P-Rod 2 Elephant Print? <no pics>

I'm still waiting on a restock. What happened?
Need refs? kingcrux31, TypeRPinoy, petey crackz, BIGBEN 1986, noypi555, myco84, jumpguy79, BlingSBs, ATLJordan23, ste160, creature 206, Air Brocks, 160jordansdeep...

I got more if you need em.
Might be too late for a restock.
I'm looking for toddler J's 6-7. Hit me up.
i think the restocks are done.
an occasional size will pop up on certain sites, but I don't think FSR's will happen.
Active had an 8.5 yesterday.
if you are size 10 and under, pys.com got them for $149

skateparkoftampa has a fsr just bought another one :)

thank you so much man, I've been searching CCS for like 2 months after I missed the first waves of restocks..

I would hurry people...

Thanks For Your Order and Your Support
Below is your receipt. Please print this page for your records.
You can contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Description &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Qty &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Price &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp SubTotal &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tax Total &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Grand Total
Nike SB &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 1 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp $84.95 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp $84.95 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp $0.00 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp $84.95
Paul Rodriguez 2 Zoom Air Signature Shoe Size:10.5 Color:Grey Haze/ Black
Weight: 60 Ounces
Unit of Measure: Single Item
Super Bowl Champions: XVII:XXII:XXVI

Yall was takin too long, so we had to do it...
young black and dashing like Sydney in his prime in a black film classic

you got ds size 13 foot patrol air stabs? get at me​
damn i cant believe this thread is still going...a testament to a good clean shoe
3 months later and still going strong
does anyone have experience with ccs? online it says my order was canceled but they charged my card and sent me and order confirmation. not shipping tho. they would send an email saying its been cancelled right?

Team DC/MD/VA​

Yall was takin too long, so we had to do it...
young black and dashing like Sydney in his prime in a black film classic

you got ds size 13 foot patrol air stabs? get at me​
Where can I find some Elephant Print P-Rods in size 10?
Detroit still runs the Eastern Conference...

VVNDS Blk Spizike size 10 $185
At this point I highly doubt you'll find any for retail. Your best bet is eBay. Flight Club doesn't appear to have a size 10. Good luck finding one though. You probably have no choice but to pay reseller prices.

We Bring Out The Salami and Cheese
All Hail the Old Gold and Black
I'm still rocking my Black/Gold ones
No Chip But Philly Still Runs This $hip
City of Champions
Banned SN: limelightn5mics
Total Posts: 876
Member Since :: June 23, 2006
Anyone know where I can get the grey/white and blue ones in size 10.5 or 11?~
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
just ordered mine from caliroots.com
-little pricey, but i been wanting these
i want my size 13s.

@#%$ ccs

Team DC/MD/VA​

Yall was takin too long, so we had to do it...
young black and dashing like Sydney in his prime in a black film classic

you got ds size 13 foot patrol air stabs? get at me​
Man, I decided I wanted to get rid of my pair after a while because I bought some IDs. I guess the value isn't so high, I even listed 'em for $75 on eBay and got no bidders. D'oh well.
Anywhere else? Sill lookin for a 10.5 or 11.~

T R A N S F O R M E R S​
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