Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

No wonder it hasn’t been talked about.
Joint just dropped today.
I tell you man, it’s like they’re hiding all this **** in plain sight you know. This ****, man this kind of stuff has to be real.
Portals, time travel….yea man, they’re getting to good at telling these stories.
Top 5 Fav Denzel movies (not ranked)

Sheesh this is tough.

1. He Got Game
2. Fallen
3. Training Day
4. Bone Collector
5. Remember the Titans

Are these spells they’re casting?
That’s Old Ancient LATIN they’re spouting.
Creepy AF.
I’ve never been so tempted to read ahead and fill my heart with SPOILERS.
Having a Mandela effect type of thing right now. So my sixth sense is being able to instantly say what year a movie or show was released. I don’t know how I do it, the year just pops in my head automatically without having to google. It’s very rare that I am wrong about anything made from 87’ to about 2017.

My GF really hates this for some reason, and is constantly testing me. Well today I got got.

We were talking about hunchback if Norte dame for some reason. I naturally was like

“oh yeah. 94’ was like the best year for movies in general. But animated films like Hunchback KILLED it!” Then I explained that the film was so popular, it spun off a hit tv series with Gargoyles.

Not only was I waaaaay off on the year somehow(96’) But GARGOYLES actually came out FIRST in 94’

WHAT. THE. ACTUAL? I would have lost everything I own betting that gargoyles was a spin-off of the successful movie, not the other way around. Am I the only one who thought this? This gotta be some kinda conspiracy. Nothing gets past my sixth sense I swear :lol:
Having a Mandela effect type of thing right now. So my sixth sense is being able to instantly say what year a movie or show was released. I don’t know how I do it, the year just pops in my head automatically without having to google. It’s very rare that I am wrong about anything made from 87’ to about 2017.

My GF really hates this for some reason, and is constantly testing me. Well today I got got.

We were talking about hunchback if Norte dame for some reason. I naturally was like

“oh yeah. 94’ was like the best year for movies in general. But animated films like Hunchback KILLED it!” Then I explained that the film was so popular, it spun off a hit tv series with Gargoyles.

Not only was I waaaaay off on the year somehow(96’) But GARGOYLES actually came out FIRST in 94’

WHAT. THE. ACTUAL? I would have lost everything I own betting that gargoyles was a spin-off of the successful movie, not the other way around. Am I the only one who thought this? This gotta be some kinda conspiracy. Nothing gets past my sixth sense I swear :lol:
No I'm with you. Came out right after Sinbad's Shazaam. 👀 I distinctly remember movie hopping them both. 👀 In 94, like you said. 👀

Man On Fire
Deja Vu
Antwone Fisher
The Hurricane
The Pelican Brief (some say it’s humdrum)
The Bone Collector
Much Ado About Nothing (dk much about)

Seen every other one you can name.
Ricochet? That’s a pretty old Denzel flick (relatively speaking).
Having a Mandela effect type of thing right now. So my sixth sense is being able to instantly say what year a movie or show was released. I don’t know how I do it, the year just pops in my head automatically without having to google. It’s very rare that I am wrong about anything made from 87’ to about 2017.
Holy **** this is a topic that is very dear to my heart. Not only that, around the time period you stated: (Approx: ‘97-2017 (more or less))

I absolutely love the topic of various films and the respective year associated with them. I too, am pretty good at it (no brag).

I love being aware of specific years associated with various films because sometimes a year reminds me of significant events that means a lot to me.

It’s just a cool thing to discuss, imo.
Holy **** this is a topic that is very dear to my heart. Not only that, around the time period you stated: (Approx: ‘97-2017 (more or less))

I absolutely love the topic of various films and the respective year associated with them. I too, am pretty good at it (no brag).

I love being aware of specific years associated with various films because sometimes a year reminds me of significant events that means a lot to me.

It’s just a cool thing to discuss, imo.

Yes! Like oh I remember D2 came out in 94’ because everybody had roller blades that year at school and I begged my parents to stay up late and watch the summer X-games that year because they had a vert ramp competition for roller blades and I was so excited. Brings me right back to lazy summers and chilling outside with friends.

Most of the time a movie just LOOKS like a certain time period. Like the technology used is a dead giveaway. Watching a film and you see too many lens flair effects and you KNOW it has to be after JJ Abrams made that style popular in his Star Trek reboot. So right there you can say the film was released sometime after 2009, but then you hear a character say something about “MySpace” so it can’t be much later than 09’ :lol:

But yeah it really is a fun thing to discuss with friends who are also really into movies.
Dressed To Kill - 5.5/8

Pretty standard thriller, other than the "twist". Due to fake outrage, this movie couldn't be made today, of course.

The scene at the end with the eavesdropping old lady was hilarious :lol: Beautiful score as well. I looked it up and the same guy composed the music forCarrie

“They’re all gonna laugh at you!” :sick:

Perfect film near Halloween.

Another great movie directed by Brian De Palma.

Fun fact: I was talking to an older head who saw this in real time, and he mentioned how crazy people went in the theater over the "ending" (with the grave); claimed it was the first of it's kind. Can any movie trivia folks confirm or deny?
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