People who dont smoke

when smokers find out you dont smoke they want to rail you up the *#@ with 99 questions and facts the whole world already knows.
I really don't care if people smoke weed as long as it isn't a huge problem. Casual weed smoking is cool with me, I just don't do it.

Cigarettes are disgusting though.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

why does it seem that people who dont 
always seem so angry about weed. like they are always saying how its lame
Cause many of you dudes that do smoke, try to act like you're cool for smoking.  No one cares, stop listening to wiz khalifa, stop taking pictures of you smoking, stop making statuses about how youre gonna roll one go away.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

when smokers find out you dont smoke they want to rail you up the *#@ with 99 questions and facts the whole world already knows.

  Its kind of like they think they saving you.
stupid *%!%#%
Because people who smoke (that are my age, early 20's) like to harass you about why YOU don't smoke.
I don't harass, bother, judge, nor question why you DO smoke so why are you interrogating me about why I don't?  Some of y'all smokers are worst than the feds when it comes to questioning people.

Edit: That paragraph is in reference to those that 
, however if you smoke cigarettes just stay away from me in general.  Smelling like %**# and blowing your cancer smoke all in my face.  That %**# is just disrespectful. 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Playing beer pong is bragging about drinking now? Can i just play it because its fun?

It wouldn't be fun if there was Sprite in those cups. This argument is dumb... people who drink alcohol always trying to pour me drinks and throw liquor in my face... so it can go both ways.

You !!$$ on smokers and proceed to say you love to get drunk.
Booze will kill you 2x faster than weed can.

Weed ain't never made me smash a fat +#@$%.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Playing beer pong is bragging about drinking now? Can i just play it because its fun?

sure, i mean everyone plays because it's fun, but there's an undeniable bragging component to it. people saying how many rounds they've been at the table at, bragging about how good their shot is, bragging about playing with hard alcohol instead of beer, etc. but whatever, i'm not going to try and explain why beer pong is about bragging
i mean, the fact that people do shot challenges already proves my point.
Im in a pong league and water is in the cups.......(of course there are side beers but its not required) and yea people brag about there shot and stuff but that has more to do with it being a competitive game not because your drinking, how much u choose to drink has no correlation on bragging about ur shot, wins, etc....
long story short they tried to make it seem like people only play to brag about how much they drink, when in fact people play because its a fun competitive game to play while drinking......yea you can brag while playing it but you could brag while doing anything
1. For all the people saying their friends keep trying to sell you on smoking, your just young. Meaning your friends are you also, thus stupid $+#% comes out both yall mouths regularly.

2. Smokers cant give an unbaised opinion on how it smells. You smoke it, you associate its odor with its quality. Truth is, that $+#% stank son.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by SolexSup

I dont smoke but 90% of the people who do smoke are cornballs because they post up pictures of them smoking on facebook

post pics of drinking= cool party bro
post pics of smoking= cornball
Both are equally lame, so no need in any face saving
i smoke & i never harassed anybody that dont smoke about it, i dont give a %%!$ wat other folks do wit they life. if anything if i know a person dont smoke i'll ask em if its ok for me to smoke around em & if they say no then i wont. to me the ones thats lame is the dudes who wait til they 21 & start listenin to sum wiz khalifa to smoke sum weed. i feel like if u get to age 18 & especially 21 withouth pickin up a vice like smokin or drinkin the u dont need to start, grown !*% adults that let folks influence them into doin things like that is beyond lame to me. 
After reading the responses in this thread, the common theme seems to be that people who don't smoke are just tired of being put on trial for their lifestyle choice. I smoke, but I don't really force the issue on people who don't, and I try not to smoke in front of my friends who choose not to. "You don't smoke? Why?" ... "Word, I respect it."

I can relate a lot more after this last few months. Decided to stop drinking (currently a junior in college, who plays rugby... anyone who knows about college rugby knows that drinking teams usually have a rugby problem.) The backlash has almost been as bad as when I stopped eating meat & fish.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Im in a pong league and water is in the cups.......(of course there are side beers but its not required) and yea people brag about there shot and stuff but that has more to do with it being a competitive game not because your drinking, how much u choose to drink has no correlation on bragging about ur shot, wins, etc....
long story short they tried to make it seem like people only play to brag about how much they drink, when in fact people play because its a fun competitive game to play while drinking......yea you can brag while playing it but you could brag while doing anything

okay, if you play with water....i got nothing

but walk into any frat house that has a table, and i can guarantee there will be people bragging about their alcohol tolerance, how long they've lasted at the table, how they play with vodka, etc. and no, you couldn't about those things if you were playing with water.

i'll just leave this here
the way I see it is that people and their habits (nonsmokers, smokers, drinkers, nondrinkers) like to have others on their side to justify their position and stance. I was in all of those categories and the truth is i've had people harass me about each and every one of those. It's a combo ego and self-esteem problem people have with themselves that makes them project their insecurities onto you.
Il prescelto- i def see what ur trying to say of course people are gonna brag about drinking while, playing but that doesent mean thats why there playing in the first place.

Example- say me and my boy are watching a bball game and we bought a thirty pack, then i notice iv downed 7 and hes downed 3 yea i might make fun of him for babysitting and call him a lightwieght, but that doesent mean we only started watching the game so we could drink.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

I hate smokers, can't lie, I'm 22 yrs old and i dont need that #@% around me. I never tried it, never will, and i will tell you to please get away from me if you smoke around me.


Yes I am

Amen. My exact situation and response. 
I don't smoke and don't get mad at the people that do, Since most of my friends do.

Today some girl was actually telling me about how she smoked weed for the first time this weekend.

But dudes that brag about it are annoying though, Just keep it to yourself...
Me and my homies smoke marijuana. I feel like people who drink do it to brag about how much they drink, what their tolerance is and do it to prove to others they can handle the liquor. 
Can't wait to toke.
Lots of good points in here.

People who do, nothing wrong with that. People who don't, nothing wrong with that either. Could always just say YOLO though.
As for people who brandish it, i can't stand it. whether it's drinking, smoking, etc. But this is more a character trait than it is a habit.
I don't think any non-smoker has the right to question those who do, and I don't think any smokers should be questioning anyone who doesn't.

"I don't get the alcohol vs. smoking thing. People I know who drink just do it on the weekends or for fun or whatever. So many weed smokers make it a huge part of their life/do it daily. "It makes you appreciate music." If you need it to appreciate music then you need to listen to different music."

And no one makes alcohol into a huge part of their life? Flawed logic. Lots of people incorporate smoking into their daily lives without causing dependance. I smoke on the weekends just for fun.
That +!!$ honestly stinks I know some dudes that stay reeking of w,e piff or kush these !*$%#! b braggin about

Im not even gonna get into when a homie's crib b stinkin of that +!!$
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