One Mistake and Pac-man is DONE!

Jan 18, 2006
[h1]Sources: Missed appointment would result in ban for Pacman[/h1] news services

Updated: November 23, 2008, 8:31 PM ET

Adam "Pacman" Jones may finally be down to his last chance.



Sources told ESPN's Chris Mortensen on Sunday that the Cowboys defensive back must strictly adhere to the terms of his reinstatement and any missteps will lead to a lifetime ban from the NFL.

Commissioner Roger Goodell relied on the recommendations of clinical specialists who oversaw Jones' 30 days in a rehab facility when deciding to reinstate him from his latest suspension.

Jones was suspended for the entire 2007 season because of multiple incidents while with the Tennessee Titans, then was traded to the Cowboys during the offseason and given another chance by Goodell.

But on Oct. 7, only six weeks after being reinstated, he got into an alcohol-related scuffle with one of the bodyguards during a private party at an upscale Dallas hotel. The bodyguard was part of a security detail employed by the team to help keep the player out of trouble. Video

Jones on Jones: Jerry Jones reacts to Adam Jones' multiple-game suspension handed down Tuesday.

Goodell suspended Jones indefinitely a week later, saying he'd put a timeframe on it after the cornerback missed at least four games. By the time Jones returns, it will likely be a six-game suspension -- meaning he'll have missed 22 of 28 games since the end of the 2006 season because of suspensions.

Jones is slated to return to practice Monday and be eligible to play Dec. 7 at Pittsburgh.

Jones must now continue intensive rehab and counseling on an outpatient basis. Even a missed appointment will mean the end of Jones' troubled career in the NFL.
Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

Related Topics: NFL, Dallas Cowboys, Adam Jones
Good. Dude has only put this on himself. He was given enough chances. And no1 is required to hire you and keep you hired. See you in the CFL soon pac-man.
He should be's going to be hard for him not to make at least one mistake though..

Hopefully he gets his priorities straight..
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

that's a little harsh
Bull. He's had multiple chances already to get his act together and continues to piss away those opportunities. I have no problem with himbeing put on notice that his next slip up will be his last.
i bet hes banned by season end if not sooner. this dude really does not deserve another chance. he blew way too many.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

that's a little harsh

What's your logic? I'm baffeled as to how he is even still in the L and dudes like Onterio Smith are still begging for clemency
I hope he is able to "adhere" to the guidelines that hes under, and he has a great rest of his career.
We need to start an NT pool, sort of like a death pool. Each poster picks a date within the next calendar year (to keep it simple, choose the day of theinfraction). Closest to that date wins...nothing but the satisfaction of predicting Pac-Man's demise.
Why do I have a feeling that this dude has like one more season to play in the NFL? I'd love to see Pac stay out of trouble, but he just seems like thedude that you grew up with that always was in trouble. It's almost like trouble is attracted to him.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

shoulda happened like 3 mistakes ago... im tired of hearing about this piece of garbage.
How many chances in life do you need?

Most people are lucky to get one extra chance at things in life.
it would make for great reality tv watch as adam pacman jones spends an entire nfl off season in an amish home, butter churns are turned into stripper poles inthis home
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