PC on OG Taxi 12s! Help please!

Nov 6, 2011
Not this exact pair but identical condition.  I need help figuring out the price because I know these are pretty rare.  Any help is appreciated!:smile:

Pictures are below!
Welcome to Niketalk, but you need to edit your post to take out that live link.
Size 10 Taxi XIIs are not hard to come by, there's plenty of DS pairs on ebay that are cheaper than the beat pair in your auction.

I'd value the pair you posted at around $60-90


Haha yeah, as you can see I'm new around here.  Otherwise I would probably have a better idea on prices.  Well I'm a bit dissapointed in that but it is helpful information to me which I appreciate.  Luckily I didn't overvalue them and I should be able to somewhat restore.
FIREPOWER is correct on the pricing. If they are around the same condition as those pics then they would be great for restoration. OG XIIs have thick, durable leather that takes well to reshaping. Just iron up the leather to take out the creaes, get black shoe polish for the black portions, armoral the black rubber and you got fresh OG XIIs.
Yeah, most likely I'll try and spend alot fo time getting them to look beautiful again lol.  I'll post pictures of the pair I'm getting in a few days when I recieve them :smile: I've only really restored Oreo 6s before so I'm kinda excited I guess lol.
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