People Who have had Hydrocodone


Jan 2, 2012
I had oral surgery today, and got a prescription for Hydrocodone. After the novacaine wore off I took one about a half hour ago and it really hasn't done much. I can still feel the pain a decent amount and I was wondering if it would be safe to take another one. I already read the warning labels that say not to take more than the recommended dosage because it may cause liver damage and I've done a bit of googling and got a lot of different responses so I decided to try and find some people who have experience that I feel would be more reliable than googling.
SB: People claim they get high off these? They're doing nothing for me.

SB of the SB: I've had my head busted open, been in a body cast for 3 months cause I broke a bunch of stuff and none of that comes close to oral pain. Most pain I've been in ever.
think they're time released they release little hits of pain killer and doesn't hit all at once, thats why people crush em up
If they gave you 5mg pills and instructed you to take 1 at a time, that's not gonna cut it. That was the case for me when I got my wisdom teeth removed. Taking 2 at a time made the pain much more bearable. Hydrocodone is addictive, although in my opinion 10mg at a time while you actually NEED the drug isn't gonna get you hooked. I guess everyone is different though so be careful. 
I'm not a doctor, just have had a similar past experience, so take my advice as a grain of salt.
They prescribed me percocets when I got mine pulled. It's like my body forgot how to fall asleep on its own.
The main reason that you don't wanna take too many Vicodins (which I'm pretty sure is what you have) is because Vics are usually about 90% Tylenol and 10% hydrocodone. The Tylenol can really mess up your liver if you take too much or drink alcohol while taking it.

Depends on the amount of MG, but if it's a 5MG (it's on the label) then you should be fine to take another. Don't take more than that though.
Originally Posted by Antidope

Its Hydro/Acetaminophen 7.5 MG.

Whats the strength of APAP? 325mg? 500? 750?

As long as you don't exceed 4grams (thats 4000mg) of APAP, your liver will be fine. Take every 4-6hrs as directed. 
Its 500. Thanks for the advice, if it gets too bad good to know I can take another one
when i got my back tooth pulled they had to cut into my gums and give my gum stitches to take the tooth out..long story short they gave me oxycodone 325. I was taking about 2-3 of them when i felt the SLIGHTEST pain.
I was feeling like Nefrodamus when I took mine...

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

They prescribed me percocets when I got mine pulled. It's like my body forgot how to fall asleep on its own.

them percs

when I had surgery I was poppin them like skittles. 
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