College and decide what you want to do for the rest of your life, you should be old enough to knowwhat math is and able to calculate what type of financial situation you're putting yourself in. To me, this sounds like an extremely bad idea. Given,student loans are ridiculous and I'm not saying nothing should be done about the situation, but "forgiving" you is not a valid solution in myopinion. How about properly educating these "youth" on financial responsibility before they go make these type of decisions. That's the realsolution.

I dont know how other cultures are throughout the world, but I find that Americans expect a lot of hand-outs and through my eyes, it looks pretty bad. It wouldbe cool if we could all just learn some responsibility and learn how to deal with real life situations instead of always having someone "bail usout."
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

To be fair to those who took out huge student loans and can not even get a job flipping burgers, you have the right to be mad.

For one thing, government's financing of education encourages schools to charge high tuition rates. Because government subsidizes education, employers used college degrees as a cheap (to them) filtering method for screening potential employees. Therefore, many felt compelled to get a very expensive college education that was the bare minimum requirement for a professional job.

That reality was buttressed by the fact that from grade school on through grad school, college education is not just promoted as the best way to get on in life but the only way. Working and middle class youngsters were led to slaughter and while the labor market was robust the trade off was worth it since good paying entry level jobs were plentiful. Now with a very inhospitable labor market a social contract has been breached, indebted graduates should feel angry and are within their rights to demand restitution.

Canceling all student loans may be too much but a universal forbearance is not out of the question. If the autocrats in China are able to maintain their social contract with their young adults, why would it be so impossible for a government that lends and prints billions upon billions for the nation's wealthiest people to give temporary relief to the millions of young people who are guilty of merely doing what their society told them that they must do?

I chose to attend a state school which was a good decision, but I will still graduate with 25k in federal loans. I can't imagine those who went to privateinstitutions for undergrad having to pay back 60k+ in loans.
I am gonna take the law school route as well, You secure a job yet Nako? Was your LS experience worth the heavy price tag?
The one dude is right. If they had a financial course for students, say starting in ninth grade, I think a lot of financial disaster can be avoided. Theproblem however, is the fact they want the public to be ignorant when it comes to financial matters. I remember I read an article that was saying by the year2012, these type of classes would be mandatory for all high schools across america, but I haven't heard or read anything since. The country makes money offof our ignorance, be it paying for school, credit cards, mortgages, car loans, etc. The power however lies in educating yourself, finding out the information,and not being controlled by a system, or the system. It's just to bad it took me til the age of 23 to truly understand the way the country swindles us outof our money and makes us indebted to the system/machine that is America
I don't think there should be complete loan forgiveness but a nice stimulus check of at least 5K would be a start. If they can give homeowners relief (mostof who are older and not fresh out of college) why not give the younger generation something?

There would have to be requirements though like at least 25K of student loan debt or something of that nature
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