People of craigslist/offer up

Jan 1, 2010
Do you guys ever wonder why buyers act like they're interested in purchasing a certain item when they're really not?


Me- listing an item
Buyer- is it still available? (I don't know why they keep asking the question when the ad is still up)
Me- yes
Buyer - stops replying

Buyer- will you take $10
Me- yea when do you want to meet up
Buyer - stops replying

Buyer - I'm really interested in your item think we can meet today around (any time)
Me - yea that will work text/call me when you're ready to meet up
Buyer - stops replying

Me- lists item for $25
Buyer- I'll take it off your hands for 10
Me- ok when do you want to buy it
Buyer- stops replying

I feel like I'm in the twilight zone and this is apparently normal. Why do people waste others time?
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I feel like I'm in the twilight zone and this is apparently normal. Why do people waste others time?

Very normal. Its not like youre in the store and the item is right in front of u.

People have time to think if they really need something.......or maybe they could spend that money elsewhere....or maybe they found a better deal....or the allure just faded.

Dudes get flaked everyday b.
I see I see. That makes sense, but usually when I'm slightly interested in an item I just bookmark it and let it simmer for a while to see if I really want or need it. Once that time is over and I don't want it anymore I just move on to something else. I don't see the point of messaging someone telling them you want the item but you really don't.
Yo i thought it was just me. Ive been dealing with this for the few days on offer up.
List for 300 offer me 270. I say cool where do u want to meet. No answer
Ebayers are the worst, watching your stuff for no reason they literally made me type that there is no need to watch my item to know how much it sells for just go to the sold item category and look it up.
We got a site in canada called kijiji, its essentially the same as craigslist (we have that as well). I posted some griffeys up one time and a guy hits me up and we agree on a price. So i tell him im down to meet at this mall which is close to my crib. He says no its too far so i asked him where about is he at so we can agree on a public place halfway. Dude then tells me to come to his building which happens to be in a housing project. :lol: ya right. Ended up selling the kicks to my homie
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