Originally Posted by MrONegative
Fright Night was like an R-rated Disney channel movie. It wanted to be Disturbia mixed with Van Helsing. But the movie's got no charm...which is hard to do with Charlie Bartlett, Colin Farrell, the mom from Little Ms Sunshine, McLovin and Dr. Who. Colin did his thing...he had this Drive vibe happening...but nobody else really did much.
The movie just sorta happens...not much energy or momentum ever, just...oh it's time for this big reveal too soon and too obvious. You're not edgy if being Rated R means Narnia violence with a little more blood and randomly dropping like 5 f-bombs that make me scratch my head cuz I woulda sworn this was PG-13 without them. There's nothing wrong with it...just nothing interesting or really well done outside of Colin Farrell.
~an episode of Buffy that won't end ... 6/10