people using the bathroom after you took a viscious dump unappreciation


Oct 1, 2003
ok 95% of the time when i drop anchor its at my spot or my parents crib in which case if my brother or 1 of my sisters goes in the restroom after me its purecomedy to see their reaction to the smell. but anyway im at this get together at the homies place and i been eatin a bunch of bull %$#@ all day long which leadto me using his bathroom and im in there for about 10-15 minutes which is long already...long story short right as i come out this baaaaaaaaaad little shortywalks past me in the hallway like 5'3'' light skin. thick! she smiles and just gives a friendly hi so im like "what up"
thinking in my head please god dont let her go in the bathroom she seen mecome out theres no way i can deny it was me. sure enough i see her go to open the bathroom door so i got out as quickly as possible to avoid seeing the
on her face after the funk hit her. so im out in the back yard a whilelater sippin brew thinkin its all good and she walks out like "you aiight?" laughing. im just like
theres no looking smooth after that 1
Originally Posted by PicknRoll

No its appreciated...I want people to know I'm capable of such damage

I make sure that there is no one within a 1000 mile radius of the bathroom that Im using when I have to go in public. But if someone walks in while Im still inthere washing my hands or something, I make the illest stink face to them to make it seem like it wasnt me lol
That's one thing I hate about going to my mom's house for holidays. She only has one bathroom and you know after a holiday feast and some dark beerthere is going to be some serious bomb dropping going on. Sometimes I think it would be better to go out behind the woodpile and dig a hole.

it's nice to have matches on you to help kill the smell, but i don't smoke, so i rarely have matches
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce


it's nice to have matches on you to help kill the smell, but i don't smoke, so i rarely have matches

You might be on to something. But how crazy would I be looking lighting a match then someone walks in lol
If there's someone there waiting when I walk out I matter of factly tell them that they don't want to go in there.

They never listen, and they consequently feel my wrath.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Good one smooth. At least she got a sense of humor...

seriously lol coulda asked..... wait wait...are YOU ok!!??? lol

man! witty lines always come to me after its too damn late in a lot of situations
. Def unappreciated....was in that situation before and it has happened to me wit a asian chick down in soho....I'm talkin bout she WRECKED woulda thought a bunch of dudes ran thru there instead it was a tiny asian woman. I knew something was up when she 1st ran in front of me to usethe bathroom then 2nd she was in there for 20 mins....
sick.gif goodness I never smelled a chick destroy a toilet like that
Originally Posted by enyceking

Originally Posted by mases apprentice

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Good one smooth. At least she got a sense of humor...

seriously lol coulda asked..... wait wait...are YOU ok!!??? lol

man! witty lines always come to me after its too damn late in a lot of situations
yo QFT
you aint the only one
Yes very much unappretiated. I work at a store... im so sensitive to people basking in the stench of my mudd monkeys that if someone walks into the bathroom asI am at the seat of power during which i am already in the process of "dropping it like its hot"...I hold the ones i got inside(pause) just so peopledont hear the *GLUNK.* On a side note, im so shy about this matter but its funny when I hear dudes go right into the urinals next to the stalls and just fartcarelessly as the piss....I understand around family and close ones....but around random people... at work... wow.
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