Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

B Bronson

I jus.......I'm catching the final 15-20 minutes of Attack of the Clones......this is such ****ing trash. :smh:

CGI green screen after green screen.

The Geonosin wants to hide the Death Star plans, if the republic finds out what they plan to build, they're doomed........? This movie is 23 years before A New Hope. Twenty. Three. Years.

They built a 2nd Death Star in less than 5 between ANH and Jedi. Absolutely stupid, pointless tie in. :smh:

They jump on a ship chasing Dooku on a speeder
"Shoot him down!!!"
"We're out of missles"

.......are you out of lasers? WTF?

So Dooku sends his two wingman ships back to flank their transport.......laser after laser after laser.......into some dirt. :stoneface:

The transport flying in a straight Goddamn line.

Somehow........I don't know how......they fly into a mountain of sand, knocking Padme out of the ship.......*shrugs* Pilot didn't see the huge pile of sand in front of his straight line flying?

Anakin furious about Padme. Obi Wan forces him to stay. They get to platform, jump off, suddenly every laser is a direct hit and blows up the ship....... *Facepalm*

Anakin wants to fight the 82 year old former Jedi, dispatched in .06 seconds. Literally.

Now we have some terrible fighting sequence with Dooku and Obi Wan and Yoda comes limpin up. Emphasis on limping.....with a cane. Now, he's jumping and spinning around like a gymnast. Fight over, cane back.....limping. F*** me running George.

Dooku takes off, Padme holds her blaster straight armed, blaster firing, her hand literally not squeezing a trigger or anything.

Only saving grace is Padme looks delicious in the crop top.

I hate it here.
decades later, I still haven't finished the whole AOTC because of how trash it is. atleast I was able to finish Batman and Robin a few months ago. I might give AOTC another try after decades of bypassing it.
Hi Bronson….you know how cute I always thought you were
“Beethoven, okay? He looked at a piano, and it just made sense to him. He could just play.”

“So what are you saying, you play the piano?”

“No, not a lick I mean I look at a piano I see a bunch of keys, 3 pedals and a box of wood! But Beethoven, Mozart, they saw it: they could just play.”
“Beethoven, okay? He looked at a piano, and it just made sense to him. He could just play.”

“So what are you saying, you play the piano?”

“No, not a lick I mean I look at a piano I see a bunch of keys, 3 pedals and a box of wood! But Beethoven, Mozart, they saw it: they could just play.”
Swear I love this movie.

Caught Jaws in IMAX yesterday for National Cinema Day.

What an film (one I have seen many times before) but it was just that much better on the big screen. Cant imagine what it would have been like to watch when it opened in 1975
The movie that spawned the Summer “Blockbuster” phenomenon :nthat:
same with an American Tail.

Was American Tail the one where his parents left him on a boat and he had to find his own way home? I haven't seen those in ~25 years so they all blend together to me :lol:

Btw that auto-play iMDB link on the previous page is nasty lol
All tickets on National Cinema Day no matter IMAX or not, no matter what time of day, were $3.00 across the board apparently.

I read a movie buyer’s statement, who said that that was one of the hardest things of all time to get studios and theaters to agree to (never had been done before this year) because they don’t have the same stakeholders whatsoever, even as theaters show studios’ movies.
Was American Tail the one where his parents left him on a boat and he had to find his own way home? I haven't seen those in ~25 years so they all blend together to me :lol:

Btw that auto-play iMDB link on the previous page is nasty lol
Him and his parents were fleeing their country to come to America and he falls off the boat mid journey. Now he’s in america alone. Looking for his family.

I randomly always bust out “There are no cats in America” cause that song is filled with some much false hope that it’s funny.
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