People on welfare?

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

Welfare = Enslavement

This statement = Ridiculous.

A lot of people agree with that statement. They give you less then half what they project you need to just survive but they monitor ANY income you make besides that incase they can reduce or eliminate your welfare. So people become afraid to work a low paying job without benefits since the money would not be much more(if any more at all)and the loss of food stamps and medical benefits could make them and/or their kids go hungry or without medical care.

It's a double-edged sword. Fear of losing the help does cripple a lot of peoples ability to actually help themselves. The system is setup so its helps people with nothing but it should be changed to help those with nothing be able to pull themselves out of that hole.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

Welfare = Enslavement

This statement = Ridiculous.
It's not nearly as ridiculous as you think.

Welfare does co-opt its participants. Would its participants bite the hand that feeds them?
The state's interests and their interests become intertwined because they depend on the state for survival.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

Welfare = Enslavement

This statement = Ridiculous.

A lot of people agree with that statement. They give you less then half what they project you need to just survive but they monitor ANY income you make besides that incase they can reduce or eliminate your welfare. So people become afraid to work a low paying job without benefits since the money would not be much more(if any more at all)and the loss of food stamps and medical benefits could make them and/or their kids go hungry or without medical care.

It's a double-edged sword. Fear of losing the help does cripple a lot of peoples ability to actually help themselves. The system is setup so its helps people with nothing but it should be changed to help those with nothing be able to pull themselves out of that hole.

You seem to have a good understanding of this. What you just spoke on I know people who have been through it.
I'm somewhat upset at myself for even participating in this thread as it is apparent it was created to simply stir up "controversy."

However, this thread is so full of misinformation, stereotypes, people speaking on things for which they have no personal experience or empirical data to back up their statements and arguments, completely ludicrous alternatives, etc.  I will try to address a portion of it...
Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers wrote:
i'm all for someone that's struggling getting assistance to improve themselves, but their needs to be pressure put on by the system to see these people improve themselves and get off that rather then depend on it. some people are content living on welfare and it sucks they have that mentality just because they could be doing better if they wanted to.
How long do you think someone is able to "live on" or "depend on" welfare?  How can they be content to "live on" or "depend on" welfare when there is a five-year lifetime limit on cash welfare in every state in this country?

How could people be "doing better if they wanted to?"  How do you know they could be doing better?  How do you know they don't want to be doing better?
Originally Posted by MAAACO

I think its bull how much it gets abused.

If your on welfare you do not need to be popping kids out like its nothing. Also its bull when i see dudes selling there foodstamps for cash.
Its terrible how people take advantage of it. Even if i needed it id doubt id go on it.
Well, please tell us how much does the welfare system "gets abused"?  How "terrible" is it?  Apparently you have some empirical data to back this claim up... or you're just making a baseless and stereotypical assumption.  Please clarify and enlighten us as to which it is.

at your hypothetical assertion.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

If the person has kids and fails a drug test for financial assistance, take the kids and put them in the foster system--which could use reform itself, but is likely better than being around a drug-using parent that doesn't have their life together.  
If the event that the piece of crap parent used their government money to buy drugs, then they would get caught up when the drug tests roll around (hopefully) and then they wouldn't receive any more aid.  In theory, the problem would solve itself.

And to the other guy, the "we" was a really long post about a year ago on this topic.
No offense, but you obviously have no grasp whatsoever of the foster care system in this country.  If you are interested in learning about it, I suggest you start by reading "Shattered Bonds" by Dorothy Roberts.

Are you proposing these measures to improve the quality of life of the children involved, to reduce the financial burden of assistance on government, or to punish parents?  Because your proposals will only achieve the last one of those ends.

@ "the problem would solve itself."
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

^ Truth. We're supporting the digression of the gene pool by allowing these leaches to continue with their ways and reproduce. Some day, the government needs to stop being the passive parent and start disciplining their children.

My entire family works, busts their %#+@#, and has earned everything we have--which is still a humble living. Being too "well-off" to qualify for financial aid, but not wealthy enough to live ridiculously--the dreaded end of the "middle class". Meanwhile, I made the Dean's List repeatedly and graduated college with honors, but my associates who do/sell drugs and are overall horrible people get to go to school for free with barely passing grades? Way to go, government. I love America, and when you love somebody you're honest and tell them what they need to improve upon.
You do understand you're essentially proposing genocide, right?

Also, you do realize that there are structures that intentionally marginalize certain populations, right?  Or do you think everything just boils down to "choice" and "personal responsibility?"
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

the measley $300 someone gets in welfare benefits should be the last of yall's worries. Wallstreet stole damn near 80 billion of taxpayer money.
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

Welfare = Enslavement

This statement = Ridiculous.
A lot of people agree with that statement. They give you less then half what they project you need to just survive but they monitor ANY income you make besides that incase they can reduce or eliminate your welfare. So people become afraid to work a low paying job without benefits since the money would not be much more(if any more at all)and the loss of food stamps and medical benefits could make them and/or their kids go hungry or without medical care.

It's a double-edged sword. Fear of losing the help does cripple a lot of peoples ability to actually help themselves. The system is setup so its helps people with nothing but it should be changed to help those with nothing be able to pull themselves out of that hole.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

Welfare = Enslavement

This statement = Ridiculous.
It's not nearly as ridiculous as you think.

Welfare does co-opt its participants. Would its participants bite the hand that feeds them?
The state's interests and their interests become intertwined because they depend on the state for survival.
Correct... correct... and....... correct (to a large degree).
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by rashi

Welfare = Enslavement

This statement = Ridiculous.

How is it ridiculous? You are paying people to stay poor and promote idleness. The State has one interest and one interest only, and that is to control the individual. When the State subsidizes income and living you give that person zero incentive to work or try to be employed. Why would they try to go to work and make $7.50 an hour or $14,000 annually a year, when they do not have to work and probably get the same amount of income if they don't work not only that, you get free health care. Now, they are wards of the State, waiting in their government subsidized housing for their master to refill their accounts.

Unemployment and welfare are NOT comparable at all.

The money your friend gets comes from taxes that individual employers pay which means it comes from money he would be taking home but is not because it funnels into the system specifically for unemployment. It doesn't come from anywhere else and can't be spent any other way. So basically the money he gets is mostly his anyway and it isn't limitless, he can only collect a percentage of what he has earned and its dependant on how long he has been working.

Enh, I don't know about that.

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=+3]U.S. N[/size][/font][font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=+2]ATIONAL[/size][/font] [font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=+3]D[/size][/font][font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=+2]EBT[/size][/font] [font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=+3]C[/size][/font][font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=+2]LOCK[/size][/font] [font=verdana,arial,helvetica]The Outstanding Public Debt as of 14 Jun 2010 at 04:15:16 AM GMT is:

You think your Social Security and Medicare is safely stored away waiting for you? It's going to wars, foreign "security" aid, public assistance, corporate welfare, ect.

You know how Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Unemployment insurance, Disability or any other expenditure that the government has?


Welfare and poverty is such an easy thing to solve. All you need is production. Corporate taxes in this country are obscenely high, ******ing capital for investment and expansion. Politicians are always complaining because of slow economic growth, well yeah, you are confiscating capital and have no interest in lowering the taxes in order to "stick it to the big corporations!" to show the masses you are on their side, because big corporations  are greedy, greedy people!. What do you expect? Progressive tax rates discourages working harder, with people knowing the more money they make, the more money they will be taxed.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

We've discussed this before and the consensus was that welfare needs tons of reform. We almost entirely agreed upon:

If you're to receive government aid you need to take drug testing like anybody on some sort of probation, and practice firm birth control or risk losing your benefits. If you can't take care of yourself, you shouldn't bring in another life to suffer/struggle, too.

def agree

its really pathetic.................not all people but lots dont give a $#)#(+*U# and abuse the system.

i got a lot of stories...................i mean people on welfare eatin like steak n shrimp
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