Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The Power of the Dog was pretty damn good. Very slow burn. The TENSION was almost unbearable at times. I feel like there were a couple things keeping this from being a no-brainer best picture. I'll have to spoiler them because they give away the ending and thus would ruin the tension if you haven't seen the film. You've been warned.

First off, I feel like it was a big mistake to make the killing of Peter so vague. I get that the director wanted the viewer to focus on the atmosphere and the tension in the film, but then to drop the bombshell at the end it was a complete sidestep in the direction she had us going. Yes, plot twists can be awesome, but the hints of what was going to go down were just way too subtle. Mentioned 1 word about anthrax, one time in the beginning. Showed 1 millisecond of a cut on a ranchers hand. Showed ZERO signs of Peter being capable of murder or even planning a murder. I'm supposed to connect the dots with that? It would have been way more intense if they would have at least explained what happened or made the clues a little less subtle. The running to google route was very anticlimactic for ME. But yes it was cool too have the feeling of thinking Phil was gonna murk Peter this whole time, only to have the okey doke pulled on me at the very end, just wish it was handled a little better. Long winded explanation about a small gripe, I know.

Secondly, the actor who played Peter did a fine job. Probably Oscar worthy performance. But then I got to thinking how if Paul Dano was his age for this role, he would have blown that performance out of the water. So I'm feeling like there could have been a few different actors in that role that could have put in a better performance and made this movie an absolute lock BP.

editing, sound, cinematography, score, acting performances all top notch. 7/8 rating from me. Def one of the best films of 2021.
Watched 20 mins and aborted. Should I finish? Humor was not hitting the mark at all for me, despite the well above average reviews

Saw Death on the Nile last night. Very solid watch with many good performances. Kenneth Branagh does a great job as the lead with his interrogations of all the characters, they even have an interesting intro which is much different than the rest of the film. Gal Gadot looked great as always. Armie Hammer was just ok in his role though. Russel Brand's character is almost unrecognizable or maybe I just hadn't seen him in anything recently lol. All in all I'd recommend this but didn't think it was as good as Knives Out. 6/8
Saw Death on the Nile last night. Very solid watch with many good performances. Kenneth Branagh does a great job as the lead with his interrogations of all the characters, they even have an interesting intro which is much different than the rest of the film. Gal Gadot looked great as always. Armie Hammer was just ok in his role though. Russel Brand's character is almost unrecognizable or maybe I just hadn't seen him in anything recently lol. All in all I'd recommend this but didn't think it was as good as Knives Out. 6/8
Might give it a go this weekend.
It’s interesting to see the level of subjectivity in film. For example, I was just reading reviews for a movie on Rotten Tomatoes. The “top critic” section, specifically. One critic reviewed the film with 0/4 stars, and another critic with 4/4 stars.
It’s interesting to see the level of subjectivity in film. For example, I was just reading reviews for a movie on Rotten Tomatoes. The “top critic” section, specifically. One critic reviewed the film with 0/4 stars, and another critic with 4/4 stars.

That really is kinda bizarre. I’m not familiar with how critics are distinguished from regular user on RT. Do critics have to give written reviews with their star ratings?

Like how do you justify ZERO stars? For any film. There reallly wasn’t any redeeming quality about the movie they watched? They didn’t find a single interesting thing about the plot or the way the character was written? The performances showed ZERO good qualities? Nothing about how the script was constructed and played out on screen did a single thing for them?

In those cases, if it’s coming from an actual critic, it seems like they were just lazy and didn’t do any sort of research or do there job properly. That’s the equivalent of saying a movie wasn’t good “because it sucked.” But yeah that big of a discrepancy in scores is def weird to see. Or just in life in general. Why do some people believe so strongly about things that others have complete opposite views on?
Goldblum aging wonderfully

Neil too. I feel like I saw him in the 2 JP’s and then Event Horizon, then NOTHING until Hunt for Wilderpeople in 2016 and he looked mad old in that :lol:

Dern looks decent for a 55 year old I guess
Finally catching Gro$$busters: Bottomline, Olivia Wilde Bowie caught me off guard. 1st act had charm but then it went stupid, a lot to pick apart but i'd be lying if I didn't say I enjoyed it anyways. Funny how the moms acting like little girl isn't just a normal kid, pops even ran off. Can't lie eyes still welled a little.
Catching up on this thread and all the Tom Cruise/ Reacher movie slander.....

****ers in school telling me, always in the barber shop
"Tom Cruise ain't 'bout this, Cruise ain't 'bout that"
My boy a BD on ******* Lamron and them
He, he, they say that ***** don't be putting in no work
Shut the **** up, y'all ****** ain't know ****
All y'all ************* talkin' about
"Tom Cruise ain't no hitter, Tom Cruise ain't this, Tom Cruise a fake"
Shut the **** up, y'all don't live with that *****
Y'all know that ***** got caught with a ratchet
Shootin' at the police and ****
***** been on probation since ****in' I don't know when
************, stop ****in' playin' him like that
Them ****** savages out there
If I catch another ************ talking sweet about Tom Cruise
I'm ******* beatin' they ***, I'm not ******* playin' no more
Know them ****** roll with Ving Rhames and them
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