People really out here dying to see Travis Scott/Astroworld?

How is initiative 4 not fleshed out more and not number 1?
I’m reading clown language meant for damage control. Say the names of them folks that died and make it clear that you’re personally watching the crowds and putting a team together to make sure everyone is good before you proceed with your set.
Comments in that post are cringeee

I concur, this is what happens when you put certain people on a pedestal and blindly follow them. Some people this day and age don’t know how to think for themselves and/or are too heavily influenced by media. I wouldn’t have a doubt that he was paid to promote this; I remember a while back he was going to have an endorsement with a mental health/therapy website.

Leader in my community?

Watch "Travis Scott To Make First Major Appearance Since Astroworld Tragedy At The 2022 Billboard Awards" on YouTube
Gotta start having folks sign disclaimers or something to attend his concerts
You don't go to comedy shows for.......comedy?
I don’t understand the question

yes I do

why wouldn’t I?

in comedy shows you’re supposed to be quiet outside of laughing

hecklers can ruin a show but in concerts nerds and hyperactivity is the norm for alotta acts and venues
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