Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

As far as getting listed in credits I usually notice its based on who is the lead and who is the supporting actor. If not its based on who is the most famous.

Also if it got a bunch of stars, whoever gets the last billing is usually one of the older more famous actors.

You bugging.

CageGod makes his movies above average just by appearing in them.

Not counting Tax Collector, Shia has been on a string of good movies was of late.
Don't get me wrong I LIKE Cage, but for some reason his movies are in and out of theaters REAL quick. Hell I never even heard of some of his movies, let alone them going to theaters.
Grand Isle
Kill Chain
Running with the Devil
Color out of Space
A Score to Settle
Between Worlds

WTF he did the voice of Superman in Teen Titans Go! To The Movies

Looking Glass
The Humanity Bureau

I mean honestly how many of these movies you recall seeing in theaters. I noticed him in Amos & Andrew then went back and watched Raising Arizona, then noticed him in Fast Times.

Regarding Shia, I voiced my opinion on him and being unimpressed by his work. A couple mentioned checking out Lawless, Eagle Eye, and another movie where his mom died. I wasn't to impressed in the flick his mom died, and just got annoyed with him in Lawless. Because of him the whole situation got messed up, thought Tom Hardy was better in the movie.
NTMT, pls



Here's the thing... if I end up seeing movies you guys are vouching for like Lord of War and Gone in 60 Seconds... look, man... I already listed 4 Cage movies I really like... and there are a ton of REALLY POPULAR Cage movies I've passed on BECAUSE IT'S EFFING HIM. Leaving Las Vegas, Face Off, Matchstick Men, I've heard good things, but I can't stand him!

Y'all not hearing me.

I have friends from back in the day that I haven't talked to in years that would CALL THE FBI TO INITIATE A NATIONAL SEARCH FOR MY WHEREABOUTS IF I TELL THEM THAT I LIKE LEO AND CAGE. I've already completely changed my take on Leo. Used to couldn't stand him; now he's on my 'If he's in it, that's all I need to know. I'm in' list. I already have 4 Cage movies I really like. If I add more, if this becomes ANOTHER part of my identity that changes...

... alright, another thing to add to this: these friends that knew me from my days of wanting to punch Leo in the face and hating on Cage, I was also really religious back then. Like big time. Assistant pastor, youth leadership team, started seminary and bible college, the whole 9.

So that factors in when I say that if we fast forward to NOW and I love Leo, hate religion, staunch atheist... AND I have a healthy respect for... don't make me even say it... NICOL... I can't even type it.

As long as I only discuss it in here, if that happens, we should be good. No nationwide FBI search, no 'unsolved mysteries' on 'The Disappearance of DarthSka: Was it Aliens?'

I cannot STAND him, but there are those 4 I like. You guys have been on a REALLY good roll with your suggestions I've taken up lately. If that continues with these Cage movies... if 5 years from now I'm like "Actually, Cage was really underrated"...


I'm'a end up peeping Lord of War and 60 Seconds as soon as I get caught up on the HBO things I added the other day. I BETTER HATE THEM.
Man I BEEN THERE, trust me I HATED Robert Downey Jr. after the Tropic Thunder role. I literally was like F that dude never watching a movie with him no matter what. However, with Iron Man I had to admit the dude is alright and took a role I didn't appreciate. Keep in mind I didn't come around when Iron Man came out, I saw another Marvel movie that he guest appeared in. I say that to state I didn't get over my dislike of him right when Iron Man came out.

However Tom Cruise I ain't watching NO Mission Impossible movie he is in EVER.

FYI. Never seen Gone in 60 Seconds, all the hype turned me off and not going back to watch it now. Giovanni Ribisi acting back then was so annoying to me. Perhaps the fact he had Nia Long in Boiler Room could have something to do with it. Nia Long is always BAE. Shee need a new baby daddy I will happy apply.

You still watched a movie with Shia and thought it was going to be good. I saw the premise and would need tons of alcohol to convince me he is controlling the streets like that.

Dude has had a LONG string of terrible movies, I mean the only difference between him and Nick Cage is his movies mainly go straight to DVD off the bat.

Shia didn't ruin the movie though. He was a barely in it. Stupid plot, piss poor story telling, and ****** character development made it trash.
Don't get me wrong I LIKE Cage, but for some reason his movies are in and out of theaters REAL quick. Hell I never even heard of some of his movies, let alone them going to theaters.
Grand Isle
Kill Chain
Running with the Devil
Color out of Space
A Score to Settle
Between Worlds

WTF he did the voice of Superman in Teen Titans Go! To The Movies

Looking Glass
The Humanity Bureau

I mean honestly how many of these movies you recall seeing in theaters. I noticed him in Amos & Andrew then went back and watched Raising Arizona, then noticed him in Fast Times.

Regarding Shia, I voiced my opinion on him and being unimpressed by his work. A couple mentioned checking out Lawless, Eagle Eye, and another movie where his mom died. I wasn't to impressed in the flick his mom died, and just got annoyed with him in Lawless. Because of him the whole situation got messed up, thought Tom Hardy was better in the movie.
For like the past 10 years Cage has had the IRS on his *** so he's been making movies at a higher clip and is totally fine with them going straight to tv or a streaming service or bluray in the US.

So I ain't denying most will have no clue about most of his movies.

As far as Shia I feel he's a good actor or a better than most think. Not even defending his resume of movies. He's still learning how to pick them. Overall I think he does at least have good performances in the movies where he's the lead or supporting. Not saying the movies will be good though.

Man I BEEN THERE, trust me I HATED Robert Downey Jr. after the Tropic Thunder role. I literally was like F that dude never watching a movie with him no matter what.
Can you not appreciate the genius of RDJR in Tropic Thunder?

Comedy damn near unparalleled.

So many levels to it.
Richard Jewel is on HBO tonight 7pm cst. Great movie. If you're old enough to remember the 96 Olympic bombing in Atlanta then this is a must see. The guy who plays Richard Jewel kills it. 6.5/8

I was literally thinking about this yesterday. I was googled "the fat guy blamed for the bomb." :lol:
I was young. I remembered the bombing, but didn't know there was a whole side story to it involving Jewell. Those cops and the media got tunnel vision and honed in on dude for the dumbest reasons.

Man I BEEN THERE, trust me I HATED Robert Downey Jr. after the Tropic Thunder role. I literally was like F that dude never watching a movie with him no matter what. However, with Iron Man I had to admit the dude is alright and took a role I didn't appreciate. Keep in mind I didn't come around when Iron Man came out, I saw another Marvel movie that he guest appeared in. I say that to state I didn't get over my dislike of him right when Iron Man came out.

However Tom Cruise I ain't watching NO Mission Impossible movie he is in EVER.

FYI. Never seen Gone in 60 Seconds, all the hype turned me off and not going back to watch it now. Giovanni Ribisi acting back then was so annoying to me. Perhaps the fact he had Nia Long in Boiler Room could have something to do with it. Nia Long is always BAE. Shee need a new baby daddy I will happy apply.

This is the first time I've seen someone not like RDJ's performance in Tropic Thunder
"What do you mean I don't know commitment? I've been married TWICE."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Someone said that on Tahoma FD just now, which I'm only watching because it's on right after Eyebrow's disappearing act. It's really not funny at all, but that was hilarious.
Tropic Thunder slander can't be tolerated...ban em darthska darthska

Tropic Thunder is a top 5....maybe even top 3 comedy of all time for me. There are so many funny parts in the movie, and the whole concept is hilarious.
tropic thunder has always just been kinda dumb to me. i have this 20 min rule when it's comes to movies, as long as i don't watch what i'm watching for 20mins i don't have to finish it, and tropic thunder never makes it to the 20.
Your taste in movies rivals your taste in food.

And shoes.

And hair cuts.
this is an absolutely untrue statement coming from emotional angst.

my taste in movies & shows highly are generally praised, i almost always get real life compliments on my sneakers, and girls/woman have been trying to play in here my hair for as long I can remember. I'm just the don't touch me type. Now my taste in foods depends on my motivation.

Now please go watch Toy Story 4 (the best movie of 2019) & breath in that utter joy & creativity. It's some truly special stuff. No need to be bitter about Peach, man.

Anyone watch Dark Crystal? It's not movie, but it's excellent:
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