Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Harden had the ball and the rest of the guys literally did nothing out there.. exactly the same thing that happens for Westbrook. The difference, of course, is Harden is a better shooter.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Even Durant stood in the corner watching. And of course there was no play called.
Don't get me wrong, Russ has been playing poorly in the 4th and his shot has been off all series.. but the players stand and watch whoever has the ball.

I'm starting to think that's by design....or lack thereof. That was a crucial possession as well. I'm thinking you can't just watch your guy dribble at half court for 16 seconds.
 at SA getting the ball back
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Welp, time for Manu to hit one of those off balance hero 3s he always makes. SMH

Ok I was wrong. Happens

Daaaamn was hoping this happened when he went up for that fade away 3
I wanted Duncan to nail the 3.

Then have Fisher come in to hit the game winner.
Huge step for the thunder. Gotta close out at home. I don't know if brooks is a good enough coach to win it all, but the talent is there
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Isn't this Fisher time anyways?

Exactly what I was thinking.
Brooks need to be canned after this season. Like I have been saying, bring in the zen master.
thought timmy was gonna launch that 3 (flashback to suns series)
that boy russ just snatched the ball from the fan, haha
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