Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

This was worth the money. No lie,
Spoiler [+]
I was like
when she got dragged. I didnt see that coming at all.

I rather watch The Happening again.

The Happening >>>>>>> Paranormal Activity

That's how bad this movie is...

And all these movies using this "realistic" camcorder effect are starting to get very cheesy. (Cloverfield, REC/Quarantine, This Piece of $*$!)
Originally Posted by Im Not You


The Happening >>>>>>> Paranormal Activity

That's how bad this movie is...

And all these movies using this "realistic" camcorder effect are starting to get very cheesy. (Cloverfield, REC/Quarantine, This Piece of $*$!)

Cloverfield and Quarantine made you dizzy as hell for the first 10 or so minutes.
i just came back from watching it and it was not worth my money..
the whole movie was boring except for the last 2 minutes, SWEAR!
not even that scary and im easily scared..
do not waste ur money and time on this movie, gave me headache the whole time. smh not scary at all.
Had a couple scary parts but not really THAT scary. But the end was freaky as hell
Just got back from watching it and it is one of the scarier movies ive seen in a longggg time. Sorta took cues from the exorsist but with a home movie feel. When she got dragged was the best scene!
hahaha this movie sucked big time. I went wit my girl n fell asleep. told her i was gonna go take a piss hoping to meet some breezies outside to kill time butsoon as i walked out the movie ended. i want my $$$ back.
%$! do people think the dragging scene makes the 130 mins leading up to it remotely scary?

the freakiest parts besides the last 3 minutes were the picture in the attic and the powder....and her standing over the bed for like 4 hrs...after seeingthat, i'd have left must have just stopped checking the tapes, huh?
Seen this today...

The hype made me feel like i was about to witness the most horrifying movie ever...

Not that bad though...

The Strangers >>> Paranormal Activity
Just came back from the movie, it's WAY over hyped. Not scary until last 5 min IMO.Glad i work at the theater and dont pay, i would be mad

But the movie had 'ol girl damn near crying on my shoulder
Not interested in seeing it anymore but I did go see step father tonight instead.

It was a decent movie, good story behind it.
Originally Posted by select127

hahaha this movie sucked big time. I went wit my girl n fell asleep. told her i was gonna go take a piss hoping to meet some breezies outside to kill time but soon as i walked out the movie ended. i want my $$$ back.
Why you feel you gotta lie and tell stories like that? Lame
i think the trailers ruined the movie for me. seriously the "scariest" scenes from the movie are in the trailer. if the trailers consisted of justthem talking about being freaked out/crying or whatever and not have shown any bedroom footage, it would've been a lot better.

i can imagine going into this movie not knowing what to expect at all making it a lot better.

overall, i was entertained. movie was good at building tension, but i just feel like it could've been a lot better.

edit- just noticed i ended every thought with "a lot better"
Yeah all the best scenes were in the trailer.... I just got back from watching it right now with my cousin who hadn't seen a preview of the movie yet. Sheteared up at the part where she got dragged and screamed at the end. Funny stuff... oh and the girls next to us left the theatre crying
Anyways.. I scare easy and this movie didn't scare me.
this movie was based on a guy who taped him and his girl sleeping and his camera jus fell over. The Movie was just fabricated to make a whole new storyline
definitely not worth 10 bucks IMO. ending was freaky though, as someone probably said already
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