early link worked perfectly, however got stuck in queue with xxl red, as soon as I refreshed another tab on the new page all fergs were already sold out. Queue lasted 2 more minutes until it went to oos cart screen. Only bots ate i bet.
Palace can eat these for breakfast....
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By the time I looked up at my clock it was 2 minutes after the drop and everything was sold out. Glad I didn't waste my time on this one.
So there has been nothing leaked out for tommorow. Is it the rest of the lookbook (which is not much) since next week is the Adidas drop?
Tennis balls and no shows if I try to get something

I put a sans ferg, spring 2016 beer mats and a sticker pack on grailed, I’m trying to buy this fireworks l/s tri ferg I saw on fb lol
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