olympic 400m Champ busted...ego growing big

Apr 1, 2005
LaShawn Merritt Suspended: MALE ENHANCEMENT Product At Fault!
PAT GRAHAM | 04/22/10 04:23 PM |


Read More: LaShawn Merritt, LaShawn Merritt Drug Test, LaShawn Merritt Male Enhancement, LaShawn Merritt Suspended, Olympics, Sports News


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Olympic and world champion sprinter LaShawn Merritt has accepted a provisional suspension after testing positive for a banned drug, his lawyer said.

According to Thursday's release from lawyer Howard Jacobs, Merritt used an over-the-counter male enhancement product that contained substances that caused him to fail three successive tests between October and January.

Merritt said he hopes his family, friends and sponsors will forgive him for making "a foolish, immature and egotistical mistake." The 400-meter runner will not compete until the case has been decided.

USA Track & Field CEO Doug Logan said in a release he is "disgusted by this entire episode."

"He has now put his entire career under a cloud and in the process made himself the object of jokes," Logan said. "In this day and age, a professional athlete should know better."

Merritt was recently notified that the presence of DHEA was the cause of his positive test. DHEA is short for dehydroepiandrosterone, which is a steroids precursor banned by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.

USADA officials did not immediately return an e-mail left by The Associated Press seeking comment.

The USADA process can last from weeks to months. Typically, an athlete hit with a first-time doping violation receives a two-year suspension and forfeits any results from the time when he doped. USADA does have a precedent of giving more favorable terms to athletes who cooperate.

"To know that I've tested positive as a result of product that I used for personal reasons is extremely difficult to wrap my hands around," Merritt said in the release. "Any penalty that I may receive for my action will not overshadow the embarrassment and humiliation that I feel inside."

Story continues below

Over the years, Merritt has developed a robust rivalry with 2004 Olympic champion Jeremy Wariner, one of the best in track since no one can touch Usain Bolt in the 100 and 200.

Merritt held off Wariner for the gold in Beijing. Then, last summer at the world championships in Berlin, Merritt topped Wariner again, flying past Wariner on the final curve.
Too many jokes
"To know that I've tested positive as a result of product that I used for personal reasons is extremely difficult to wrap my hands around," Merritt said in the release.
^ I know. That line is too funny.

OP are you sure this is real? I mean who says "wrap my hands around"? especially given the circumstances.
when someone 1st told me, I was like ooo it couyld happen but then I read on USA Today dude failed 3 tests O hell no I aint Buyin it!

How the +!%@ u fail 3 consecutive tests but dont stop taking ur Male Enhancement drug after the 1st two.

I laugh everytime I think of this

me and truth been tryin to find his twitter so we can roast him to "Bolivian"

IMO Leshawne got caught doing some off season cycling.
He is now on the Fraud List.

Give Wariner his Titles back!
Dang can anybody be clean. I always give the athlete the benefit of doubt but it's harder each time there's
another report about someone abusing an "over-the-counter" product.

Might be time to change my avatar
Foreal though i don't see how this could effect his peformance/ times. I mean, surely the effects of the 'male enhancement' drugs would be counter balanced by him having to carry around a bigger, heavier penis??
ok I just got schooled so Imma relay what I was just told.  the DHEA is a compound that happens before the real "steroid chemical" forms when using Steroids. so in other words, if u take a test and are found with the DHEA, USADA knows u will soon fail for the harsher realer steroid compound reaction.

TYPE OF SUBSTANCE Anabolic agent
WHAT FORM DOES THE DRUG TAKE? capsules, chewing gum, drops that are placed under the tongue, creams
CLINICAL USE Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has been prescribed in the treatment of many disorders, including cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and obesity, although some scientists argue there is no hard data to support DHEA's claim of being a "wonder drug." It is a legal over-the-counter drug in the United States but banned for competitive use.
WHY ATHLETES USE IT & WHY IT'S BANNED DHEA is thought to have anabolic effects, decreases body fat and promotes muscle growth.
WHO'S TESTED POSITIVE? Illegal use of DHEA has not been widely reported upon. In 2000, an Australian sports federation announced that an unidentified sportsman tested positive and forced the athlete to repay any grants for Olympic training.
DHEA, touted as "the mother of all hormones," eventually converts to a steroid in your body...

Because of its muscle-building potential, DHEA is banned from most professional and amateur sports, but is permitted by Major League Baseball, and is easily purchased in stores and over the Internet. The NFL, NBA and WADA might ban it, but doping experts believe that high school students who want a boost have turned to DHEA since andro and other stronger drugs were reclassified as steroids

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/b...rug_finds_a_legal_loophole.html#ixzz0ltzNwdmV
yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this story is real...I thought this was some sort of joke when I heard it this morning on the radio.  Anybody know what he was taking...? How does an olympic athlete get duped by an Enzyte infomercial
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