Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Decided to watch Pain and Gain.......


I was big trippin during the draft.

This **** is not good.

after all this time
I sort of have an idea for a sci-fi TV series.

What if 60 million ppl from today were teleported into the 1960's? Scattered around the world. They don't know how or why they got there and they don't know how to get back to present day. Eventually the government in the 60's will start to try to identify the ones from the future and take them in for testing and quarantine so everyone from the future will try to blend in to avoid detection. Some ppl of the 60's will eventually start to turn on them also as they begin to not trust them and ppl will start ratting them out and holding rallys to identify them and quarantine them.

I feel like a lot of individual stories can me made from this premise. Different ppl struggling to go undetected and having to start a new life in the 60's. All that while missing their families and life from present day. Some visit relatives and friends and even themselves who are young at the time like in Back to the Future. Maybe a group of the future folks try to locate the smartest among them (engineers, doctors, scientists) to secretly start trying to figure out how they got there and how they can get back. The whole government research angle. Sympathizers of the future ppl start to try to help with fake ID's & papers. And also the present day world dealing with losing all these ppl like in the Leftovers. 🤔🤷‍♂️
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I sort of have an idea for a sci-fi TV series.

What if 60 million ppl from today were teleported into the 1960's? Scattered around the world. They don't know how or why they got there and they don't know how to get back to present day. Eventually the government in the 60's will start to try to identify the ones from the future and take them in for testing and quarantine so everyone from the future will try to blend in to avoid detection. Some ppl of the 60's will eventually start to turn on them also as they begin to not trust them and ppl will start ratting them out and holding rallys to identify them and quarantine them.

I feel like a lot of individual stories can me made from this premise. Different ppl struggling to go undetected and having to start a new life in the 60's. All that while missing their families and life from present day. Some visit relatives and friends and even themselves who are young at the time like in Back to the Future. Maybe a group of the future folks try to locate the smartest among them (engineers, doctors, scientists) to secretly start trying to figure out how they got there and how they can get back. The whole government research angle. Sympathizers of the future ppl start to try to help with fake ID's & papers. And also the present day world dealing with losing all these ppl like in the Leftovers. 🤔🤷‍♂️
Sounds a bit like the current season of the 4400 but in reverse. A group of ppl from different periods in time show up in the present day.

60 million worldwide is crazy though. That's a HUGE impact on society and the economy.

Naturally I'd start Amazon, Apple, uber, etc. way earlier. Maybe try to change history by stopping some assassinations while I'm at it.
Random but I wonder how unattractive actors that are cast to be unattractive feel. Like your role is to intentionally repulse a more attractive actor.

My guess is that most of them accept it and some may even go into acting because they know they have an “alternative” look that can get them work.

Most unattractive people know they’re unattractive; if you can use to pay the bills, all the better, right?
So in this whole panini, ever since Endgame ended, I've really been over the Marvel formula. Really liked Wandavision. Not so much Far From Home or Falcon. Kinda despised Loki for straight up character abuse.

But ask anyone who knows me: Eternals was my A1 most anticipated comic book thing of the year. Easily.

The right director with the right cast and enough freedom to paint a masterpiece.

And I so wanted to love it, but it was surprisingly hard for me to love. Between feeling disconnected to Gemma Chan's character/performance and rolling my eyes at almost anything the Thrones bros said, the movie felt hollow and dry for so much of that Gemma-heavy first hour. It would just alternate strong scene to weak scene.

The time jump structure and 'mystery' didn't work me. And the past would be so awkwardly staged that so many times the Eternals would just pose and recite flat dialogue. Sometimes I'd think, maybe this is too big a movie with too many central characters to juggle? Maybe not enough time was given to grow the script? A beautiful moment or action scene would happen and then back to bland.

That made the big revelations and moments, later on, feel muted with a couple exceptions. (thank you Angie, Gilgamesh, Kumail, Druig and Makkari) It is such a beautiful sci-fi flick that only sometimes connects with me and doesn't reach the highs that it should've. There some greatest film in the MCU DNA in this that just doesn't pan out.

On the upside...

I loved Angie as Thena. She only signed up for a cameo, but she was HITTING and I wanted much more. Great character. Same with Gilgamesh...whole relationship worked. Druig killed it. He had the emotional core I didn't get from Gemma. And Kumail as Kingo may not be everyone's seasoning, but he was right on time and hilarious to me. (don't get the disappearing act, but whatever) And I liked Eternal Paperboy, even though they wrote a trash character arc for him and he was kinda a prop.

It felt like Salma's Ajak was missing scene(s) to show us what she means to the group. And for the life of me, I couldn't tell you why they wrote Sprite so badly. The Deviant storyline didn't translate to film to me.

The action was ******* beautiful, even though storywise most of it was basically filler. But in action scenes is where just about every character shined. It just reminded me of The Defenders where that teamup cared too much about the wrong heroes.

Marvel has made so many of these, but this film does things I've never seen in an MCU flick. It has a different edge and maturity to it and tackles such deep ideas. I wish Chloe had a stronger grasp on what she was creating, because the script was just not a final draft to me. It needed rewrites for dialogue and character. You can look to The Old Guard on Netflix for how to sell and land the idea of these ancient warriors. Look to Interview with a Vampire for how Sprite should've developed. Look to The Matrix for how to emotionally land Ajak and Ikaris' characters.

That first 45 minutes was so dry that I couldn't breathe. If they could somehow make it one more time, I think it'd turn out amazing. But that ain't the game we play.

Ranking them from dope to nope:

Thena (Angie)
Gilgamesh (Don Lee)
Druig (Barry Keoghan)
Ikaris fight scenes
Kingo (Kumail)
Sersi (Gemma Chan)
Phastos (Paperboy)
Ajak (Salma)
Ikaris as a character (Robb Stark)
Jon Snow

5 is too harsh, it’s 6/8.

I really hope Chloe directs a sequel, because I think she'd be stronger at this in another go around. Maybe if she would've directed a mid-tier film (a la Creed) first, she could've killed this?

We'll never know.

edit: ikaris & score
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I felt like Jolie kinda had some smirks, almost MJish, "Should I just take over now, or let these fools hang a lil longer?" I felt like she was going to, but wasn't given the chance.

I actually liked Robb Stark. I kinda got where he was comin from, while also understanding the rest of them. That made it "real" to me, there is a discussion to be had over what is expected of these planets. I felt like Robb vs Gemma rep'd well.

The end scene with Snow was his only shining moment, imo, and that's really cuz of Ali. :nerd:

I did feel it was kind of strange they dismissed the Thanos stuff so weakly. He wiped half of the universe and they sit by idly? 🤔 Are they immune to the snap?

Why/how did deviants just "reappear"? They were gone for centuries and then just come back? I must have missed something.

I really enjoyed it tho, but have no clue the scope the MCU is goin for here soon. The planet is absolutely in chaos comin soon. Celestials, multiverses, immortals, Vampires, what the ****? :lol:

Batman/Superman references tho. :wow:

Also, the director used MOS as a guide for Robb Stark. :smokin


I really enjoyed it tho, but have no clue the scope the MCU is goin for here soon. The planet is absolutely in chaos comin soon. Celestials, multiverses, immortals, Vampires, what the ****? :lol:


This. Seriously.

The way Marvel/Disney has put everything together, it seems like there’s more supernatural beings on Earth than just us normals :lol:
That's when you realize the Marvel universe really isn't the world outside your window.

They trick you with personal grounded stories of the most popular heroes but when it has to do with cosmic events this **** is pure sci-fi that isn't for the normals.
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