Only In America. VOL: 16 Year Old Drunk Driver Kills 4 and Walks Because He is Rich

Where does the majority of the money spent to keep him free go? Is a lot of it under the table? Lawyer? Judge?

I know this happens a lot I just don't understand how when the families of the deceased victims must be hell bent on justice and in majority of cases I'm assuming unwilling to accept any bribe money to drop charges.

Anyone have an idea of how it works?
While this case is most definitely an example of white privilege given the statements by the judge quoted elsewhere. You dilute that argument by making correlations based on extremes. The problem is that you and ScarsOrScabs aren't wrong but you use extremes on the opposite end of the pendulum to support your case simply for the "shock jock effect." ie if this was a poor black kid ...... poor black kids are serving longer sentences for non violent crimes.. etc Which then leads to other posters completely ignoring your valid points and dragging you into a mudfight.

Extremes? Example of a correlation based on an extreme?

Because that example you're saying I made, I didn't. How bout you stick to the script and stop ad-libbing.

Point is black Americans (and not just black Americans, other minorities are subject to disproportional treatment) are incarcerated at a higher rate for non-violent crimes.

Point is this kid walked away scot-free from murder while DUI when people who are first time offenders who didn't hurt ANYONE have served mandatory prison time.

Thats what I've been saying, so how about we stick to that instead of whatever "extremes" you think I'm talking about. I got another word for those "extremes", they're called realities

I edited this part out of my post to make a bit concise, but in terms of proving a bias furthermore a statistical bias using
white kid (rich, influential parents, part of the power structure/network of the community, close to the top of the societal power hierarchy)
a poor black kid ( no money, no community influence, not part of the societal power hierarchy, and to an extent publicly criminalized w/o actually being a criminal),

When making an argument these two variable sit on opposite extremes, because of this they negate any argument involving them when compared.

You're not wrong in what you state about the justice system, the issue is when you get on your soapbox. This case is a horrible example to make the case of " if this was any other minority," simply because most people gut reaction will be that this is a rich kid getting away with murder ..... not a rich white kid getting away with murder but a rich kid getting away with murder, because of this YOU now have to prove that him being white played a larger role in his sentencing than his parents being rich.

When you use socioeconomic principles or as you state it "realities" that brings the argument back to rich vs poor and not white vs black/brown/yellow/red/blue etc
Even if was rich vs middle class without an example of a middle class white person getting off for a similar crime as the one this thread is about, the argument goes back to being one of socioeconomic principles/bias.

When you attack cases such as this one, first you use an example of another rich minority doing a similarly heinous crime and NOT getting away with it.... (or like stated above a middle class white person committing a similarly heinous crime) .. Only then have you proven race over rules wealth, in which you can now use/correlate your examples of the realities of Black Americans.

For example cases like the Jason Beer one depending on the results are a good starting point. (But I wouldn't use it)
I also understand that you then attempted to add on sentencing for non violent crimes vs violent crimes when it comes to race in which now you're using a red herring.

If you stuck to the DUI part of your original arguments using examples/stats of DUI sentencing based on race ... You would've had a better foundation to stand on, but again most people will point out that their reaction to the verdict of this case is based around "another rich kid getting off" and NOT "another rich white kid getting off" or another "white person" getting off

I'm black if it matters....
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I meannn if that's an extreme we could use the point that Mike Vick served two years for funding a dog fighting operation... This kid Killed 4 humans himself... Paralyzed another two himself.... and it gonna be on a tropical island in a year chilling as if it's okay
not sure if serious....

Being a rich white dude.... Isn't dangerous because they can kill someone and get away with it?

What other combination of ethnicity and economic class would this fly with?

Oh I don't know... Maybe AA and rich? You've heard of OJ Simpson, Ray Lewis, Jayson Williams (basically).

Bottom line is this is complete BS. Kid should be doing no less than 15 for manslaughter of four people. It's a joke. This does indeed have more to do with class than race, though.

fac3 has been 100% spot on w the posts that I've read.
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Oh I don't know... Maybe AA and rich? You've heard of OJ Simpson, Ray Lewis, Jayson Williams (basically).

Bottom line is this is complete BS. Kid should be doing no less than 15 for manslaughter of four people. It's a joke. This does indeed have more to do with class than race, though.

fac3 has been 100% spot on w the posts that I've read.

OJ got off because of the botched prosecution with a large reason being Mark Furhman.

Ray Lewis got off because the alleged blood stained suit was never recovered and his fingerprints weren't on any knives used.
Oh I don't know... Maybe AA and rich? You've heard of OJ Simpson, Ray Lewis, Jayson Williams (basically).

Bottom line is this is complete BS. Kid should be doing no less than 15 for manslaughter of four people. It's a joke. This does indeed have more to do with class than race, though.

fac3 has been 100% spot on w the posts that I've read.
bro... I don't even have time to go back and forth with you...

Your "white and black people are treated equally / there's no racism" stance is laughable. I'm not eem gonna go down that path.

Ray lewis was proven to have KNOWN, but not committed murder. Jayson Williams DID do jail time after being in a legal battle for almost a decade. OJ did get eventually get a MAJOR sentence for a minor offense... So dont throw professional athletes at me.

Yes, being rich matters... But don't try to pretend that being rich AND white isn't a factor... Dude killed 4 people...

Who were trying to help someone on the road...

Little black 14 y/o gets 10 years for punching a person and them dying... And THERE ARE PLENTY OF VIOLENT REHAB CLINICS... And the parents were prepared to send him to one...


So miss me w/ that nonsense.

We do agree that this is straight bull **** though... Dude got a slap on the wrist and will prolly have it expunged by the time he gets ready for college.
:lol: Never once have I said racism isn't prevalent in the States. It is. I'm well aware.

Didn't know armed robbery on probation was a minor offense though... If he was white maybe he'd have been hit with rehab :nerd:, a la Chris Brown after his "hate crime" beat down :nerd:

Fact is this is about money and influence, not race. You stay crying wolf about race when race has little if anything to do with situations. Obviously, it never hurts to be white when it comes to legal issues here in the States.
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Ok so name a non famous, non entertainer, rich, black person that has gotten off for murder.
I meannn if that's an extreme we could use the point that Mike Vick served two years for funding a dog fighting operation... This kid Killed 4 humans himself... Paralyzed another two himself.... and it gonna be on a tropical island in a year chilling as if it's okay


How daft do you have to be to not realise this is a social and racial issue?

Ok so name a non famous, non entertainer, rich, black person that has gotten off for murder.

they can't
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I googled "non famous, non entertainer, rich, black person that has gotten off for murder" and Kanye West was the top result :lol: Just thought that was funny.

Why they gotta be non-famous, non-entertainer though?
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Ok so name a non famous, non entertainer, rich, black person that has gotten off for murder.
Why would I do that? What would that solve? If I did, I would hope that I wouldn't find any results. Why would I want to find results of people (regardless of race) getting off for manslaughter, let alone murder? 

Dude killed four white people, BTW.

I'm at a loss that this punk got off. It's complete ********. But it's about wealth, influence, probably personal connections, and very little (if any) to do with race. I'm done here. There's a reason I stayed out of this thread as long as I did. Carry on.
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Ok so name a non famous, non entertainer, rich, black person that has gotten off for murder.

Why would I do that? What would that solve? If I did, I would hope that I wouldn't find any results. Why would I want to find results of people (regardless of race) getting off for manslaughter, let alone murder? 

Dude killed four white people, BTW.

I'm at a loss that this punk got off. It's complete ********. But it's about wealth, influence, probably personal connections, and very little (if any) to do with race. I'm done here. There's a reason I stayed out of this thread as long as I did. Carry on.

Would that not be the black equivalent of this kid? Would that not prove that its not a race thing?
I meannn if that's an extreme we could use the point that Mike Vick served two years for funding a dog fighting operation... This kid Killed 4 humans himself... Paralyzed another two himself.... and it gonna be on a tropical island in a year chilling as if it's okay


How daft do you have to be to not realise this is a social and racial issue?

Ok so name a non famous, non entertainer, rich, black person that has gotten off for murder.

they can't

slim in long beach
Dano in Stockton


Why would I do that? What would that solve? If I did, I would hope that I wouldn't find any results. Why would I want to find results of people (regardless of race) getting off for manslaughter, let alone murder? 

I can't

Dude killed four white people, BTW.

I'm at a loss that this punk got off. It's complete ********. But it's about wealth, influence, probably personal connections, and very little (if any) to do with race. I'm done here. There's a reason I stayed out of this thread as long as I did. Carry on.
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Eh i understand the stance that money played as much or more of a factor in this case than race alone. Can you guys say this white teen would have gotten off if he was not rich?
I edited this part out of my post to make a bit concise, but in terms of proving a bias furthermore a statistical bias using
white kid (rich, influential parents, part of the power structure/network of the community, close to the top of the societal power hierarchy)
a poor black kid ( no money, no community influence, not part of the societal power hierarchy, and to an extent publicly criminalized w/o actually being a criminal),

When making an argument these two variable sit on opposite extremes, because of this they negate any argument involving them when compared.

You're not wrong in what you state about the justice system, the issue is when you get on your soapbox. This case is a horrible example to make the case of " if this was any other minority," simply because most people gut reaction will be that this is a rich kid getting away with murder ..... not a rich white kid getting away with murder but a rich kid getting away with murder, because of this YOU now have to prove that him being white played a larger role in his sentencing than his parents being rich.

When you use socioeconomic principles or as you state it "realities" that brings the argument back to rich vs poor and not white vs black/brown/yellow/red/blue etc
Even if was rich vs middle class without an example of a middle class white person getting off for a similar crime as the one this thread is about, the argument goes back to being one of socioeconomic principles/bias.

When you attack cases such as this one, first you use an example of another rich minority doing a similarly heinous crime and NOT getting away with it.... (or like stated above a middle class white person committing a similarly heinous crime) .. Only then have you proven race over rules wealth, in which you can now use/correlate your examples of the realities of Black Americans.

For example cases like the Jason Beer one depending on the results are a good starting point. (But I wouldn't use it)
I also understand that you then attempted to add on sentencing for non violent crimes vs violent crimes when it comes to race in which now you're using a red herring.

If you stuck to the DUI part of your original arguments using examples/stats of DUI sentencing based on race ... You would've had a better foundation to stand on, but again most people will point out that their reaction to the verdict of this case is based around "another rich kid getting off" and NOT "another rich white kid getting off" or another "white person" getting off

I'm black if it matters....

So you're convinced that this has more to do with his parents wealth and social standing than with his color?

So because we don't have a middle-class or poor white individual who has gotten away with a DUI murder to compare this case to, my argument is null and void?

Even though we've seen white individuals get away with murder who aren't particularly wealthy or enjoy social status?

This isn't a court, I don't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that white privilege is why this kid is free. It's obvious to me as well as others. If people want to bury their head in the sand and say that "hey, it's not that this kid is white, it's that this kid is rich", then fine :lol:. But Fontaine hit a grandslam when he brought up the 14 y/o black kid who got a decade for punching an individual and inadvertently killing that individual getting 10 years from the SAME JUDGE who just let this kid who killed FOUR PEOPLE AND PARALYZED TWO OTHERS walk with 10 years PROBATION.

Did money play a part? No doubt, the "affluenza" defense is obviously a lynchpin factor here, but it's a flimsy cover for the fact that affluenza would NOT WORK for a person of color. You know that damn well to be the case. If you're black or brown, you better hire the ghost of Cochran to come through with a real defense if you want any hope of winning.

I mean really do you HONESTLY think that a rich black kid would've gotten off with the same defense? Do you really? And no it doesn't make your stance any more valid that you're black, not even in the slightest. Does it matter that I'm not? No, it doesn't either.
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|I you know what man you'll never get it. Get some history books and look at how the case racial inequality was argued, how it was brought before the court system. What is the connection between what you state and what this thread is about ........... There is a time and place to get on your soapbox about the US prison industrial complex .. but instead by crying "race" in a topic where most will attack as an issue of wealth while given NO usuable examples of how your cry of race has any correlation to this topic, this situation. You cheapen the arguments of race, when poignant topics of inequality arise

Did you make any connection between white privilege and its connection to the sentencing in this case .................
Did you make any connection of any minority of a similar economic background NOT getting away with a similar crime
Did you make any connection of a middle class white american getting away with a similar crime ...........

So where exactly did you connect the issue of race to this topic .......... oh yeah .. you didn't .. Instead what did you do .. You attempted to shift the focus of the thread entirely .. Where it was no longer a topic of a rich white kid coming as close to getting away with murder while still getting convicted .. but now it's non violent crime sentencing for minorities vs that of one case of a rich white kid getting away with murder while still getting convicted of it ... Oh yeah but when that's not sticking, you throw a couple of articles to further divert attention while proving exactly what about the topic at hand.

I am not denying America still has serious industrialized race issues because it does ... but I know when to pick and choose my battles .. I only hope you learn the same
|I you know what man you'll never get it. Get some history books and look at how the case racial inequality was argued, how it was brought before the court system. What is the connection between what you state and what this thread is about ........... There is a time and place to get on your soapbox about the US prison industrial complex .. but instead by crying "race" in a topic where most will attack as an issue of wealth while given NO usuable examples of how your cry of race has any correlation to this topic, this situation. You cheapen the arguments of race, when poignant topics of inequality arise

Did you make any connection between white privilege and its connection to the sentencing in this case .................
Did you make any connection of any minority of a similar economic background NOT getting away with a similar crime
Did you make any connection of a middle class white american getting away with a similar crime ...........

So where exactly did you connect the issue of race to this topic .......... oh yeah .. you didn't .. Instead what did you do .. You attempted to shift the focus of the thread entirely .. Where it was no longer a topic of a rich white kid coming as close to getting away with murder while still getting convicted .. but now it's non violent crime sentencing for minorities vs that of one case of a rich white kid getting away with murder while still getting convicted of it ... Oh yeah but when that's not sticking, you throw a couple of articles to further divert attention while proving exactly what about the topic at hand.

I am not denying America still has serious industrialized race issues because it does ... but I know when to pick and choose my battles .. I only hope you learn the same

K Attorney Fac3, but you know and I know that the circumstances around this case are so unprecedented that there is really nothing we can compare it to. When have we EVER seen someone get off for four murders involving a DUI before? Never.

But we've seen whites get off for murders where a minority wouldn't and hasn't.

You're asking me to make a connection that cannot be made because we've never seen anyone get off for such a heinous DUI murder.

And it's not just non-violent crime sentencing, you missed my entire point. It's MANDATORY prison sentencing for DUI crimes for first time offenders, not just minorities. It's MANDATORY sentencing for other crimes far less serious than murder. I brought up non-violent crime prison sentencing and the prison-industrial complex to simply show just how ridiculously easy this kid got off in a country that makes a business of incarcerating its own people.

Fact remains though, minorities are incarcerated at a higher rate than whites and that has everything to do with the prison-industrial system. You can't seriously believe that the prison-industrial complex would continue if whites were incarcerated at the same rate at minorities. You just can't....

And you can't seriously believe that a rich black/brown individual would be getting off with probation if he killed four people while DUI.

But if someone told me that a middle-class or even an impoverished young white male got off the same as this kid, after witnessing white people from all walks of life get off for murder, man I wouldn't blink an eye.

But my bad, I'm sorry. I apologize that I don't have an example of a poor little white teenager getting a 10 year probation sentence for killing four people and paralyzing two others while driving under the influence. Or a minority for that matter that didn't, because you know, that's just ridiculously unheard of......Yeah.

And most people who usually do this sort of thing, to this extent are probably, you know......dead.

But yeah, my bad counselor.
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Da f*** is that?

Thought ol boy used the flu as his defense. Dahell
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White and middle class = MAYBE gets off
White and poor = Jail
Minority and poor/middle class/rich = Jail

His race AND money got him off. If you can't understand that you live in a fantasy land.
16 is too early to have your license. NJ is the only state that does it right, the rest of these low population density states just want more drivers on the road ASAP so they can make more in tickets/insurance. Look at the random ages people get their licenses in other states 16 and 4 months like wtf just pick one 16 or 17. Gettin technical an having teenagers claiming their half age for the first time since elementary school FTL
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