Only In America. VOL: 16 Year Old Drunk Driver Kills 4 and Walks Because He is Rich

Jun 3, 2011

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.
Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.
'Money always seems to keep (Couch) out of trouble,' Eric Boyles, whose wife and daughter were killed in the June 15 crash, told the Star Telegram after sentencing. 'Ultimately today, I felt that money did prevail. If (he) had been any other youth, I feel like the circumstances would have been different.'

No jail: Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, pictured left on Tuesday, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years probation, something that has angering his victim's families
Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

A psychologist called by the defense, Dr. Gary Miller, blamed the teen's behavior on his parents, claiming they gave him whatever he wanted including 'freedoms no young person should have.'
Miller called Couch a product of 'affluenza,' where his family felt their wealth bought privilege and there was no rational link between behavior and consequences. He added that the boy had an 'intellectual age' of 18 but an 'emotional age' of 12.
'The teen never learned to say that you’re sorry if you hurt someone,' Miller said, according to the Star Telegram. 'If you hurt someone, you sent him money.'

She told the teen that he is responsible for what happened, but she said she didn't believe he would receive the therapy he needed in jail. If he violates the terms of his probation, he could be sent to prison for 10 years.
Defense attorneys asked that he be sent to a private rehabilitation home near Newport Beach, California, which costs an enormous $450,000 a year. His father said he'd foot the bill.
Prosecutors said the juvenile justice system also offered counseling.
Breanna's mother, Marla Mitchell, said she was 'mad' about the sentence and embraced the families of the other victims outside of the courtroom.
'He'll be feeling the hand of God, definitely,' she told 'He may think he got away with something, but he hasn't gotten away with anything.'
Alex Lumas, whose brother was paralyzed in the accident, was also in disbelief at the probation.
'To me, it's not right,' he said.
However, the widow of one of the victims looked at the defendant in the courtroom and said, 'Ethan, we forgive you,' which caused Couch to swallowed hard and tear up a bit.

Couch's family did not comment on the sentence and the teen wasn't allowed to go home with his parents. He will remain at a detention center until Boyd decided whether he can go to the plush California facility.
The teen admitted he was the driver of the pickup truck that crashed and started a chain reaction of car crashes and said he and seven friends had been drinking for hours before the June 15 wreck.
Some of them were even caught on surveillance video stealing two cases of beer from a nearby Walmart in the hours prior to the horrific smash.
Couch was charged with four counts of intoxication manslaughter as well as two counts of intoxication assault, according to the Tarrant County district attorney's office.
In September, he appeared with his lawyers for a detention hearing and was released to his parents on the condition that he wear an ankle monitor that allowed officials to keep track of him.
At around 11:45 p.m on June 15, Couch and a group his friends who were all drunk, got into a red Ford F350 pick-up and were barreling down Burleson-Retta Road in southern Tarrant County when the truck left the road.

As it careered out of control, it clipped a broken down SUV, throwing the owner and four good Samaritans, who were trying to help, 60 yards in the air. They were all killed on impact.
It was revealed soon after that Couch's blood-alcohol level was 0.24 - three times the adult limit, though minors aren't allowed any alcohol in their system - and that his truck was traveling up to 70 mph when it started the chain reaction of crashes.
The impact flung the four people 50 to 60 yards, authorities reported.
Jennings, a Burleson youth minister, had stopped to help Mitchell, whose vehicle had a flat tire, and Boyles and her daughter had come out of their nearby house to assist. The SUV and all four victims were standing off the roadway.
The red pickup then hit Mr Jennings' parked Silverado pickup with two boys inside.
Couch's red pickup flew up into the air, flipped and crashed into a tree.
None of the teens in the red truck were wearing seat belts, investigators said.
They had earlier stolen a couple of cases of beer from a Walmart in Burleson about an hour before the crash and prior to that, they had tried unsuccessfully to buy alcohol at a convenience store.

The theft was recorded by store security cameras.
The group had only traveled two blocks when their speeding vehicle came off the road and clipped the broken-down SUV.
Soliman Mohmand and Sergio Molina were seriously injured and remains in a coma with a traumatic brain injury.
His medical bills have exceeded $600,000 and could climb into the millions if Mr Molina needs permanent round-the-clock care. His parents are now suing Couch and his family for up to $20 million in a separate lawsuit.
The Silverado was pushed into a Volkswagen Beetle, which was being driven by Ashlyn Evans, 18.
She and her 14-year-old passenger were also injured.
Prosecutors chose not to pursue adult charges but to try the driver as a juvenile and to seek a 'determinate sentence.'
June's car crash wasn't the first time underage drinking had got Couch in trouble.
In February of this year, in the town Lakeside, northwest of Fort Worth, police found Couch with a 12-ounce can of beer and a 1.75-liter bottle of vodka in the early hours and gave him two citations - one for being a minor in possession of alcohol, the other for consuming alcohol as a minor.
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Civil suit is going to clean that family's coffers.

And he WILL do this again. Not a maybe.
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:smh: I hope the victims families sue that kid & his family for every penny they have in civil court.

All the money in the world won't bring back that mans wife and kid.. But I hope he wins every cent from those scumbags
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$$$ > Justice in many cases, this is only one.

Still heinous, he should be doing atleast 15 for every person that got killed.
hopefully someone kills that kid. 

dead serious.  it won't bring the people he killed back nor will it heal their families but i would love to see that alcoholic kid get shot in the face along with his enabling family.
"Oh he never learned about consequences, so lets not give him any......No, I wasnt paid off." - Judge


America thinks its citizens are just ******ed.

Fixed the title for you.

Why you guys gotta bring race into this one? When money is involved, race doesn't matter.

I once heard about some dude named OJ.
I would take a gun to that kid myself if i lost my wife and child because of this moron.

Every breath he draws on earth is an insult to the victim's family and the legal system.
Family is gonna get taken to the cleaners in the civil suits. No way around that.
Family is gonna get taken to the cleaners in the civil suits. No way around that.

You know what doe...

Thats probably why Judge let him walk. Best way to hurt rich......people is by hitting them in the pockets.
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