People and Anti-Semitism

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1. I'm not sure why you keep trying to bring this up as if a) people aren't aware that they exist b) this who is the "black supremacists" are referring to when they're being so called anti semitic.

2. You know exactly who the target it is. Those people you just posted get spit on in Israel. Stop it.
1. A) Ppl dead think that Jews r only white, I've been around many jews that weren't white. Notably east african & east asians descendants. They literally spoke in Hebrew. They didn't have those curls at the at the bottom of their hairlines though, those were the white ones I saw doing that. Anyway, I didn't realize the average person only thought Jews look like Anne Frank or Seth Rogen until a few years ago. It's going from annoying to frustrating b/c the jews that benefit from being Jews r the white ones. Tiffany Haddish is ******* Jew for cryinh out loud. She's Eritrean.

B) Now they aren't & if they are they don't make that clear it all, they speak as Black Jews have been extinct for thousands of years. When Farrakhan digs in his anti-jews bag he never specify's that he's speaking on the white jews. He just says jews. It's a representation thing. Nick Cannon grouped Jews in his "white ppl r evil" tangent. He did that b/c he thinks all Jews are white & white jews do a great making it seem like they're the only ones.

2. No! No I don't b/c it doesn't specified b/c these ppl don't do the knowledge. Those ppl I posted pics of don't get spit for no other reason, but for being Black. Those racist Israelites are suckers so **** em, their time is coming.

Seeing Black Lives Matter protest over their in Israel back in 2015 b/c of their own racial disparities they face was some heartbreaking ****. The kicked soldiers ***. A solider for their nation, in uniform, and those police beat his *** b/c he was black. They didn't see Judaism then.

Anyway, stop not acknowledging other. In this case, stop acting like there aren't black jews.
This is the problem.
If you take a picture or show support to Minister Farrakhan in any way, you get canceled. Immediately. All the back to The Apollo Show.
However, we all know that the music industry and Hollywood is Jewish owned. If they can approve music and movies which disrespect Black culture, why are they not held to that same standard?
Revelation 2:9
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

I have no dog in this fight, I am just curious as to who the Rothschild and those of that ilk would say the aforementioned verse applies to.
As I mentioned in the other thread, they are drawing a line against all black celebrities associated with Farrakhan.

Continued fall out from his 4th of July speech and any black celebs that attended or show support.

To be the victim and beneficiary of white privilege in America. Very unique strategic space to occupy.

Promote your oppression as more important over others.

Fund both sides of civil rights struggles unevenly yet to mention controlled opposition you are asking for career suicide.

Black people are the victim of systematic racism.

The whole being a savage was a European scientific term for the natives they conquered. This was and still is an official science for whites.
Black boys where written into the prison system as "super predators". Less than 30 years ago. Now labelling blacks as identity extremists. Kinda harsh to the people who've had their identity systematically stolen so a country could be built.

These types of laws are barbaric, but to call them what they are is a crime?

You know who maintains the power structure when you find out who you are not allowed to offend.

All Nick needed to say was that all the things racist have said and done to blacks were typically projections from their own internal self realizations. He really ndidnt say anything white people haven't bsaid about themselves via natgeo and anthropological studies. He just happened to discuss white people openly with what is seen as doctrine from a black balled man(Farrakhan) to a black balled man( Professor Griff).
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People waking up thank god.

It was never whites vs blacks like their media tells us. The only thing that separates people is classism. Those who have money and those who don’t.

Divide and conquer.
I don't think meeting with prominent figures is a bad thing.

I didn’t say that it’s a bad thing. I could see how it could be useful.

At the same time, this was not required of Riley Cooper which is bogus to me.
nawghtyhare nawghtyhare

The vast majority of the population, when they hear the word Jews, they think of this lineage of ultra orthodox Jews. Ashkenazi Hassidic Jews. They are of European descdeant and came to this country in the 30s-70s. They live in their own communities, dont have internet, dont have TVs in the house, operate their own businesses, follow the Torah but with different customs and traditions. Vast majority are not Zionists, but they are completely to themselves, very similar to the Amish here. Loads of money too, mostly old money, but they dont believe in living a materialistic life.


The other vast majority of Jews are Sephardic. Orthodox too but from lineages in the Middle East and Mediterranean (Syria, Iran, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Baghdad, Russia area, etc). They are much more modernized (some more reform than others) and follow their own customs/traditions. Same Torah.

Then of course there are Jews from Africa and other parts of the world. Morroco and Ethiopia more so, whoever said these people get spit on is straight up laughable. There are plenty of Ethiopian Jews here in NYC and Israel, whether it's in their own communities or mixed in with others. They go to the same synagogues as other Sephardic Jews, no one gets spit on.

I wish Obama was still in office because he was a legit leader than can speak up for Black people who other logical people from other races can resonate with. Not to be disprespectful, but I'll never take Farakkhan seriously, for someone with his power he's straight up a racist. To say there are no racist Jews is a straight up lie, there are racists from every background, just tryna break it down as much as I can.
Then of course there are Jews from Africa and other parts of the world. Morroco and Ethiopia more so, whoever said these people get spit on is straight up laughable. There are plenty of Ethiopian Jews here in NYC and Israel, whether it's in their own communities or mixed in with others. They go to the same synagogues as other Sephardic Jews, no one gets spit on.

What exactly are you basing this on? Your experience as a Jewish person from Africa?

How can you speak so authoritatively on their experiences and not be a part of that demographic?

I understand how you might say this anecdotally, but unless you’re a part of the group you speak of I’m confident that we can classify your comments about Jews from Africa as speculation at best.
Yes I'm speaking from my experience and what I see. I have family in Israel and Morroco, I visit as much as I can, their neighbors/friends/kids friends are Ethiopian. From what I see and hear is completely different than what the media portrays or when some ignorant person displays a racist act.

There are ignorance and racism in every race. They have their own communities and live among communities with other Jews as well. When you're actually there or living among African Jews your outlook would change as well.
Apparently there are a lot of people who have no idea what anti-semitism is.

The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.

What Nick Cannon ACTUALLY said:

Nick Cannon: (48:18)
Right. So then let’s go to what it really is, then. When we talk about the power of melanated people, when we talk about who we really are as gods and understanding that our melanin is so power and it connects us in a way that the reason why they fear black, the reason why they fear is because the lack that they have of it. So then when you see what Dr. Frances C. Welsing talked about is that fear in that [crosstalk 00:02:45].

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (48:42)
Is genetic annihilation.

Nick Cannon: (48:46)
When you’d have a person that has the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin, that they know that they will be annihilated. So therefore, however they got the power, they have the lack of compassion that … Melanin comes with compassion. Melanin comes with soul that we call … We call it. We’re soul brothers and sisters. That’s the melanin that connects us. So the people that don’t have it are a little … and I’m going to say this carefully … are a little less. And where the term actually comes from, because I’m bringing it all the way back around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion or when they were sent to the Mountains of Caucuses, when they didn’t have the power of the sun, that was that the sun then started to deteriorate them.

Nick Cannon: (49:38)
So then they’re acting out of fear. They’re acting out of low self esteem. They’re acting out of a deficiency. So therefore the only way that they can act is evil. The only way they can … they have to rob, steal, rape, kill, and fight-

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (49:56)
Fight or flight. Okay.

Nick Cannon: (49:57)
In order to survive.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (49:59)

Nick Cannon: (50:00)
So then these people who didn’t have what we had … and when I say we, I speak of the melanated people … They had to be savages. They had to be barbaric because they’re in these Nordic mountains. They’re in these rough torrential environments. So they’re acting as animals.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (50:20)

Nick Cannon: (50:20)
So they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals. They’re the ones that are actually the true savages. And then they built up such this … I don’t want to say warrior, but they built up such this conquering barbaric mentality that they’re coming out of Europe. They then said, “In order for us to survive, we have to take what’s not ours.” And then they went into the land that actually where we are originated. And instead of trying to make friends, they said, “We want what you got.” Because there’s this mentality of whether it’s the Caesars or even that, “We have to conquer.”

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:03)
Right. Right. Right.

Nick Cannon: (51:04)
So I say all that to say the context. And when we speak of whether it’s Jewish people, white people, Europeans, the Illuminati, they were doing that as survival tactics to stay on this planet. We never had to do that.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:20)
Right. Because they’ve learned when they circumnavigated the globe and they ran into these islands in these places and we were already there to greet them.

Nick Cannon: (51:28)
Right. With open arms.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:29)
With open arms, teaching them. But then-

Nick Cannon: (51:32)
When they were deficient.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:34)
They were deficient so they wanted to get what they thought we had. And we did have it. So the rape took place of the woman. The theft took place of the natural resources.

Nick Cannon: (51:42)
And then that’s when their disease-

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:44)

Nick Cannon: (51:45)
That’s when their mentality … because I’m trying to get to that place of how they were able to get control over the gods.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:51)
Right, right.

Nick Cannon: (51:51)
How they were able to get control over the original people.

Richard “Professor Griff” Griffin: (51:53)
Once they learned that, though, and now they raped and impregnated, left and came back and they saw the child lighter, they said, “Wow.” That’s when they learned genetics, genetic annihilation. So now you have to set up a system of white supremacy to control that.

I'd just like to point out the fact that Israel did not exist before 1947.

The United Nations approved a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state in 1947, but the Arabs rejected it. In May 1948, Israel was officially declared an independent state with David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, as the prime minister.

Palestine never agreed to these terms.

“In order for us to survive, we have to take what’s not ours.” And then they went into the land that actually where we are originated. And instead of trying to make friends, they said, “We want what you got.” Because there’s this mentality of whether it’s the Caesars or even that, “We have to conquer.”

Still trying to find the Anti-Semitism.

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Yes I'm speaking from my experience and what I see. I have family in Israel and Morroco, I visit as much as I can, their neighbors/friends/kids friends are Ethiopian. From what I see and hear is completely different than what the media portrays or when some ignorant person displays a racist act.

There are ignorance and racism in every race. They have their own communities and live among communities with other Jews as well. When you're actually there or living among African Jews your outlook would change as well.

Oh ok. So anecdotal like I said.

I thought so.
so he apologized for nothing ?
why the "my business partner is jewish" line
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I wish Obama was still in office because he was a legit leader than can speak up for Black people who other logical people from other races can resonate with. Not to be disprespectful, but I'll never take Farakkhan seriously, for someone with his power he's straight up a racist. To say there are no racist Jews is a straight up lie, there are racists from every background, just tryna break it down as much as I can.
Did he do that while he WAS in office?
Ok. So next time someone spits or beats up an Asian in a COVID related attack, I'll assume that all people from that background are racist. Cool.
Ok. So next time someone spits or beats up an Asian in a COVID related attack, I'll assume that all people from that background are racist. Cool.

Nice try.

Making an apples to oranges comparison doesn’t change the fact that what you said is anecdotal.

Mind you, I never said all African Jews are “spit on” as you mentioned... I merely asked how you arrived at the conclusion that they aren’t seeing as you aren’t an African Jew yourself.
why do WE
always have to do it on the low
or let it die down
when they do it in the open all the time
nah **** that

On the low because of the nature of the comments. Dude literally said ALL white people are evil. There's no walking that back without a convincing apology, and anyone voicing their public support is running into a minefield and putting their own brand and ability to yield influence in jeopardy.

On the low because it's good strategy: Chris Brown got cancelled for a minute but suddenly started charting again; he definitely got a lot of support in the background, but nobody was trying to say out loud "maybe Rihanna was being a b..." right around the time of the incident.

And to expand a bit on the necessity to be discreet, folks need to realize that nothing in this world happens without allies, especially when you only represent 15% of the population of a country and your overall wealth is anemic compared to that the dominant group. Anyone willing to recognize and support your demands should be treated as an asset when your country is surrounded by only two countries (Mexico and Canada) that won't risk their economic interests in order to openly recognize the legitimacy of your demands and two oceans over which the government that oppresses you exercises supreme military control.
This is not a context in which you want to be openly confrontational all the time on all issues. This is a context in which you want to be discerning in how you use your limited resources. Fight the battles you can win, run away from the battles you will lose, and build up your political, economic, and demographic capital to be able to stand tall at all times.
Kinfolk Kinfolk

I came in here to explain that Jews come from all backgrounds. What the average person thinks of when they hear the word Jew is completely different. You cant associate one persons actions with an entire group of people. Unless her name is Karen.
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