Only In Death, we are Immortal....?

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Your blue might be my red

who is to say that what another person considers one thing cannot be considered another by someone else, like what if each one of us sees humans as a
particular shape or form but we just assume everyone sees what we see

Yes, I agree with you. The words we use are the currency of communication. We need some sort of standard in order to convey our thoughts with each other. If weall made up a language, we'd be incoherent to each other and basically fail as a society.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Your blue might be my red

who is to say that what another person considers one thing cannot be considered another by someone else, like what if each one of us sees humans as a particular shape or form but we just assume everyone sees what we see

swear i was thinking of this before
This is a never ending story...

Nobody has any certain answer that will quench anyone's desire for a straight answer.

Those that do have "The Answer" are long gone.

Accept the FACT that you will die.

Live your life accordingly.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Your blue might be my red

who is to say that what another person considers one thing cannot be considered another by someone else, like what if each one of us sees humans as a particular shape or form but we just assume everyone sees what we see

swear i was thinking of this before
Me too.

How do you know that anything exists outside of your consciousness?
After a nice L, or hitting Billy Bong Thornton this alsways comes to mind.
Your just in your person along for the ride staring out. Almost Like the 1st Doom game.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Just because you are not conscious of something, does not mean that it does not exist. In sleep you are unconscious of the world around you, but your body is still loosely alert to the environment surrounding it. Sleep exists whether you are conscious of it or not. The same holds true for death. We do not create the world around us. The world around us exists, and our bodies give us the physical gift of experiencing it, and ascribing meaning to that which we observe. Death exists. While we might not be able to consciously experience death ourselves, we are able to observe the phenomenon of death in others. We are consciously aware of the cessation of life.

This isn't deep philosophical thought. Again, OP, where are you a Philosophy major?

Why are you going so hard to try to discredit me? I said I'm going to keep it short and sweet. Stop trying to be cool and go against the grain. If you gotsomething to add, cool. If not, keep it moving. This isn't deep thought? The rest of the posters in here would like to disagree with you. Also, that'syour opinion... are saying EXACTLY the same thing I replied to you but worded it differently. What are you trying to say????
Originally Posted by sStutter

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Your blue might be my red

who is to say that what another person considers one thing cannot be considered another by someone else, like what if each one of us sees humans as a particular shape or form but we just assume everyone sees what we see

swear i was thinking of this before
Me too.

I see what you are trying to say but the only way you will see differently than something else is if something is wrong with, illness, disorder, etc. We allhave different thoughts, theories but all share the same vessel: the human body. If I see green, you see green. Green is green because we universally agree.Also you gotta take the color wheel in consideration, spectrum of light, etc... Green can be called Red but will still be the color green.
all i know is




Originally Posted by 603458644

See, when you begin messing around with the definition of words, it opens up another can of worms. I mean why does language exist in the first place. Depending on your stance on communication and human nature, we use words for different reasons. I guess what I'm trying to say is, words have denotations and connotations; they are two-dimensional, but we can only focus on one-dimension.

Ever notice why in most movies abt aliens, they say that using words and talking in order to communicate is a futile and lower level brain method ofcommunication? They speak to each other on a higher level of consciousness and understanding. Like animals imo. And the thing about or english language is thatit is a hybrid of so many different languages fused together that their derivative ( think about calculus) and original meaning has been lost, or suppressed intranslation. We say things on a daily basis that mean one thing to our westernized level of understanding, yet deeper analysis of phrases we use on an everydaybasis would reveal what we are really saying to each other. We are consciousness energy trapped in a body for a certain period of time and our words formulatedin different mannerism disperse that energy outwards amongst ourselves. Why I truly feel when ppl say things that literally rub us the wrong way.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Deep Critical Thinking. Short and Sweet. I think I finally managed to put years of thinking on this subject into these short sentences. Being a Philosophy major one little question = pages of thoughts/theories.

We never know when we are going to die because death doesn't exist. Death is Life terminated; Life coming to a an end, ;not existing. It would be impossible to go through that. We only know of death because it happens to someone else, when we are the observer. But when we are the victim, we can prepare all we want but we will never know when it happens because there is no way to feel or experience it. You only know that you slept last night because you woke up. ya dig?
I found lots of grammatical errors...if you proclaim to be a "Philosophy Major" then maybe youneed to take an english class to improve on punctuations.

BTW, everyone doesn't die in their sleep, and some people are revived from death.
Originally Posted by sStutter

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Your blue might be my red

who is to say that what another person considers one thing cannot be considered another by someone else, like what if each one of us sees humans as a particular shape or form but we just assume everyone sees what we see

swear i was thinking of this before
Me too.
Well the color you see is every color that the object isn't.

So if you're looking at a blue book cover, that book cover is actually every color except for blue. The only color it isn't is what it reflects. Whatit reflects is what our eyes pick up.

OP you will like this short article. "Does Death Exist?"
millionuppercuts wrote:
Deep Critical Thinking. Short and Sweet. I think I finally managed to put years of thinking on this subject into these short sentences. Being a Philosophy major one little question = pages of thoughts/theories.

We never know when we are going to die because death doesn't exist. Death is Life terminated; Life coming to a end, not existing. It would be impossible to go through that. We only know of Death because it happens to someone else, when we are the observer. But when we are the victim, we can prepare all we want but we will never know when it happens because there is no way to feel or experience it. You only know that you slept last night because you woke up. ya dig?
If you are a Philosophy major, you are either:
A)�a Freshman.
B)�a poor student.
C) a ripoff artist.

Why do I say this?� Because the skeptics had this argument - almost verbatim - 300ish years ago.� Sure, the masses don't read much Bishop Berkeley, DavidHume�or�Rene Descartes but as a Philosophy major, you certainly should have.� So either you're awkwardly repackaging�someone else's stuff:

����� ��

...suggesting option C, or you haven't read these things for yourself, suggesting options A and B.� If you are a Freshman then you probably just finishedThe Republic and some generic Intro to Philosophy book and there is still hope...which is good because along with developing your mind�your writing, whilewoefully inadequate right now, may develop as well.� However, if you are not A and you are not C, then�either your program is an embarrassment because you havenot been exposed to these thinkers and their ideas or you really are just a lazy student coasting through a Philosophy curriculum.� Don't feel bad aboutthat though.� You're not the first�"Philosophy major" to�exist on paper at a university and take some classes.� Of course there are otherpermutations of the three options I offered, but I think these cover the most reasonable explanations - word to William of Ockham.� (And if you don't knowwho that is either you will,�it's too late, or it wouldn't matter to you anyway.)

- A Philosophy Graduate
Why do I say this?� Because the skeptics had this argument - almost verbatim - 300ish years ago.� Sure, the masses don't read much Bishop Berkeley, David Hume�or�Rene Descartes but as a Philosophy major, you certainly should have.� So either you're awkwardly repackaging�someone else's stuff:

I don't consider having a discussion about a common philosophical question, plagiarism...
OP, I just have this nagging suspicion that you say you're a Philosophy major, but it's at a community college, thus making it not really a major atall.
Why does it matter if he's a Philosophy major? It's just a title. No need to disrespect the man and I sure don't mean to disrespect you. We arejust having a discussion.
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