Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just finished "There Will Be Blood". I thought it was a solid movie. The acting was top-notch and Daniel Day-Lewis was excellent in his role(as was the actor who played the father Eli). But, some parts bore me since the movie is basically riding on dialogue most of the time. So, this is more of a "character analysis" situation to me rather than a movie that I could see myself watching again. 6/8.

I watched 1917 last night and that movie was more of my speed. Great cinematography, an incredible setting, completely engrossing story, and good acting all around. It also helps that I'm a history(war) buff so I knew that this movie would grab me immediately(as did Dunkirk, Hackshaw Ridge, Fury, etc.). It felt like the movie was done in one take so there weren't any dull moments. Also the lighting and effect in certain scenes were amazing and were great to see in 4k. Now this movie I would see every few years to enjoy over and over. 7.5/8
Also, anyone that was a big Breaking Bad fan. Better Call Saul is absolutely on par. It is incredible the writing of that show. I swear on my life they learned from Skylar and went '93 Jordan with Kim Wexler. The cast of this show may have surpassed BB already.

You ain't lying. Season 5 especially of BCS right now is probably the best yet.

Is it true S6 is the finale?
Molly's Game seems to be very underrated. Caught it in theaters and definitely planning to watch again. Great dialogue although the movie does drag at times.
I thought it was good and I think it's my first time seeing the actress that played Molly:evil: watched it on Netflix
only part I didn't like is how she randomly run into her dad while ice skating? :lol: unless that's what really happened in real life too
:lol: Tom Hardy as Al Capone? Sure why not.

Live By Night was one of the worst edited films i've ever watched.

Killing Them Softly was pretty bad too, but i'm assuming that was because of Gandolfini's passing. Great speech by Brad at the end though.
Live By Night is easily Affleck’s worst directed film. I assume he was going through his alcoholism around then cause it’s so much worse than his 3 other movies.
I thought it was good and I think it's my first time seeing the actress that played Molly:evil: watched it on Netflix
only part I didn't like is how she randomly run into her dad while ice skating? :lol: unless that's what really happened in real life too

Not trying to be a jerk, but you really never saw Jessica Chastain in anything before that?

She’s been a pretty prominent actress for a good minute now.
Live By Night is easily Affleck’s worst directed film. I assume he was going through his alcoholism around then cause it’s so much worse than his 3 other movies.
It actually hurt that Ben directed that. Had no excuses for it when I saw it. Just was not good.

Definitely at the bottom of his directed films.
Not trying to be a jerk, but you really never saw Jessica Chastain in anything before that?

She’s been a pretty prominent actress for a good minute now.
This is on point.

I want to bring up how Jessica Chastain basically came out of nowhere. I don't recall her in any Hollywood work tv or movies when she was younger.

It's like she came in the game @ 30 and got instantly put on.

First movie I saw her in was her first movie, Jolene, and she was the main character.

Sort of reminds me of Florence Pugh in that regard. I have no doubt she did smaller stuff on tv in England but she got instantly put on with Lady Macbeth.
I believe I’ve said this before, but in my opinion Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure is easily Tim Burton’s best film. And that’s a knock on his other films, but a testament to how much I love PWBA.
I believe I’ve said this before, but in my opinion Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure is easily Tim Burton’s best film. And that’s a knock on his other films, but a testament to how much I love PWBA.

I like Beetlejuice and Ed Wood more but PWBA is a hell of a movie.
I believe I’ve said this before, but in my opinion Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure is easily Tim Burton’s best film. And that’s a knock on his other films, but a testament to how much I love PWBA.

I can respect that big time. My personal pick for his best film of all time is Sleepy Hollow. To me, that film is perfect and his magnum opus. Can’t knock any of his films made before that though.
All the way in for Capone. I'm thinking we see more non-Blockbuster or franchise type films hit VOD this spring and summer with theaters not opening back up anytime soon it appears.
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