Parking disputes

SMH at 5 lames trying to get at one dude and couldnt even drop him! damn mexicans cant fight at all...i used to get rushed by groups of mexicans 3-4 at a timeand i just back up and line one up at a time...their punches feel like feather filled pillows
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Dude without a shirt was asking for it.

I mean, how are you gonna take a punch to the face and not do anything. He showed a sign of weakness and those other lame dudes just saw that.

Thats what happens when a bunch of pssy as dudes see weakness, they gang up like a bunch of lames. This gets me heated, If you punch me once.... we fightin till one of us can't walk

wouldnt that make it just as bad? if the one dude starts fighting, it might go into a 7 on 1 or 10 on 1 beat down.. thats when they get out weapons and end itfor good. i think he did the best thing he could do
so he gets jumped and then wants to pose at 1:28
this has to be in texas , or cali.

That is sad how you go 5 deep over a parking seat ?

there lucky old dude wasnt carrying a gun. Nice 5 series though , and real talk if old dude woulda hit big boy it woulda been way worse.
LMAO @ hope You like Zapato Cabron!!!!!!

That was pretty sad though. SMH dude punching his head like a speed bag. Pathetic
that *#@! was lame straight up I would have killed every last one of them guys......dude did not want to fight and they keep trying him thats poon rightthere......then he tries to slam the guy leg in the door......%!%#$ $++ ninjas don't have any class about themselves
Im sorry but I would not let a 400 pound dude hang on the door of my beamer like that that, wouldnt fight him straight up but Id find a way to knock his fatself to the ground, once he's down he wont get up easy
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

mexicans cant fight one on one

im mean Juan on Juan

why the hell you got to bring race into this

The dudes attacking the guy with his shirt off were weak. How are you gonna jump a dude who obviously doesnt really want to fight and then just try to get in on the action is a $*+$! move. Let the two either fight one on one or let it go. Having a gang of dudes randomly take shots at one guy doesnt make you hard.
my thoughts exactly

im hispanic by the way. chill
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