Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Didn’t know this movie…


… broke up Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, sending her into a decade-long relationship with Russell Crowe.

Just finished it, what a banger, criminally underrated. One of the best comms execution from an assault team I’ve ever seen in a movie.

7/8, that RT score is absolute bull
Watched the Color of Money the other day. Wow what an excellent movie. Newman killed that role.

Now I need to see The Hustler.
OMMFN God man.
Not the gods Speilberg and Lucas.
I mean, I knew Polanski had to jump the country and never return so that he could dodge that 50yr Prison Sentence but how do Speilberg and Lucas stay out of my line of sight for all of these years?
This some alternate timeline shift or something, these some creepy dudes man.

I mean, Julia Roberts, Crispin.....the little girl that starred in JURASSIC Park literally quitting HOLLYWOOD because of Speilberg, Thandie Newton- all of these folks just dumping on lack of praise and heaps of creepiness in regard to these PDF's

HOLLYWOOD really taking a beating this year, Man.

Speilberg and Lucas though, Jesus Christ

Glengarry was a really really good watch.
My old GM made me watch that.
I was thankful he forced us, because it was worth it.
Baldwin makes the whole experience feel real.
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