Pacman suspended Indefinitely...ESPN NEWS reports...

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

A second officer, Senior Cpl. Miguel Jamaica, said he observed Jones sitting in a car, "getting upset as he cried."

Pacman you %++%+-made

I would pay for you to say that in his face .. that crazy fool
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Officer Allen has a lengthy history with the internal affairs office at the Dallas Police Department. He's been written up numerous times since 2002 for failure to complete a report, spreading rumors, untruthfulness and improper investigation.

PacMan is done...

y would he be done because of that?
i could be wrong, but it sounds like dude was trying to cover some stuff up to help pacman. thats why

Cowboys fans in the PD trying to help Pacman out.

Oh what I would give to see a video of him crying in the car if that's true.
In another twist....

Posted by Mike Florio on October 15, 2008, 11:10 p.m. EDT
More than a day after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended cornerback Pacman Jones, a league source tells us that no one from the Cowboys organization has been able to get in touch with Pacman.

There could be various legitimate explanations for the phenomenon. Still, at this point, no one with the team knows where he is or what he's up to.

Jones has been suspended indefinitely, and for a minimum of four games. It's unclear whether he'll be welcomed back to the Cowboys if/when he is reinstated.

people on here petty as !%## laughing at a dude who has a problem ... yall some punks forreal ... you can see who grew up privileged and who maybe had it alittle rougher on here ... go ask your mommys for lunch money before school starts
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people on here petty as !%## laughing at a dude who has a problem ... yall some punks forreal ... you can see who grew up privileged and who maybe had it a little rougher on here ... go ask your mommys for lunch money before school starts
That's Niketalk in general.

The media has an unhealthy obsession with Jones.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

In another twist....

Posted by Mike Florio on October 15, 2008, 11:10 p.m. EDT
More than a day after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended cornerback Pacman Jones, a league source tells us that no one from the Cowboys organization has been able to get in touch with Pacman.

There could be various legitimate explanations for the phenomenon. Still, at this point, no one with the team knows where he is or what he's up to.

Jones has been suspended indefinitely, and for a minimum of four games. It's unclear whether he'll be welcomed back to the Cowboys if/when he is reinstated.

that crap IS BS cause he reported to his achool program today
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people on here petty as !%## laughing at a dude who has a problem ... yall some punks forreal ... you can see who grew up privileged and who maybe had it a little rougher on here ... go ask your mommys for lunch money before school starts

What problem does he have? Not being able to stay out of trouble, titty bars, jail cells, is something we should feel bad about? Is making it rain a medicalcondition I was unaware of? Dude is a clown, aside from the bank account there is no difference between my idiot friends who are in and out of jail and PacmanJones. He happens to be a common criminal who can return punts and occassionaly defend a pass. Go buy your "Free Pac-Man" t-shirt, lof off NT andgo back to toughing it out on the mean streets where people can relate to criminals like Pacman Jones.
people act like cuz dude is a millionaire and has nfl talent that he cant be human ... theres thousands of people his age in my state alone, with just as muchcriminal history as he has and more ... its not about relating as much as it is understanding ... i can see where most these dudes dont have any sympathy forhim cuz they had a plush life with no adversity ... im not saying i had the roughest of a life but damn i understand if someone has a drinking problem andpartys a little too much ... petty
Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people on here petty as !%## laughing at a dude who has a problem ... yall some punks forreal ... you can see who grew up privileged and who maybe had it a little rougher on here ... go ask your mommys for lunch money before school starts

What problem does he have? Not being able to stay out of trouble, titty bars, jail cells, is something we should feel bad about? Is making it rain a medical condition I was unaware of? Dude is a clown, aside from the bank account there is no difference between my idiot friends who are in and out of jail and Pacman Jones. He happens to be a common criminal who can return punts and occassionaly defend a pass. Go buy your "Free Pac-Man" t-shirt, lof off NT and go back to toughing it out on the mean streets where people can relate to criminals like Pacman Jones.


people act like cuz dude is a millionaire and has nfl talent that he cant be human ... theres thousands of people his age in my state alone, with just as much criminal history as he has and more ... its not about relating as much as it is understanding ... i can see where most these dudes dont have any sympathy for him cuz they had a plush life with no adversity ... im not saying i had the roughest of a life but damn i understand if someone has a drinking problem and partys a little too much ... petty

I don't understand ANY of your rationale.....
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people act like cuz dude is a millionaire and has nfl talent that he cant be human ... theres thousands of people his age in my state alone, with just as much criminal history as he has and more ... its not about relating as much as it is understanding ... i can see where most these dudes dont have any sympathy for him cuz they had a plush life with no adversity ... im not saying i had the roughest of a life but damn i understand if someone has a drinking problem and partys a little too much ... petty

Pacman's problems go well beyond drinking too much and partying. The dude has been lucky he has lasted this long in the NFL and he should be grateful thathe even got his last chance at the NFL. Im sorry, but I dont feel for someone who has been give opportunity after opportunity and has blown it each time. This mess isnt Goodell's fault, Jerry Jones' fault, or anyone elses fault. This mess is Pacman's fault and he should pay the penalty for it.
I can't wait till Jones gets in yet another incident in the next month and we get to rehash this all over again, including the usual who will question theauthority.

Dude is a bum, and the league doesnt need him. ESPN does. Let's move on to the next topic so this thread doesnt reach 20 pages of the same back and forth.
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people act like cuz dude is a millionaire and has nfl talent that he cant be human ... theres thousands of people his age in my state alone, with just as much criminal history as he has and more ... its not about relating as much as it is understanding ... i can see where most these dudes dont have any sympathy for him cuz they had a plush life with no adversity ... im not saying i had the roughest of a life but damn i understand if someone has a drinking problem and partys a little too much ... petty

Pacman's problems go well beyond drinking too much and partying. The dude has been lucky he has lasted this long in the NFL and he should be grateful that he even got his last chance at the NFL. Im sorry, but I dont feel for someone who has been give opportunity after opportunity and has blown it each time. This mess isnt Goodell's fault, Jerry Jones' fault, or anyone elses fault. This mess is Pacman's fault and he should pay the penalty for it.

but he's had adversity in his life, so it should be excused.
Nowitness what are you getting from that report?
I get from it that NOTHING we've heard is true... And living in Dallas, that's not the first time you've heard that officer's namecome up in a situation like this...

"Pacman is done" might have been a tad over the top, but did anyone really believe this guy walked into a bathroom, slugged his body guard, paid forthe damages, and walked right back out?
Come on... There's more to this story. And it'll be interesting to see what comes of it as this continuesto develop...

Adam checks into his alcohol treatment program today, which is a positive sign... At least he's come to terms with the fact that he's got seriousissues to take care of... As far as I can tell, he's done with the Cowboys. But we'll see what happens a month from now.
im not saying i had the roughest of a life but damn i understand if someone has a drinking problem and partys a little too much ...
Drinking and partying isn't the problem... It's that he can't control himself when he's doing so... I'm sorry, but drinkingand partying too much isn't an excuse for being around trouble CONSTANTLY... There are plenty of dudes in the NFL, NBA, etc. that had rough homes lives andare living on the straight and narrow... Having to deal with adversity when you were a child is fine. I understand it. But at some point you have to be a MANand actually deal with it, rather than continuing to allow it to be an excuse for your problems.
DoubleJs07 wrote:
Scottsauce88 wrote:
LilStarZ07 wrote:
people act like cuz dude is a millionaire and has nfl talent that he cant be human ... theres thousands of people his age in my state alone, with just as much criminal history as he has and more ... its not about relating as much as it is understanding ... i can see where most these dudes dont have any sympathy for him cuz they had a plush life with no adversity ... im not saying i had the roughest of a life but damn i understand if someone has a drinking problem and partys a little too much ... petty

Pacman's problems go well beyond drinking too much and partying. The dude has been lucky he has lasted this long in the NFL and he should be grateful that he even got his last chance at the NFL. Im sorry, but I dont feel for someone who has been give opportunity after opportunity and has blown it each time. This mess isnt Goodell's fault, Jerry Jones' fault, or anyone elses fault. This mess is Pacman's fault and he should pay the penalty for it.

but he's had adversity in his life, so it should be excused.

I know man. Everyone who has had to deal with adversity in life has resorted to crime so this makes Pacman normal and he actions excusable. If we haven'tcommited crimes we have had a pampered life
its funny how the state of GA isn't going to pursue charges against him but Goddell is going to suspend him for 4 games
.....if you're blk and inthe league you got to stay on your P's n Q's.....cause he's otgan
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people on here petty as !%## laughing at a dude who has a problem ... yall some punks forreal ... you can see who grew up privileged and who maybe had it a little rougher on here ... go ask your mommys for lunch money before school starts
Broad generalization. I grew up far from privileged. I've taken advantage of every chance I've been given. Unlike this IDIOT who can'tkeep out of trouble to save his life.
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

its funny how the state of GA isn't going to pursue charges against him but Goddell is going to suspend him for 4 games
.....if you're blk and in the league you got to stay on your P's n Q's.....cause he's otgan

its funny how Pacman is even in the league
I'm just playing with the whole *****made thing. Just trying to lighten things up. NT doesn't want to hear what I have to say about Pac because all itwill do is stretch this thread to 25+ pages.
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