Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Bad Times At The El Royale - 5.4/8

I kept seeing a lot of QT comparisons and yeah, with the majority of the film taking place in one setting, total RD & H8 vibes. The cinematography was on point and I liked the soulful music they chose to use.

Aside from the little sister, the acting ranged from decent to outstanding. 50 shades was decent but nothing from her wow’d me. It was nice to see Thor expand his range but I didn’t completely buy him as the crazy cult leader. The bellhop kid played the neurotic role perfectly and seeing Paul Dano mentioned last page, his performance totally reminded me of prime PD. Jon Hamm did his thing and played his typecast to a tee. Best performances came from singer girl and the legend Jeff Bridges. He by far carried everyone else.

I enjoyed the amount of detail they paid to the character’s backstories and the non linear way it was edited so the audience could experience the confrontation of the second act from each main’s perspective. However, once we got to the climax in the third act, the story just took a slow tumble down a hill. All this build up for that ending? It could have been better.
^^ I think Hemsworth’s acting was fine but it was his look that through me off. No way is a cult leader that built, they’re either frail or fat.
When They See Us 6/8 - Its a mini series not a movie but its still worth mentioning here. Brutal story. But shot so well and a really interesting cast. Check it out on Netflix.
Green Book - 5.9/8

A good ol’ buddy road trip movie. Direction and cinematography wasn’t anything to write home about but I wasn’t expecting much on that end given the director. The story was kind of run of the mill, played out fairly predictably. What carried the movie was the acting. Both Ali & Viggo were phenomenal. Didn’t expect any less from those two.

I didn’t care for the message of Viggo’s character having to teach Ali’s how to be “black” like eating fried chicken & listening to a certain type of music is all that encompasses one’s blackness, though. >D

Spirited Away - 7/ 8

First off, the animation was stunning. Most of my rating is due to that. Going in, that was all I heard people rave about so I paid extra attention to it but to actually witness it in live action, it took me back to my youth when animation wasn’t solely all this CGI shtick we have now. Seriously, it was a masterpiece of color and did an excellent job of romanticizing that part of Japanese culture through it.

The story was nice and digestible, too. Sprinkled in with tons of symbolism and themes, I can see why it’s been so heavily praised. I’ve never been a big anime guy, idk why, it just never caught my attention like that but this film was a good way to try to incorporate more of it into my pallet.
I’ve been on my Zik tip lately with the hours I’ve been putting in on some film. :lol: :pimp:

At Eternity’s Gate - 5.7/8

This film screamed arthouse indie. :lol: Absolutely beautiful landscapes used throughout the film to depict Van Gogh’s last couple of years. The cinematography was freaking intense with the Scorsese Mean Streets hand held camerawork and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie with so many damn close-up shots. I :lol: ‘d at imagining seeing the behind the scenes of this with the camera(s) all up in the actor’s grills.

Willem Dafoe was in his bag on this one. He did a good job portraying the tortured artist mythos of Van Gogh. The film’s editing of the dialogue so that Van Gogh would consistently hear another characters words repeatedly was a nice touch to show his weakening mental state. It’s always a treat to see my boys Quinn from Homeland and Oscar Isaac on screen. Mads playing a priest was funny to see but he did well in his short screen time.

I enjoyed the philosophical and existential curiosities Van Gogh went through in the film. The score was nice too and the painting scenes were calming to watch. Not that I didn’t expect this going in but the movie was on the depressing side. Felt like I needed to go run through a field of flowers afterwards to get my spirits up.
Saw Godzilla in IMAX was awesome.
But the trailers in the beginning looked damn amazing.
Lion King :pimp: :pimp:
Joker :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
IT :pimp: :pimp:
Hobbs and Shaw looked good :pimp: :pimp:
Even made X-men film look real good :lol:
Sylvester Stallone is Trying To Bring COBRA Back as a TV Series

I’m sure many of you remember Sylvester Stallone’s 1986 action film Cobra. Stallone played an LAPD officer who finds himself at the center of a spate of murders carried out by a secret society called New Order: killers who select "weak" members of society for extermination. After he takes a witness to one of the murders into protective custody, they end up fighting for their lives.

During a press junket at the Cannes Film Festival, Stallone was asked by an audience member about the film and the actor reflected on it, saying:
“That (conceit) was what if Bruce Springsteen had a gun? That was rock n’ roll meets drama. That should have been another franchise because that character was so cool. And I blew it. My personal life got in the way.”

Then Stallone revealed that he is trying to bring Cobra back in the form of a series for a streaming service!

“But we’re trying to bring it back as a streaming TV series. Bring out the zombie squad. I’m long gone, but the idea is really good.”
Idea taken from another forum but what’s your guys top 5 of HBO characters? :nerd:

So many possible good choices but if I was in a gun to my head scenario asking me to choose:

- Tony Soprano
- Omar
- Rust Cohle
- Chrissy Moltasanti
- Titus Pullo
Idea taken from another forum but what’s your guys top 5 of HBO characters? :nerd:

So many possible good choices but if I was in a gun to my head scenario asking me to choose:

- Tony Soprano
- Omar
- Rust Cohle
- Chrissy Moltasanti
- Titus Pullo

If we’re including comedies, I might have to throw in Johnny Drama.

I also would put Al Swearengen on my list.
Jon should & would have Pullo’s spot for me if D&D didn’t Dexter his character.

If we’re including comedies, I might have to throw in Johnny Drama.

I also would put Al Swearengen on my list.
Not mad at Johnny Drama.

He’s in my top 10.

I still think about that furry episode from time to time. :lol:
Idea taken from another forum but what’s your guys top 5 of HBO characters? :nerd:

So many possible good choices but if I was in a gun to my head scenario asking me to choose:

- Tony Soprano
- Omar
- Rust Cohle
- Chrissy Moltasanti
- Titus Pullo

Ari Gold
Larry David
Avon Barksdale
Rustin/Haze (tie)

Too early but Noho Hank is creeping up.
HM: Johnny Drama
Wow. I completely neglected Entourage, Curb, etc. If we are going to recognize HBO's comedies as well, I'm reworking my personal 5 as follows (no order):

Tony Soprano
Larry David
Ari Gold
Stevie Janowski
Jon Snow

HM: Richard Harrow
Idea taken from another forum but what’s your guys top 5 of HBO characters? :nerd:

So many possible good choices but if I was in a gun to my head scenario asking me to choose:

- Tony Soprano
- Omar
- Rust Cohle
- Chrissy Moltasanti
- Titus Pullo

This is hard. I only chose characters from a drama series.

Tony Soprano
John Stone
Christopher Moltisanti
Nucky Thompson
Idea taken from another forum but what’s your guys top 5 of HBO characters? :nerd:

So many possible good choices but if I was in a gun to my head scenario asking me to choose:

- Tony Soprano
- Omar
- Rust Cohle
- Chrissy Moltasanti
- Titus Pullo
Stringer Bell
Al Swearengen
Nucky Thompson

This was hard. So I limited it to dramas.
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