"I hear you talking about "We" a lot, guess you speak French now" [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]:pimp: :pimp:

Played this track about 300 times, in my top 3 songs he ever done.

That line is too dope [emoji]128514[/emoji]
40 produced "Come and See Me". Would be dope if he produces the whole album. Also, Party and Jeremih were in the studio together. :nerd:
 that's gonna be a problem 
The only similarity PND shares with The Weeknd is the level of pure savagery they have. He is a complete ham for posting that. Kehlani is also a savage for playing my man Kyrie like that. All around hilarious situation 10/10 can't wait for the new album I know it's going to have some emotional idgaf bangers
Yo, this girl Kehlani is triflin'  

That's why you can't trust any of these ****. How you going to post a whole memoir about Kyrie and then leave him in the dust, smh. PND kind of suspect for taking her back after her whole fiasco, like she won't leave him again for greener pastures.

Ah well, long as P3 has bangers is all I care about  
Theres a blog dated from last week says they were no longer dating and cited deleted pics from both.

Dont let that get in the way of a good story tho
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