Jack Reacher
I had seen enough in here to know that it was not what was to be expected, so I was ready for a unique twist to it, and sure enough that's what I got.
Loved/hated the opening scene. To the point where these days, I hope some dumb **** don't try to do stuff like that. But in terms of just the movie universe, yeah, that was tense. The fact that they refuse to show that final shot, each time.....even in movies, that's just gut check right there.
I don't get why they tried to portray 1988 Tom Cruise. He's not Ricky Martin anymore, why all the ladies insta wet when he walk by? He's 5'6", calm the **** down, he's workin with a 4 iron at best, Brett Favre ain't eem worried about ol boy. I was annoyed with all the breathless looks right away.
Did like the dailogue, especially his humor to the bimbo. "A hooker woulda got the joke.....straight face"
He literally, brought a knife to a gunfight. C'mon man. Too smart a movie to be funny like that, that part should have been taken out. Very clever, smart, tense, shot well, don't screw around with jokes just cuz, be better than that.
Just now while I was typing this, I did elbow block, swing down, chop. Just like Tom. 42 times, in 2 hours. That's how you have to fight when you're five foot four.
I'm getting a little bored with the I'm cool, just casually stroll thru the yard with guns blazing, fight as many guys as I want without blinking, calling my shot before I do it, I know the answers before the question is asked, etc etc etc. As good as this movie was, they could have cleaned it up, made him a realer person, made it even MORE tense with the slight chance he could be wrong, or off a little, maybe the 5 victims didn't have any purpose, etc, without him already knowing the answers without even knowing their ******g names.
He turned a corner, and fired a shot thru her hair. She ain't freak out.
LOVED the Duval combo. Days of Thunder all over again, liked that.
Very interesting story, loved the way they told it, the examples, the backflashes to the victims while still in the present, the images, just wish they cleaned Tom's character up so every single female wasn't reaching for her panties or so he didn't know every single angle of an equation he wasn't even paying attention too anyways. I get it, he's cool, and he's good at his job, so am I, I still have to be real about it.
Blondie made me think of another movie she was in that this felt similar, Fracture. Gosling was Jack Reacher, but taller, and no elbow blocking. Blondie gave it up to Gosling, and desperately wanted to with Tom Cruise, but he's only 5'1" so he passed it up. He passed up the cute young chick too. He seemed to like Duval tho. If not for the random broad in the thong in the beginning, which could have been a man, Jack Reacher could have a sequel called Jack Reach Around. Just saying.
8/10 Possible sequels, but I hope they don't. Let this one go Hollywood, solid film, leave it at that.