OK so wat would u doo

Oct 30, 2006
ok long storry short but my girl lives with another girl.
so yesterday they decide to go to one of the room mates friend get together and the roommates gets drunk watever my girl just chilling playing rock band andshe notices that her roomate is no where to be found so its an apartment. my girl discovers that shes in the bathroom with another dude right.................................o let me tell you the roomates boyfriend is one of my friends.... so she bangs on the door says shees like im cummming hold on
so my girl leaves her at the apartment comes home to me and is likeyou wont beleve this (the storry) the roomates calls my boy to go pick her up at this random place im like ayo u still coming yea alright then im like yoo igotta tell you some stuff hes like wat im like wheres ure girl hes like right here im like na F that i told him wat happened i started some poopoo...................................

am i wrong
so now every mad at me and i feel bad but i dont feel that i id anything wrong
pics of all girls mentioned in the story


edit: know that i actually tried to read it...i wish i didnt
I think I understood that.

The person that talks is always the bad person in the situation, although what you did was right, you should have just kept quiet about it.
All I kno by pg 2 there mos def be gettin it crackin pics, pics of ya girl, n pics of the other girls house they were at.

Alright from what I understand your girlfriend's roommate, who is also the girlfriend of a friend of yours, hooked up with some guy in the bathroom of aparty and you told her boyfriend and got her in trouble? Am I right?
I made a reply for this post in a different post a couple of days ago.

I will search for it and post it here.
No your not wrong because shouldn't have been somewhere partying and getting piss drunk if she had a dude at home.She showed carelessness and she probablydidn't even remember what happened.Don't worry dude you did the right thing.

Kids drinking+partying+in a relationship=BAD TIME
That paragraph was disgusting. You should be ashamed. If I understand correctly, you told your boy that his girl cheated on him. You're not wrong for that.
You have a girlfriend? Im suprised your own mother can stand you with that sub-par spelling and grammar. yeesh.
You're not wrong for telling your boy he got cheated on.

You ARE wrong for trying to tell anyone online about it. Not because people shouldn't tell stuff like that online, but because YOU shouldn't be. Nottyping like that.

You're also *warned* for profanity. We don't allow that here. Unfortunately, we do allow sentences likethis: "im like ayo u still coming yea alright then im like yoo i gotta tell you some %$+$ hes like wat im like wheres ure girl hes like right here im likena"

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