Omg, someone broke into my house...

Originally Posted by janoy

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

aubstuh86 wrote:

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

Shapeshiftah wrote:

damn bro, sorry to hear about that. maybe homeowner's insurance will cover some of the loss.

in what city do you live?

Seattle, WA.
damn dude, where in Seattle do u live? I live in the u-district. Seattle normally doesn't have a lot of break-ins.

Beacon Hill. People have told me this area has been really big on robberies. Last year, 3 of my neighbors got broken into.
My car was broke into recently and my neighbors place was broke into 2
weeks ago. They got my wallet and some junk mail, spent about 2gs on my
cards in about 2 hours. I signed up for Zanders identity theft
insurance, you should do the same. I swear tho within the last year I
always hear someone talking about their car/house getting broke into. Also, hasn't there recently been a lot of armed robberies in the U?

You live in Beacon Hill, too?
I do know criminal activity between the South Seattle and the District area in general has been going up pretty bad recently
damn, sorry to hear about that, but forreal how did they manage to leave with a 46 inch tv and not get noticed?
Yeah all that U-District stuff is stemming from the gangs in the Central District. Its becoming more extreme, I knew the kid who did the shootings at the malland he's from that area
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Damn Beacon Hill

That area is usually quiet and chill. I didnt know break-ins happened like that over there

Yeah, bro. The cop told me the area between Mercer Middle School and Cleveland High School (which is where I live) are huge when it comes to break-ins. Break-ins happen every day in that small area. The cop suspects that it's the kids in the schools are are responsible for most of them, but I told him I doubt it was them that robbed my house because they didn't take any of my kicks or my clothes...

Damn, that's crazy. I live in that exact area too. Today as I was walking to the 60 bus stop by Cleveland, I saw some kids sneaking a peak intopeoples' houses... up to no good most likely. But like you said, it most likely wasn't kids cause they would have took all your shoes too.
It's fine. I mean, I'm not upset that they took my stuff, it's the fact that they broke into my house that sucks... My family is okay, that'sthe important thing.
The TV, laptop, iPod, PSP: insurance will cover it. ++**, my iPod was an old 30 gig Video for $300. With the insurance, I can get a 120 gig Classic for $250and still have $50 left over.
My ID, family's passport: %@@% they gonna do with that? Our pictures are on it. They can't do ++**.
Bank stuff: My dad changed all his accounts and stuff.
Happened to my dad. Dude who rents out the biulding my dad owns for his store left the back door open. My dad lost his laptop Palm Pilot, and his thousanddollar camera. Good thing they didnt have any interest in fly fishing cause none of the products got stolen lol.

But for real if you have 12k dollars worth of shoes why dont you sell some and get your stuff back. Im sure you dont care that much about every pair. Just athought though im just saying id rather have a big HDTV lap top ipod n stuff like that instead of some shoes. Yes IK this is niketalk lol.

Yea i hate thieves. Id feel bad even if i stole 10 bucks.
make sure u guys change the locks and install a security system or something... that might help.

not sure if its a good idea, but purchase a gun. in any case if those dimwits return, they`ll get what they deserve and it`ll still be legal.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I got off school around noon... My dad came to pick me up and we'd go run some errands together. When we got to the house around 3, my dad noticed the gate
was open. He went to check it out and our doors were open! He went inside and our house got ransacked! They went through closets everything! We called the cops
and and the cops took about an hour to show up. Apparently, they all got their hands tied and my friends and cops have told me that this has been a regular
occurance in my area. The cop told me he goes to house robberies in my area everyday.

When the cop came to check out the house, they saw how they got in. They used a screwdriver and messed around with the knob till they got the door unlocked.

I know it was definitely not anyone I know or in my age range because I got about $12,000 worth of shoes and they didn't take any of that or my clothes.

Here's what they took:


My iPod



My laptop (I'm posting on the Sidekick)

My family's passport

My family's bank stuff

Words can't explain how upset I am right now... What a *$%#$%*% way to spend Thanksgiving...
thats not good!

hope nothing happens to your parents money
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Happened to my dad. Dude who rents out the biulding my dad owns for his store left the back door open. My dad lost his laptop Palm Pilot, and his thousand dollar camera. Good thing they didnt have any interest in fly fishing cause none of the products got stolen lol.

But for real if you have 12k dollars worth of shoes why dont you sell some and get your stuff back. Im sure you dont care that much about every pair. Just a thought though im just saying id rather have a big HDTV lap top ipod n stuff like that instead of some shoes. Yes IK this is niketalk lol.

Yea i hate thieves. Id feel bad even if i stole 10 bucks.

Cuz insurance will cover it.
you just told all of niketalk that they can break your lock with a screwdriver and that you have 12k of shoes in the crib
Originally Posted by rare23

you just told all of niketalk that they can break your lock with a screwdriver and that you have 12k of shoes in the crib

Do you know where my house is, doggie??????
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Damn Harry and Marv are busting a lot of licks this season
46inch tv? This tells me it was more than one person
NT OG, you said for this thanksgiving, he should curse his god. Yes, for the record that angers me, and if you don't know why, then you just proved mypoint of calling you an idiot.
hey now...what's with the name calling?

I would curse my god if I had one.

robbing me and my family on the day before thanksgiving?

especially if I didn't deserve it.

hell.. CURSE TO ALL GODS, DEITYS, HIGHER BEINGS, whatever the hell else yall call them.

If I were yall, I'd blame my god for the economy. or the terrorists attacks today in india. or the father that raped his two daughters for 27 years andbore 9 children with them.
Damn. My cousins house also was robbed (jewelry was taken). Are robberies more common around thanksgiving??!?!?!?
Originally Posted by IndieSpice

Damn. My cousins house also was robbed (jewelry was taken). Are robberies more common around thanksgiving??!?!?!?
well yeah. they don't pick randomly. most thieves only do home invasions on houses that they have been watching. during thanksgiving alot offamilies go on vacation or leave their home to eat at a relatives, so when the burglers know that you'll be gone they'll swoop in.

but sorry to hear that man, esp right before thanksgiving. a year ago somebody tried to break into my house, but me and my roommate were home. he saw us andjust jet. called the cops to report it, but as usual they were pretty useless.
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