Orange Is The New Black // Netflix Original Series from the creator of Weeds

please please please no more naked pale white women

so many backstories that never said why they went to jail...

i hope Alex is dead just so they can end the back and forth with her and Piper...i prefer Piper die but that will probably never happen

the ending kinda felt like the wire where they show how its always a revolving door

Healey is a weirdo...he's a homophobic *** who honestly believes he's doing the right thing and helping these women...i hope that black CO comes back

at frist I got the Ruby Rose hype but then I saw her naked and i'm good

LOL!! Right. Ruby Rose did absolutely NOTHING for me... but I'll say the same for most Women who look like her.

It just feels like the Season was Rushed... yet they had a full year to get just 13 Episodes done (filmed in just ONE PLACE for the most part).

But it's not about the Acting, really... just a lack of good writing. Did Jason Biggs & the Piper Fiance story going away, really throw off the show that much???

And JESUS... that Norma Cult BS was mad annoying. Stuff like that is usually a One Episode kind of thing. Disappointing overall. 
Bennett disappearing is just that. He pictured this fairytale life with Daya, where everything would be perfect and they would be happy, but his visit with her mother's boyfriend changed all of that. So, just like plenty of men out there, he bailed.
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Bennett disappearing is just that. He pictured this fairytale life with Daya, where everything would be perfect and they would be happy, but his visit with her mother's boyfriend changed all of that. So, just like plenty of men out there, he bailed.

Pretty much

Cesar scared him off lol
bennett is an idiot anyway. Should've just been happy he wasn't the one who got put in jail.
This season was the worst of the three but I still enjoyed it. Hope this is the end of the flashbacks though
Yea the cult storyline was terrible

Ruby Rose face is cool but her body is weak. gender fluid is a good description for her
Still haven't watched season 3
People I know say it's trash
And how they all got makeup and all that on
Even though they're suppose to be in prison
And also that the story is kinda trash
Should I waste my time????
Women have access to makeup in prison. Some of them who barely wear any in the show look rough.
Still haven't watched season 3
People I know say it's trash
And how they all got makeup and all that on
Even though they're suppose to be in prison
And also that the story is kinda trash
Should I waste my time????

Women have access to makeup in prison. Some of them who barely wear any in the show look rough.

I said the same thing about makeup because only 4 of them wear it while everyone else is without. While i know they somehow get it or find somebway to make it or somethin it was just annoying.

Because in season 1 the CO's were on them about wearing it. Now every episode Alex has those perfect drawn in eyebrows, Flaca has that crap under her eye, Sofia is always fully made up, and red with that lipstick ... oh and Morello's lipstick (some times she doesnt wear it)

Ruby Rose does look like Bieber with makeup. I went thru her IG even with longer hair she doesnt appeal to me.

I could do without Piper and Alex for the next season.

I agree with a previous post that they showed all these back stories and 90% never showed why they actually got locked up.
I enjoyed the season because of the flashbacks. Finally got more info on the rest of the recurring cast.

There wasn't a major tie-in plot for the season. There were also a lot of separate story lines, but I guess that comes with flushing out the backgrounds.

Story lines I didn't like:
prison panties
Kosher meals
Heroine sells (just didn't like how they got rid of Nichols)
Poussey trying to find herself the whole season
The cult

Story lines I like:
Daya and her mom
Daya's baby
Union/Corpratizing prison
Alex having a hit on her (I wanted to know what happened with the first chick she mentioned)
Pennsatucky issues
Sophia and Mendoza beef
Finished season 3 last week. Thought it was horrendous, and a major fall from the first two seasons. I'm pessimistic about anything to come after this, and don't think I care to watch another episode.

Some of the dialogue was downright cringe-worthy.
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Finished season 3 last week. Thought it was horrendous, and a major fall from the first two seasons. I'm pessimistic about anything to come after this, and don't think I care to watch another episode.

Some of the dialogue was downright cringe-worthy.

Word, just finished season 3 last night.

I loved the first 2 seasons, knew things wouldn't be as great but I didn't expect it to fall off THAT HARD and that fast.

It was CRINGE WORTHY how boring it was, at least the first half. 2nd half of the season started to pick up, I was like finally... But then it ended super dull.

Massive :l

I swear it's like they ran of our ideas, and knew they had to put something out so just rushed it into production. Absolutely no interesting conflicts or situations all season long, just when we'd get a glimpse of a good story line it would end suddenly and then they would move on to something else that.

Ugh. Oh well.

Like antidope said, worst of the 3 seasons. Still a decent watch (I guess :rolleyes ) but yeah, I wouldn't expect anything amazing from this season if you haven't watched yet.

One of those seasons that you basically just put on to kill hours of boredom, but don't rush home to see.
All that time they spent on Norma and her cult killed about 30% of the show

Like they literally carried that on for multiple episodes ... for what though?

Watching season 1 now with my girl and realizing how long and drawn out they made piper's intro to getting locked up and what happened between her and alex
They probably ran out of ideas this season. The story crazy eyes was writing was one of the funniest things i've ever heard though. Whoever's idea that was was very creative and pervy.
Piper is still the worst main character on any current show. Can not stand her.

My vote is that lame mike from suits. Stopped watching the show because of him. Would start watching again if they killed him off.
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