Panamanian amature boxing VID, open for lulz

the sound effects.
jokes on you the guy that got knocked out was american. please go sit in a corner
Originally Posted by yendro

so youre trying to say that a country thats been around since the 1800's and has over 3 million people has accomplished something great by giving me an old poet, an organist that composes panamanian folklore music that no one ever heard of, and a boxer from the 70's. Thats shameful, what have those 3 mil ppl been doing for the last 200 years?
I don't know what's worse: how oblivious you are to how you're coming off or the fact that you're serious.

Don't post in this thread anymore. I'll ban you, regardless of what you say.
Originally Posted by yendro

no wonder their country never achieved anything

%%*% you hating for no reason.

++!!% made sucka.

Originally Posted by yendro

im not being close minded, i read everything you wrote and did some more hw. everything i read allowed me to make a conclusion that the only importance that panama holds is the panama canal, which was built not by panama lol. im just saying all of the achievements that you listed are miniscule and the world would not be any different without those people.

Just leave them alone.. They never did anything to you.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by yendro

so youre trying to say that a country thats been around since the 1800's and has over 3 million people has accomplished something great by giving me an old poet, an organist that composes panamanian folklore music that no one ever heard of, and a boxer from the 70's. Thats shameful, what have those 3 mil ppl been doing for the last 200 years?
I don't know what's worse: how oblivious you are to how you're coming off or the fact that you're serious.

Don't post in this thread anymore. I'll ban you, regardless of what you say.

i've never wanted somebody to post so bad.
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