Olive Garden.......

I haven't been in a long time...

It's not bad, but it can't compete with family-owned Italian restaurants.
Originally Posted by JJUVE

I get it, if you enjoy the food and its a quick convenient meal then by all means, OG it up. But what I, and some of the other "real Italians" are saying is that if your born and raised in an Italian household eating homemade Italian food, its pretty hard to really enjoy the olive garden. And i'm sure the same can be said for other types of ethnicities and their cuisine.

True, as a Mexican and Salvadoran I can co-sign this. BUT, that's not to say whatever mexican food chain won'tsatisfy me. I can eat Taco Bell, Del Taco, chipotle, or "dine" at el torito or Acapulco and not complain. Obviously you get what you pay for,obviously you arent getting what you could if you spent the time and whipped up the same dish within your own kitchen, BUT that's not negating the pointthat although it's not authentic that is absolutely positively cant taste good. It is what is...
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Really? Still mad are we?

How bout this, I'mma be in NYC in like 2 weeks. I'll bring a camera. Let me buy your dignity. Name your price.. And consider it done. You seem to still be in need of it. $@!*, I got Latisha (shortypop) trying to buy her's back to get her naked $@% off my website, you two can exchange places and money and we'll call it even.
no one is mad, sweetheart. but if you're gonna be in NY then you have my address... let's see if you are this pretentious in real life... hell i'll mapquest it for you.

i'll keep NT posted....

WOW... I thought I had seen the lamest of e-thugs, but this has got to be it. For some reason, I invision him looking like 5'3" lookin like ScottStorch and pullin up in a riced out Honda.
You sound like one of those kind of angry short guys.
Simply, dont hold your breath. Thisguy's a joke.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Can't afford?
Lets be real for moment. You can say a lot ##%$ to me. Can't and afford shouldn't be the in same sentence in regard to me son. If it was the 1600's I could afford to buy you. Fall back.
Wow I don't know if I'm reaching or what, but damn.
Chandler you seem like the type of kid, who likes to talk slick because he's never gotten his face smashed in.

Son, I don't know you. We're not friends. I don't get how you get off refering to me on first name basis. I don't know you like that. But more importantly you going to smash my face in? If not keep it movin. I don't know you. And more importantly you really don't know me either so…

But really all it is, Son, who we all can pretty much assume is either Mayor or someone equally lame, tried to act like it was money issue and more importantly act like my money isn't long and I made my point. That's all it is, take it for what it is.

You trying to make it something it's not. Leave it be.
Listen Chandler I'm not one for e-threats/e-beef on any of that internet $$%#. You're right, I don't know you from Adam, but from previous posts that you make I think I can say you come across as one of the most arrogant posters on this site. One second you bragging about bagging sh0rtypop (
btw) than the next you frontin on someone just because they ask you a simple question about cameras talking about "This photopaper is $90 a sheet!!1! like anyone gives a damn. Than you come in here talking about if this was the 1600's you would be able to afford this dude because just because your daddy sends you blank checks because he doesn't love you. I never said I would smash your face in, but I think it would've benefitted you if when you were younger someone punched, wait not even punch, but open palm slapped you like they would a broad right in your $$%#, maybe you would be a little less pompous.
that's what i said
on point. i also see ebay always making some sort of comment in a girl related thread pertaining to shortypop. did dude also steal her alias andmake fake nudes of her?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Really? Still mad are we?

How bout this, I'mma be in NYC in like 2 weeks. I'll bring a camera. Let me buy your dignity. Name your price.. And consider it done. You seem to still be in need of it. $@!*, I got Latisha (shortypop) trying to buy her's back to get her naked $@% off my website, you two can exchange places and money and we'll call it even.
no one is mad, sweetheart. but if you're gonna be in NY then you have my address... let's see if you are this pretentious in real life... hell i'll mapquest it for you.

i'll keep NT posted....

WOW... I thought I had seen the lamest of e-thugs, but this has got to be it. For some reason, I invision him looking like 5'3" lookin like Scott Storch and pullin up in a riced out Honda.
You sound like one of those kind of angry short guys.
Simply, dont hold your breath. This guy's a joke.


This thread went in a completely different direction.

And maybe most people don't know this but whenever you're in a dine-in restaurant you pay for the experience, not the food.
I work at O.G.
Here's a tip for fans of the restaurant.. haha
If ya'll ever come into one and are hella hungry tell your server politely that you don't want your food held. The Chicken Alfredo or Spaghetti &Meatballs will come out in less than 3 minutes. And uh, braised beef tortellini and peach ice tea ftw. haha.

people should also try:
chicken marsala
steak gorgonzola alfredo

+ a nice glass of vino. (free wine samples of course)
Originally Posted by solefood229

And I thought this thread was about the olive garden
If you see a seeminly innocent thread title that has gone on longer than 4 pages...shots were fired and the thread was derailed. Just for futurereference.
Yall seriously don't like this place?

It has pretty good food to me, especially the salad.
Originally Posted by DEpast

Yall seriously don't like this place?

It has pretty good food to me, especially the salad.

Its kinda hard to mess up on a salad.
Stuffed Chicken Marsala
...plus all you can eat salad andbreadsticks...that's good in my book.
DEpast wrote:
Yall seriously don't like this place?

It has pretty good food to me, especially the salad.
As an Italian who knows how to cook my homelands cuisine, hell to the $#$!$!!##%%%+ no
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