***Ok someone on NT convince me to switch from verizon to at&t***

Jailbroken i-phone is the best phone ever. But AT&T's rate plans are garbage, Verizon's aren't cheap either so it might not matter to you.
Honestly, you should just stick on Verizon. My brother was on Verizon, got the iPhone, and then went back to Verizon for the Droid. My friend was on Verizon,left it get to the iPhone, and then had to get Verizon because he didn't have service in his apartment.

I had AT&T for about 3-4 years, and it was absolutely terrible. I always had bad coverage, while I have had nothing but great coverage with Verizon. Sure,I don't have an iPhone, but I might get a Droid. I'm still using my enV, haha.
At&t coverage on the east cost is great. If you live in the DMV, we're even getting service on the trains now.
Originally Posted by Wolfpack

DONT DO IT, iphone has been confirmed that its comin to verizon next year around xmas time, deals will be so much better with verizon iphone...however if you cant wait, just go with AT&t's ridiculous price
Really, Apple said that?

Or was it the Inquirer?

The iPhone will be on AT&T through 2010 and maybe they will get another extension till like 2011?2012?

Who knows? It's all speculation at this point.
I think those At&t and Verizon war commericals are stupid, and I thought it was T-Mobile getting the iPhone???
Another thing to take into account is that...

AT&T 3G: Faster 3G than Verizon, Surf web while on call
Verizon 3G: You will get better service through buildings (this is so because of the frequency used), More 3G coverage, More Stable

I have AT&T if that matters
I've had AT&T for 5 years now and love it
Originally Posted by Doctor Knows Best

Originally Posted by Wolfpack

DONT DO IT, iphone has been confirmed that its comin to verizon next year around xmas time, deals will be so much better with verizon iphone...however if you cant wait, just go with AT&t's ridiculous price
Really, Apple said that?

Or was it the Inquirer?

The iPhone will be on AT&T through 2010 and maybe they will get another extension till like 2011?2012?

Who knows? It's all speculation at this point.

its already been reported... its on their upcoming phones list dude... verizon is DEFINITELY getting the iphone in 2010
Originally Posted by naughtywon

Originally Posted by Doctor Knows Best

Originally Posted by Wolfpack

DONT DO IT, iphone has been confirmed that its comin to verizon next year around xmas time, deals will be so much better with verizon iphone...however if you cant wait, just go with AT&t's ridiculous price
Really, Apple said that?

Or was it the Inquirer?

The iPhone will be on AT&T through 2010 and maybe they will get another extension till like 2011?2012?

Who knows? It's all speculation at this point.

its already been reported... its on their upcoming phones list dude... verizon is DEFINITELY getting the iphone in 2010

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

droid > iphone
if your on verizon and gonna go da hassle of tryin to get a i-phone i suggest stayin put and gettin a droid.
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by one11archerave

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

and how much does it cost to get out of a verizon contract?
didn't they just change it to be ridiculously expensive.

I love my iPhone and the coverage is fine in my area. Having my iPod, phone, and GPS Nav in one is extra nice. You just have to jailbreak to get the most out of the phone.

i heard it was $150
This is what I was thinking of. I guess keep it in mind if you're not 100% sure on the switch.

[h4]Don't shop drunk: Verizon's $350 ETF is now live[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted Nov 15th 2009 2:44PM

Just a word of caution to anyone out there with an itchy credit card finger: signing up for a contract with Verizon just became a considerably more binding affair thanks to a big boost of its contract early termination fee from $175 to $350. Rumored for a few days now, the change became official as of yesterday, which means that anyone who bought an "advanced device" prior to the 14th is in the clear. The advanced device list can be found on Verizon's site, and as you might expect, it's a little broad and ridiculous -- winners like the Versa, Exilim, and Glyde are on there, so they're obviously not just referring to smartphones. They throw you a bone by reducing the ETF by a stout $10 for every month of the contract you successfully hurdle, but that still leaves you with a $120 ETF 23 months into a 24-month deal... so yeah, just be careful out there and don't do anything rash, alright?
well i just got a cell phone in december from verizon and i asked the sales rep and she said iphone is coming to verizon by christmas next yr
T-mobile is almost as crappy as the other carriers besides verizon and at&t
through all the people ive known who've had tmobile, they have horrible reception..the only reason ppl go with them is because hypebeasts try to act coolwith their sidekicks and it has a cheap internet plan for jailbroken phones
if it is true that iphone is switchin to tmobile later on then expect alot of %+@*#+ call receptions
Originally Posted by Wolfpack

well i just got a cell phone in december from verizon and i asked the sales rep and she said iphone is coming to verizon by christmas next yr

i cant see it happening
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