Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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LoL just told the dude I want to sort things out via ebay messaging before going to ebay, he answered immediately saying he will issue a refund... dude dose not even want his fake ish back.
Nice! Happy everything worked out on your favor. 
Most posters on eBay are fake.
Only way to make sure to get one would to have someone proxy from one of the stores.

Glad you got a refund though.
when I got burned for a size XL black Sup box logo tee (that fit like a shrunken Large - was the only giveaway) and pair of size 11 tiffs same thing ended up happening to me... basically lost only a few bucks and got to keep it since I raised a hell storm and did CSI levels to prove they were fakes... really good fakes... but fakes. I bet the dude thought I was so crazy I would press charges 8)
Most posters on eBay are fake.
Only way to make sure to get one would to have someone proxy from one of the stores.

Glad you got a refund though.
Yeah, finally found a real one on ebay for a good price so I may snag that one once the refund hits my account.
Damn supreme has not restocked anything good what-so-ever this week...
My PM went off a few times for Vans but nothing on the screen

who's to say when Bots running 24/7 refreshing every sold out item

XL Toggle sherpa back is bout it
Why does Kanye dress like he's back in Chicago during the winter when he's in LA? lmao
Anybody in here reside in paris???
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